Kuro no Senki

Chapter 6

Why do these chapters keep getting longer and longer?

Teaching is … well, let’s not talking about teaching today.

Anyway, I am procrastinating taking a break. If you have to blame someone. blame that guy for pumping  none stop. I can’t do anything after reading one of that. –  joking, he’s awesome.

Not that this will lift anyone mood.

Author: Saito Ayumu

Episode 5 “Slave Market”

Why am I? in such a place? Elena Graffias(*) hugged her knees in the dark.

If she opens her arms, her fingertip would touch a rugged wall. It’s a dark narrow s.p.a.ce shut in a darkness where she can’t even walk tree steps.

Elena Grafias was born as a daughter of an a.s.sociated-aristocrat. Although the semi – n.o.bility is only a t.i.tle given to landlords and farmers, Her father steadily managed the territory and built estate beyond the lower aristocrats out there.

He was a conservative person, but at the same time, he was a flexible thinker. Because he was such a father when Elena who was 14 years old decided to study abroad, He saw her off pleasantly.

Elena studied abundantly with free country city group where she went abroad. Exotic language, customs, and culture. arithmetic was also her interested field.

Three years pa.s.sed, Elena was told of the death of her father. Elena returned home without taking anything. It was so busy in post-processing of transactions having no time to feel sad.

Soon, her uncle becomes her father’s successor. At first, no, there was not any problem from the beginning to the end. Phillip, a fiancé reunited for the first time in three years, gently cared for her and her uncle also kind.

Elena was kidnapped when she finally tried to recover from her father’s death.

The thieves attacked the mansion. Killed all the servants and sold Elena to slave merchants. There were many girls who were kidnapped by slave merchants like Elena.

At first, She thinks that human feelings remained in them too.
They cried, even sometimes resisted. But, being beaten many times, they gradually lost hope.

Elena still resisted to the end.

Eventually, the slave merchant changed his att.i.tude towards Elena and result in her beaten many times with a stick. The slave merchant began to hit Elena without reason.

When violence and pain became normal, Elena realized that she was being made an example.

“I … want to die”

“Philip, I’m scared”
Elena held his knees and shed tears.

“Chrono-sama, today’s breakfast is soft white bread and fish soup”

For some reason, she is wearing a maid clothes whose b.r.e.a.s.t.s are wide open.

“Kuu, Chrono … didn’t you train your employees ”
“because I haven’t been trained, yet”(1)

Tyria who sitting across has an expression like chewing on a dozen of bitter bugs. Similar to Tyria’s maidservant which looks uncomfortably at the state of Okami.

“Shall we eat, Chrono-sama?”(2)

Chrono tore up a bread in small pieces and carried that to his mouth.

“Stange, I can’t feel the taste,”

“I have a request, will you listen?”

“If just listen.”

She stops caressing.

che, She moves away from Chrono with a click of a tongue.

“Haven’t you made a monthly contract with one gold coin and ten silver coins?”
“That’s right, that amount of money, But for that amount, it will take five years to repaying my debt, and reopen the store.”

Put her arms behind the head(4), she seems dissatisfied and pouts her lips.

“Stingy Chrono-sama!”

Spitting a child speech, she went out from the dining room.

“Because you’re too lenient, even a commoner grows impudent.”
“She’s quite excellent, though”

For years, as she has been managing her store, Okami is very good.
Since she can read simple letters and do basic arithmetic. I can entrust the management of ingredients to her. Because she is motivated to reopen the store. She is serious at work and also enthusiasm to increase the repertoire of dishes in case of reopening.

The only Problem is her attempt to create a chance to fait accompli, where she requested a wage increase entwined in it.(5)

“By the way, is today’s schedule free? perhaps, If you have time-”

That’s so, Tyria muttered with disappointingly.

“But, what kind of promise are you making with a merchant?”

“s slave?”

“I’m looking for a person that can do accounting. After all, it’s hard to find one without a connection. So, I decided to look from another source”
“so so it is that  …… kind of thing, I’m relieved”

Did she think I will buy a slave for a questionable purpose? Chrono drinks the remaining soup.

According to Nicolas, Slave trade isn’t frequently performed in the city of Hashal. Because there isn’t a large demand, but with some constant demand, A slave trade will be held once a month.

