Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 22 Everyday

Well, not many of you partic.i.p.ated but the one who did it again requested the change of name from Kroto to Clotho. So I’ll make the change. Since we are changing names, I have decided to change Efir to Efil. Why? Because I like the sound “l” at the end of the name more than “r”.

Chapter 22 Everyday

“Yeah, Kelvin, were you able to complete the request safely again?”

Returning from the dark purple forest and trying to enter the town of Perth, I was called by the gatekeeper in charge of the west entrance.

“The outcome is good – I got good materials as well.”

“Ha ha ha, absolutely, Perth"s adventurers do not do different things!”

For the past month, Efil has been doing a variety of subjugation training. In some cases, Rio asked me to subdue an unusually strong monster like this. The rank of adventurers belonging to Perth is at most Cla.s.s C. The flow of requests that come to me for cla.s.s B is unexpectedly been rising.

“Efil-chan welcome back. Are there any injuries?”

“Thank you for your concern and I have one bruise.”

“That’s good because if something happens to Efil-chan, it’s a big deal”

“It is safe because I am with master”

The gatekeeper converses also with Efil who walked behind me. Efil is also familiar with the city of Perth completely and has established good relationships with the people of the city.

“Since I have a report to the guild from now on, I will excuse myself around here”

“I am sorry to holding you; please do your best for the next request!”

We separate from the gatekeeper and head for the guild.

“We confirmed the suppression of the wicked old tree. Thank you for your kindness this time too!”

After finishing the usual report, Angie san hand me the reward.

“This is the ninth consecutive achievement of the B cla.s.s request! You"ll be a cla.s.s A in a while, Kelvin-san!" (Angie)

“Congratulations, Master." (Efil)

“No, it hasn"t been decided yet." (Kelvin)

I forgot it because I was obsessed with the subjugation, but have I already achieved that much?

“Efil-san will also receive a B grade promotion test with the same clear request at the same time.” (Angie)

“There was a test for that did not it?” (Kelvin)

Efil had previously received the C grade promotion test, with the examiner C cla.s.s adventurer.  It was a one-on-one mock battle. It was not necessary to win the battle; the examiner was to confirm whether she really has the cla.s.s C ability.

“It was a mock battle with a cla.s.s C adventurer at the previous time, but I feel sorry for him.” (Angie)

“Efil’s arrow was a clean hit on the examiner’s head in a few seconds of the start……” (Kelvin)

“Oh, I thought that I was being tested because he was full of gaps … ….” (Efil)

During the exam, Efil took covert at the start signal and moved to the blind spot of the examiner. Then she shot an arrow. The brilliant arrow hit the examiner, so the exam was over. It was too early. Although the arrowhead was crushed, of course, the examiner seemed to take it badly and exit just as it was. I was also worried about that, but he also seemed to have got injured in the heart above all, and it was regrettable.

“Mr. Urd who served as an examiner was a skilled veteran; the two of you are way out of the standard!”

Efil has a skill that can fight well in cla.s.s B dungeons. I do not think I will be late for C cla.s.s adventurers now, but it seems that it is abnormal.

“Yeah, Angie-san, I found a good candy store the other day. Would you like to go with me next time?”

“Oh, really? I will go; it’s a promise, Efil-chan!

The work mode switch is off Angie san. Efil and Angie-san have become good friends in this one month. While I am doing my best to protect public and private affairs, it often breaks down like it did earlier.

“Yes, a promise.”

Efil answers with a smile. This girl is really an angel.

Speaking of angels, Merufina is on a business trip. She went to give an oracle to a priestess who summoned a hero as an example. It seems that the report of the urgent came from a subordinate who left the job. Merufina herself said “It is troublesome, it is really troublesome. You, as much as possible, let me finish. Until then, protect yourself well.  Leaving those words she leaves the subordinate network. Merufina gradually takes a role like Efil’s mother or older sister.

“When will master be free?”

“Are you going to go with me?”

"I want to find my master’s favorite sweets."

I want to find my master’s favorite sweets. ”

There is no reason to win against the push of two girls, so I make a promise too.

The sweets of this world are not so sweet compared with the present age. There is no cake with whipped cream, and pancakes with plenty of fruit are the best. For me who has been dyed in modern sweetness, the sweets of this world are not enough.

Efil learns cooking for Claire-san between requests. Although she still does not reach Claire"s arm, she also gains cooking skills and is improving daily. Many people are misunderstanding, but technical skills should not be acquired. An adventurer with swordsmanship skills has an anecdote; he lost in a battle with a sword to a knight who should be at the same level without skills. Skill is a correction to the last. Even without the skill, you can demonstrate the refinement of the sword you spent on training until then. That’s why I practice blacksmith, and Efil is learning to cook. Someday I would like to recreate the modern cake with Efil.

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