Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 28: poster girl

Chapter 28: poster girl

Efil’s morning is early. She is not weak at morning when she woke up she left the bed and went to make breakfast by borrowing the kitchen of the Inn from Claire.

“Master, good morning”

Even if I get up on time, Efil has already changed from Negligée to maid clothes. It seems that it has already become breakfast time. Because we were talking late yesterday, I am still sleepy.

“Let me sleep for five more minutes.”
“The breakfast will be cold.”

Oh, do not make such a sad face. I understand I´ll get up. It is an exquisite breakfast that Efil made with great pains. Who will eat it cold!

“Well, good morning, Efil. Yesterday was late, but today’s morning is too early.”

I’ve never seen Efil overslept.

“If you live a regular life, you’ll wake up naturally. And, getting up early is pleasant, isn’t it?”

“Hahaha, I will do my best …”

“Don’t worry. Even if Master oversleeps, I"ll wake up you with responsibility!”

My regular life has been promised.

“Here change your clothes.” (Efil)

Efil helps me to change my clothes, as well as sets my hair. It is absolutely amazing. I may soon be a useless man.

Efil and I finished dressing and headed to the dining room on the first floor. Time is past 7 o’clock, people eating breakfast are also spa.r.s.e. In addition to the Inn, the Spirit Song also operates the restaurant in the daytime. The taste is guaranteed, it’s always packed if you come at the peak hours.

“Oh, Kel-chan is also early today.”

It’s early in a morning of Claire who is the cook in the popular restaurant. Though she manages an inn by one woman’s hand, she is preparing meals until late at night. Strangely enough, I have not seen her husband yet.

“I am living a healthy life with the help of Efil.”
“You’re woken up every morning for such cute child, thanks Efil-chan.”
"I will appreciate it without fail every day!"
“Huh, my Master.”

After such a usual conversation, we get to the breakfast table. At this time, this seat has become almost my seat. Efil special breakfast is set at a regular time every morning. I am like this, but I am the lead adventurer of Perth. It is a table where a private breakfast is set, there will be hardly anyone trying to sit here. It will be a problem if the store is crowded, but it seems that Claire is OK if it is a morning with many vacant seats.

“Well then, Itadakimasu.”

Efil sits across from me, and we will have breakfast together. Initially, Efil did not try to eat in the same seat as me. It seems that slaves do not eat with their master is common sense in this world. It was about what I said about the first time, “I am afraid to get the same things as Master!” As I didn"t treat Efil as a slave, I decided to “eat every meal with everyone” as the rule of our house. As a result, Efil is usually sitting in my presence now.
“Master, what are your plans for today?”
“Well, I do not have a subjugation request recently…”

As long as it is not a special request from Rio, there are almost no requests for a cla.s.s B subjugation or higher around Perth. However, there is not much flavor being asked for a low-grade request.

“I want to concentrate on the blacksmith work today. Gerard’s equipment is almost ready.”
“I’ll make you a lunch.”
“I"ll appreciate it. What about you Efil?”
“I was going to help you with Claire until noon."

On days when there is no request as today, each of us will frequently take a free action. If it"s me, I like shopping or do blacksmithing, if it"s EFil she likes specially cook while helping at the inn.

“Oh, are you going to help me today? Efil is liked by the costumers, she is a great help, and is totally a poster girl. I will have to give her the earnings of a part-time job!”

Certainly, after Efil came to help at the restaurant of the Inn, I feel that the number of customers has increased. Adventurers that I feel like I have seen them mainly in the guild. Recently, following me, Efil is also a topic in the Guild. Although she is still a C cla.s.s adventurer, her ability is definitely the number two in this city. In addition to this there is her beautiful and lovely appearance, moreover, she has a good personality. There is nothing wrong with being rumored. That"s why those fellows think to catch a glimpse of Efil.

“No, that’s … … It is thanks to Claire-san for taking care of me. And I can learn Claire’s cuisine.”
Efil replies with a carefree smile.

“What an amazing child … …! Kel-chan, you have such a good girl this time, so do not let her go away!"
“Hahaha, there is no way to let her go, if anyone tries to s.n.a.t.c.h her out, I will crush him.”

Yes, like that prince.

“Oh, yeah, I had a message from Rio of the guild. Please show your face today.”
“From Rio-san, is there a special request again?”
“Well, I"ll hear the details from Rio.”

Hmm, I was planning to devote myself to equipment production today, but I guess I’ll go to the guild first.

“I understand I will go to the guild now. Efil, come with me to the guild.”

We leave from The Spiritual Song and head for the guild. Incidentally, Melfina and Gerard woke up around this time. Clotho seems to have been ahead of me, and he is on the shoulder of Efil as usual.

“Fu … … Good morning … …”

G.o.d seems weak in the morning. Melfina wakes up while stretching out.

“O king, are you still eating?”

I ate a short while ago.

“I didn’t eat.”

Chi. Joking as it is since the subordinates are receiving energy with magical energy, there is no problem to eat no food. Is this the problem with everyone feelings? I have decided to “eat every meal with everyone.” Someday I want to buy a house and create a s.p.a.ce where Gerard and Clotho can eat without hesitation.

“When I go to the workshop I will let you eat bento from Efil, but I’m sorry, but I will ask for a lot of food.”

“Oh, Efil"s bento! It’s good! ”
"… … You, as soon as I realize my materialization.”

While being pressured by Melfina, I arrive safely at the guild. Oh, I hope it’s about a subjugation request……

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