Guided by Nicolas, Chrono reached one of the taverns in the commercial district. Where normally the wealthy people of Erakis marquis territory used as gentleman’s social gatherings. … in short, it is a high-cla.s.s brothel … so that they heal the daily fatigue.

Nicolas talked with the armed gatekeeper, and Chrono went into the building. When he pa.s.sed through the lobby where an expensive carpet was spread, There was a hall. There is a full-fledged counter bar, several sofas which seem expensive, there is also a small stage. Encouraged by Nicolas, Chrono sat down on a sofa near the stage.

“It is a pretty good seat.”

Because Nicolas who have never bought slaves before will partic.i.p.ate, it’s natural to doubt the existence of Chrono. For an owner of a respectable management sense, a proprietor of this brothel would make preparations to make himself known.

“Is that perhaps Baron Crawford?”

A voice was heard with a tone that was quite acting, and Chrono instantly denied it.
“Ha ha ha, not use hiding …… although you dress as a commoner, looking at your right eye, a man who don’t know Chrono-sama can not be called a merchant.”

Tracing a scar with his finger, Chrono breathed a sigh.

A strong presence, Chrono stared at Miles.
Is he in the latter half thirties? some of his brown ‘s hair comb to his back, he has a smart body and somewhat muscular and looks so sharp that can not be seen as the merchant.

“Chrono-sama, What kind of slave are you looking for?”

“However, it is Chrono-sama first time to buy a slave, is it not difficult to find one?”

Chrono gave a bitter smile on Miles’s explicit sales.

“Of course, I will do my best”

Miles declared vigorously and sat down next to Chrono.

“I just offered a”Place”, so I don’t know in-depth, but a slaver seems to be stocking using various variations. There are a few daughters sold in debt, there are not a few daughters sold without knowing anything, but s.e.x slaves are a better category than other slaves.”

When saying that Miles’s word is right, it’s right, but unless he’s living more miserable, a sold person wouldn’t think so.

While Chrono makes a silly statement with Nicolas and Miles, seats are being filled one by one.

The slave auction began when the seat was half filled, but Chrono soon regretted that he should have left it to Nikolas.

A slave girl appears from the stage wing, taken by a man who is a slave merchant.

To show the growth of the girl, she is wearing one piece of cloth. When a girl walks along the stage, he can see undeveloped b.r.e.a.s.t.s and pale pubic hair from the side. It looks like a show, but the eyes of the girl are stained with sadness and despair. It increases every time a girl walks forward, reaches a peak after being stripped naked on the stage.

“… … What about the unsold slave?”
“If there is a prospect, they will be going to next city as well … If they have no prospects … do you understand ?”

Miles floated cruel smile.

Because a visitor returns when achieving the purpose, as time has pa.s.sed, it becomes more disadvantage.

“Well, next … seems to be unlikely to meet Chrono’s expectations.”

… … Philip, Philip, Philip. Elena muttered the name of her fiancées many times,
I began to feel confident that Philip will open the door. Since he was a small aristocrat he has learned swordsmanship. These thugs should be easy to cut down.

So, it will be Philip that opens that door. My engagement was decided by my parents, but there must be love among us.

The light of the torch baked retina of Elena who saw Philip’s illusion there and smiled thinly, but it was the slave merchant’s subordinate who opened the door.

“No, don’t come!”
The slave merchants’ subordinates beat Elena’s cheeks in a troublesome manner. Iron smell tastes stimulated her tongue.

Elena realized the meaning of being beaten. It is probable that slave merchants’ subordinates realized from experience of many years that There is no value in Elena.

Looking at the dirty foot with excrement, Elena moaned in despair.

I shouldn’t be stubborn.

Although I could not escape, I should have grasped the opportunity to explain the circ.u.mstances.

There was a slave merchant who had a disgusting smile at the place where I went up the stairs.

“It is not much different even you bathed, Look!”

“… …. Such a terrible”

The hair was messy and skin was blackish by a bruise, a left eye was closed by a swelling eyelid half. The slave merchant laughed.

It so because you don’t listen to what I say, the slave traders laughed.
“Now, go up to the stage quickly, if the buyer does not buy, I will kill you with this hand.”

Even a tear withered up completely in despair, and Elena appeared on the stage.

