Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 19 – Efil

Chapter 19 – Efil

“……Have you calmed down?”

I am currently stroking the head of Efil. Her back is slightly lower, and there’s a difference of one head with me who is 170cm. It is easy to stroke.

Why did it become like this? When I solved the curse of the Fire Dragon King, Efir suddenly started to cry. When I got dumbfounded not understanding why, she burried her face on my chest and started crying. So I’m consoling her until she stop crying. I’m not minding about the chests that hitting me, I’m not minding it.

“Hiku, uu….”

I chanted the Rank E green magic [Clean]. It is a magic that cleans the whole body without bathing. However, because there is no refreshing feeling, one might still want to enter the bath, even though it is convenient. Due to poor handling as slave, Efir was dirty all over her body. I can not keep a girl in such state. Yeah, her hair became beautiful.

“… I’m sorry I cried suddenly, I have never touched people since I was little”

Efil let go of me after she stopped crying.

“Is it because of a curse?”
“Yes, I am okay, but other people will burn when touched by my hands…”

Efil has tears on her eyes. It seems that her relationship with people so far is weak.

“Since when are you a slave?”
“I am already a slave when I became aware of my surrounding. I don’t know the faces of my parents, but I heard that I was sold soon after I was born…”
“I see, it is hard for you until now”

I do not know what kind of difficulties Efil has gone through so far. However, I do not want to taste similar sorrow.

“Efil, I am an adventurer. I am planning to train you and put in my party. If you don’t like it, I could find somebody else, but what would you do?”
“I will become an adventurer and become useful to master!”

Without any doubt, Efil responded immediately with straight eyes.

“I accept Efil’s desire. Once again, nice to meet you.”

I held out my hand.

“Nice to meet you!”

Efir grasped my hand with both of her hands.

“Clare-san, I’m back”

I came back to Singing Spirits with Efil. Clare-san came out immediately.

“Welcome back, what’s the matter with that girl?!”

Clare-san rushed to Efil. Even if she turned out pretty using [Clean], her clothes is still in tatters. It is no wonder that Clare-san is fl.u.s.tered.

“I was bought from slave merchant. Efil says”

Efil simple greet.

“Excuse me, do you have clothes that may fit to Efil? The stores are almost closed…”
“Kel-chan is still lost. Leave it to me! Efil-chan, choose the clothes you want in this room”

Words stuck in my chest, but I just let is pa.s.s. Let’s sit and wait for them to be ready.


I’m waiting for 30 minutes now but there is no sign that they are coming out. It is alright for the shop a.s.sistants deal with the shop but what is taking them long?

[Women takes time in dressing up]
[Shall I consider her skill-composition now?]

Another 15 minutes pa.s.sed.

“I kept you waiting!”

Clare opened the door swiftly and came out.

“Efil-chan, show your bright appearance to your master”

Efil came out from the room nervously.

Frankly speaking I didn’t recognized her. The bangs that were long enough to hide the face were trimmed, and the golden hair stretched to the waist is bundled behind the neck. Efil’s real face that I saw from the front for the first time combines cute and cleanliness, and I can even feel the royalty’s elegance. The skin peculiar to elves was white like porcelain, smooth and beautiful. Only at this time, I realized that the pretty girl with beautiful appearance is Efil.

“How about that?”

While blushing, such a beautiful girl looks up. This is dizzying.

“A-ano, master?”
“A-ah, sorry. I was fascinated.”

I unintentionally blurted out my true feelings.

“T-thank you very munch.”

She fumbled. Her slightly red skin became more red. This girl is dangerous. I am not confident that I can endure it even if I don’t have the courage.

However, I have one question.

“Why maid clothes?”

Efil is wearing maid dress. No, I am very satisfied personally.

“The clothes are decided immediately. Though my daughter used to wear it for customers, the size is perfect. Efil-chan listens because it is good”
“Because I learned a long time ago that this clothes are good to serve ……”

Slave-merchant uncle, good job! Nevertheless, as a girl to wear it for customers. The future of this inn is secured!

“But you are going to join Kel-chan’s party now? Don’t you need something that is easier to move?”
“I have a good idea about that. Why do not you borrow this clothes for now?”

It is outrageous to take it off.

“I do not use those clothes anymore. I’ll give it to Efil-chan. I have some of the same of those, so I will bring those for you”
“Oh, thank you, Clare-san!”
“It’s okay. It was able to fit Efil-chan’s cuteness. I am satisfied!

Clare-san is quite handsome. Well, I have a little time for dinner. I go back to my room……

“Ah, by the way I have to change room. Clare-san, can I move to a double room now?”
“There is no free today. It’s bad, but please bear with itr until tomorrow”

No, wait, there is only one bed. This is bad.

“I will sleep on the floor, so it is okay”
“Efil will use the bed. I will sleep on the floor”

This can not be given up. If I hand it over here, a man will be sc.r.a.pped.
However, no one between me and Efil budged.

“Is not it okay to sleep together? Efil-chan is Kel’s slave. Is there a problem?”

Clare-san makes a remark. Please don’t look at me with that kind of face.

Me and Efil reflexively glanced at each other. We can not find a solution yet We postponed this problem and we returned to the room for the time being.

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