Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 24

Episode 24 The Militant nation of Trisen

There are two continents in this world, east, and west. The Perth is located in the middle of the eastern continent, and there are four countries that border it. The eastern continent had a period of war in the past, and tens of thousands of countries fought for supremacy. After the war, countries that have been exhausted until the end of the war have signed a ceasefire agreement and the current borderline is formed. The Four Nations, wishing for this peace to last forever, created the tranquil city o Perth in the only point where each other’s borders mingled.

Let me tell you a bit about the four countries.

Located in the North is a beast country gown. It is a country of beast people rich in physical ability. For generations, the king of Gown is elected from the strongest in the country. It can be said that it is a method of succession only of the Beast tribe that the blood is more than other races. The king of the present age is also an example of a villain who has survived the battle royal by a strong beast family. It is also rumored to have the power comparable to the S cla.s.s of adventurers. Power is the country going justice on the ground; I do not want them by enemies, honestly.

G.o.d Empire Deramis is located in the west. The pope was made the top of the country, and then the cardinal, the archbishop, the bishop and the rank were decided. It is said that worshiping the incarnation G.o.d Melfina, the shrine maiden progeny inherited special summons. The four heroes who were summoned this time are also due to that shrine maiden. It has the only land access to the continent of the west, the Cross Bridge. They have a bad relationship with the empire of the West continent, so a strict security system is laid.

Located in the south is the water country Trage. It is a country with excellent shipbuilding technology and agriculture facing land in the Long Lake which is the residence of the water Dragon. The royal family seems to have been of Farmer’s origin, and the policy is putting emphasis on that. It is also great that the benefits of Trage are also obtained for rich food circ.u.mstances on Perth. And in this country, there seems to be a crop that looks like rice. As a j.a.panese person, I have decided that I want to get closer. If you are lucky, you may meet Mermaids.

Located in the east is Military Trice. Since peace has been made, it can be said that it is the most devoted force to military affairs. The national character is extremely dominant; it is the supremacy of human and demi-humans. In fact, it seems there was a skirmish several times with Gown after the peace. There are rumors that handling slaves are also terrible, secretly procuring slaves from other countries. The king has five children, and they are said to be the first prince to the fifth prince respectively. I do not hear anything good about these guys. It will definitely be the least secure country among the four countries.

— Now the worthless national prince is right in front of me.

“Prince, are you?”

“Indeed, I am the Trisen country"s third prince, Tabla

The man who calls himself Tabla said proudly.

“Common people are not to have a love affair all greatly at such public place.”

“It is exactly as the Prince said, as the one standing above, is it necessary to educate here?”

Followers" soldiers flatter Tabla. Are the guys around his charming guard?

“Hmm let"s see …… Oh, the girls there, you look pretty good!”

Looks like Tabla licks Efil and Angie with lewd eyes. It has been transmitted through both hands which have a hair-raising and a momentary tremor. It’s disgusting to say the other way.

“Well, if that elf is a slave, the story goes fast, the boy there, you can cancel the sins that caused me to consume useless time. You can give her away.”


What are you saying abruptly, this little Prince? The meaning is unknown and thinking has stopped.

“Have you not heard? Merciful Tabla will forgive you, give that woman quickly!”

Two of the cronies come toward here.

“Ke, Kelvin, what shall we do?”

Angie is pretty upset. She is almost being kidnapped. It is a natural reaction.

“Master, do you want to eliminate them?” ”

Efil makes this proposal through mental communication. Efil … … but wait, the opponent is the prince of a country, it does not matter what you do if you do bad things. It’s better a peaceful solution here —

“I’m looking forward to this night because I’ll cherish you in bed.”

— Efil, I’m going to crush him straight away.


I put down Efil and Angie

“Oh, what are you going to do?”

The two men, who came out before us, ask obnoxiously.

“Well, I had made an appointment to defeat you.”

I wink to the surrounding adventurers.

“What are you saying —?”

Before the man finished talking, I released a shock wave. "IMPACT". A sudden shock, the surrounding men are blown away without knowing what happened, and they are beaten on the wall. I do not care about men, but I have to make sure not to damage the neighboring galleries. The adventurers seemed to get my intention firmly, and they protected the public.

“Wa… …”

Tabla seemed to have never thought that they would be opposed; he has not swallowed the situation yet.

“Both of the remaining cronies are about Cla.s.s D. Prince, you bought a fight against me, are you ready?”

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