It is the end, Elena also looked visitors which less than ten by her hollow eyes.

nN, Miles’ finger that had turned over the roster and was stopped.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Slave merchants are strongly outstanding among merchants and is greedy. Even ordinary merchants will not spare trouble if goods can be sold a little higher, as they seem to be missing their work, I just felt somewhat unnatural.”

“It will be the last if this slave would meet Chrono-sama’s goal …!”

When Chrono and Miles saw the last slave.
Chrono and Miles lost their voices. Other guests as well.

The last slave …… Elena was dreadful.
Her skin is covered up by a dark bruise, and the eyelid swollen out weirdly closes her left eye. Hair that is painted in blood and dust make the original color unknown, and it has a bad smell to make one nausea. The visitor who stayed averted his eyes from Elena seemed uncomfortable and rose from their seat. Elena who finished walking the stage even tossed off poor clothes and was staring at the void.

“Apparently, the Elena girl seems to be a bad product for slave merchants,”

fuu, Miles threw up a sigh.

“Will you buy it or will you wait for the next opportunity?”

Chrono took out crystal for communication and contacted Marquis Elakis house.

Chrono carried Elena to the Marquis Erakis house by Pics commercial firm carriage and left treatment to the doctor he makes them stand by.

According to the doctor, the wound is shallower than it looks and she is considerably weakened, but there doesn’t seem to be life threatening.

While sitting on a chair, Chrono was looking at Elena sleeping like the dead.


“hey, I’m not a woman who can’t tell time”
She pouted her lips and use her arm to pushed up the abundant b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“then, what?”

“…… Sorry, I made you worried.”

Haa ~  She breath out a deep deep sighs.

“It doesn’t mean that I feel a responsibility, just … …”

Place elbow on the thigh and Chrono cross his hand.


As he raised his face, her lips blocked Chrono’s.

“I can’t respond to wage negotiations?”

The appearance of Okami-san who shouts with the face turned red. She looked too childish, and Chrono bitterly smiled.

“I can’t help being serious if you show such an unprotected smile.”
She kissed just one last time, then went out of the room.

The awakening was ambiguous. It wasn’t clear that she recovered her consciousness for some time, As she noticed, Elena was looking up at the strange ceiling.

I didn’t die? Elena could not hide surprises in her survival. When it was set on the stage, the product value of her should have been nearly zero.

When Elena saw the owner of the voice, one youth was there.

The hair is black and the pupil is also black. I feel like he looks cheerful.
he felt Good-natured, but a big scar is running through his right eye.

“Are you… the one which… bought me?”

When Elena asked, a youth gave a self-mockery sneer.

“I can go home?”
“Of course.”

the youth smiled so that he might make Elena relieved.

Again, I can meet Philip.

My hair is also stiff and I have not washed my body for days.

“Please, please let me bathe”

After a while, the youth came back with a maid and a minotaur.

“Because it will be too much for Okami alone”

Is he not a n.o.bleman? Elena tilted her head inside.

“Generally, they usually use elves and dwarfs instead of Minotaurus.”

“Well, if the general is saying”

“From here it’s my job, men are leaving.”

The maid, who was called Okami, drove out the youth and minotaur.

“Lend a hand”

Elena dragged her painful body and took off the negligee and entered the bathroom.

Elena approaches the bathtub which was filled with hot water. For even one second earlier wash out dirt.

Uku, when Elena kneels, Okami is violently pouring over hot water.

“Hurt is a proof that you’re alive!”

“… …. It’s dirty, isn’t it? when was the last time you take a bath?”

She washed Elena’s hair and body roughly.

“Who is that man, what is he?”

Um , she groaned washing Elena’s hair.

“It is only a matter of discrimination, a human doesn’t need to worry about sub-people. Sub-human is a creature inferior to human. It is proved by history.”

“What are you doing! ”

“Understand, little girl? I don’t mind if you look down on sub-human, but do not spew your words like now in front of Chrono-sama!”

Elena shouts back and slowly soaked in the tub.

One month pa.s.sed since Elena was purchased by Chrono.

Whether the skill of the doctor was good, the swollen left eye is lessened. my weaken body was also recovered enough to freely walk around. However, to the go out, I still need someone to tag along.

I often have a fight with Okami. it is strange because I feel regret of my a little bit of patience I have.

The thing that I noticed as I walk around. The sub-human maids of this mansion have been working happily. If anything, there’s a nervous feeling from the human side and …… a self-important with a bad atmosphere. Apparently, it seems to be attributable to the employer different in sub-human and humans.
The feeling I get from Chrono Crawford who bought Elena was considerable good-natured. He gives me permission to send out a letter to my mom and willingly grants my selfish request to read a book.

If there is a drawback,

“don’t tell me, He putting his hand on a half elf.”
When going to return a borrowed book, Elena also accidentally witnessed the place where a brown half-elf sneaks into a room of Chrono. She heard a m.u.f.fled pant voice coming out, This was uncharted territory for Elena, who only just studied.

“Are you awake?”

Chrono face peeks out from the gap of the door and Elena raises up.
For some reason, Okami-san is with us.

“and, the letter?”

Chrono sat on a chair beside the bed with an uncomfortable look.

“Yes, it is famous.”
“I asked a person from Pics commercial firm to deliver your letter … apparently, It seems like you are supposed to be dead.”

What? And Elena could not understand the meaning of the words of Chrono.

“When you were attacked by a bandit, you were supposed to be killed along with servants.”

“… … っ!”
As soon as she got off the bed, Elena got her arms grab by Chrono.

“wait, release me, you said I could go back home!”

Doubt creeps up Elena’s spine.

Perhaps, this person … … Do you intend to make me a s.e.x slave?

Okami combs her hair in a troublesome manner.

“Ha~, you seem to think that you are smart on your own, but you are really stupid”


“… … that”
Elena can immediately think of an answer, but she herself was not able to put it in the mouth.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll tell you, You are “Okami!” ”
Chrono interrupted the words of the Okami.

“From here on I will say,”

“Elena, you were deceived by your uncle and fiancé.”

“The purpose is the property of the Graffias family. Your uncle is entrusted with property management, but formal inheritance is you.”

While saying, Elena realizes his interest.

“Then what!”

” … that, that kind of thing … ”

“w what about my mother?”
“She was dead, there was no confirmation, I guess it was killed.”

Elena lost her words this time.

“… ut, get out!”
Elena finally cried so.

In the evening, Elena woke up. Apparently, I’m probably tired from crying and then slept.

“No, I don’t need”

“Fu, there you go”

She irritating sat in a chair next to the bed.

“How about you thought about your body a little?”
“It is not a something that can be thought of under such circ.u.mstances, betrayed by uncle and fiancée, sold as a slave, and even mother … … whatever I don’t care anymore”

Elena buried her face in a pillow and answered with tears.

If I think about it now, why did I think that there was love?

“YOU, What do you know about me! my mother was killed and I want to revenge! But … … I have nothing in my life, Money, nor even prove that I am Elena Graffias! So how, how do I get revenge! ”

Even when Elena cried out with anger, Okami sighed as if she was amazed.


I lost it all, but the knowledge I gained through studying abroad for three years is still there.
Although the Okami was gone, but Elena was kneaded a plan of revenge carefully. Moreover, There’re a lot of others are people involved and a large element of luck.

Even so,
“Uncle, Philip, I’ll make them regret betrayed me until they die.”

Light glitter in her eyes, Elena held a soup which became completely cold.

I’m running out of ill.u.s.tration from the LN which I steal borrowed them from the website. there are more in the book, but I don’t have one. so here 

He/She is the ill.u.s.trator for this novel.  /

Turns out glossary has spoilers (I’ve never read it, honest!) and I need to release at least 2 more before that (to chapter 6). About characters names, most of them are very close to others official of English localization (from wiki and game) so, no more vote. I still put a few notes in.

By the way, They just put me to teach one more cla.s.s, not sure I will have free time for a while. d.a.m.n …

This time because I can’t really sleep after I read Shuumatsu. so I translated bit by bit and he releases a chapter daily so I kinda have this translated about halfway and I finished another half just now.

If anything.  said he is looking for something new to translate. You guys might want to go bug him. He said anything that’s no Rape and NTR. Well, we have rape depiction since the 2nd chapter, but not the actual rape. don’t know if that count?


* Elena Graffias

Graffias is the proper name for some stars in the constellations between Scorpius and Libra.

2. A subject was left out so It can be “Do you want to eat me?” or “Should I feed you?” is this a s.e.xual innuendo or just me.

4. This  Onomatopoeia of intense heart beat. either  or  … I think I like one more.

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