Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 29 Devil

Chapter 29 Devil

“A Devil, is it?"

Called by the Guild’s leader Rio to listen to the matter, as expected, this time was also a request for a special subjugation.

“Oh, the sighting place is a Cla.s.s D Dungeon [The Hermit’s Diving]. An adventurer was exploring this dungeon accidentally discovered a hidden room. He said that a devil was there.”

A Devil, it is a cornerstone of this world that is in line with dragons and angels. Melfina says that it is a pair with G.o.d. She says that there have been several times in the history that a superior being becomes a demon king. Although the degree of danger is high, it is rare to discover one, so there are a lot of unknown points in their ecology. There are various theories such as the fact that the Demon Lord sent them from the Makai as scouts.

By any chance, is the devil of the topic in the streets?

“The appearance conditions of a devil are various, due to the evolution of monsters, a rise of madness, a transferred person from another world. Whatever the reason, It will have the power to destroy the world, and those who intend to make it will be called the demon king.”

I see. In fantasy RPG, a Demon King is common, but it is not such a thing.

“Well. So, I do not know how the next demon king appears. What one knows is that even if you defeat the demon king, it will appear periodically in due time.”

Does it resurrect… … cannot get rid of that cycle?

“This is the providence of this world; it is a phenomenon that cannot be changed”

The event, eh…… Melfina feels bad about this. Well, let’s go back to the story.

“He was able to come back alive.”

“It seems that the devil has been sealed in a hidden room, but strangely it will not attack and solve the seal.”

Rio shakes his head lightly. Well, it will be heavy for Cla.s.s D adventurers. It’s like a dragon sleeping in front of you.

“That’s why you brought the request to us.”

“To be honest, Kelvin, I was at a loss as to whether I should ask you this time. The power of this demon is unknown; it may become a subjugation cla.s.s S. If you decline I am thinking to convince an S – cla.s.s adventurer.”

It is rare for Rio to worry so much. Even though, he was sending me with a cool face at the time of the suppression of the dark purple forest. Is it such a dangerous opponent?

“The devils are a race with individual differences. Is it a place like B cla.s.s even by the lower level?” (Melfina)

Even a weak devil has that strength? Well, I should accept this or refuse……

“By the way Kelvin, you saw Prince Tabla of Trisen the other day?”

"Giku!" [SFX shock, surprise.]

“Eh, yes. It’s not like I met him.”

“Is that true? Well, I do not know who it was but it seems there was an unknown and outrageous person who put his hand on the prince. After that, the post-processing is serious. The guild’s people are all working and exhausted.”

“Was that so? It was serious.”

This development is……

“It was almost a matter of trust with Tisen. I did a lot of support as well. In terms of money, it’s going to be… Oops, the story is off. So, do you accept the request?”

“That guy is a devil……"

Eventually, I got overwhelmed by Rio and we received the request. Now we are in a strategy conference at an exclusive smiting workshop in the guild.

“It cannot be helped what has pa.s.sed. Let’s take countermeasures against the devil better than that.” (Melfina)

"I have never seen a devil but, is it a tough monster?” (Kelvin)

“Yes, it is. It appeared in the lesser demon"s territory. Although it was the lowest devil, it was finally able to beat with the elite of the best of the knights. Now I won my self alone, but I can’t imagine how strong he’s evolved.” (Gerard)

“Would it be possible for us to win…?” (Efil)

“Don’t be too excited. Fortunately, the devil is sealed if I look at the status with my appraisal eyes, we can retreat immediately if we can"t win, Melfina, what is the information of the devil?” (Kelvin)

I have never met a devil before. In order to be thorough, I am limited to listen to Melfina at such time.

“The shape of the devil depends on the individual. There are those who have the appearance of a cla.s.sic demon, and there is the devil of the appearance near a man. The closer it is to a human, the higher the devil.”

“The devil that my self-fought was purple in skin and wings were growing, it was a face closer to an oak than a human being.” (Gerard)

“It was a typical lesser demon. There are various appearance differences, but their characteristics are also diverse. As a race is blessed with a robust body and abundant magical power, it can adapt to any skill. The coping method will also vary depending on individuals.” (Melfina)

Is there no theory as a countermeasure? It is a really annoying monster.

“Even further, I have to prepare for anything to happen. First, let’s check the equipment. Gerard, I’ve got your gear done.”

“Oh, it’s true, I was waiting!”

Clothe takes out the black shield from storage. At the moment he put it out, it stuck to the ground.

“d.a.m.n heavy as usual. I can"t use it with my strength, but Gerard can handle it.”

The name of the shield is Dreadnought. It is a cla.s.s A product which is struck to the limit and strengthened. Incidentally, I did not name it. The name is attached without permission by the blacksmith skill. It is not a name I gave.

“Ho … ….! I wonder it feels familiar with the hand… Further, I shall give you a deed of arms as all shields!”

It’s because a sword and armor look like a body in case of Gerard. There is nothing to do with smiting skills there. Then it is a translation of saying a new shield.

“Mr. Gérard, I also have a gift.”

Efil hands a bright red fabric to Gerard.

“This is… It’s a cloak! Efil made this, it’s great!”

“This is the Crimson Cloak. Because Gerard is fighting at the forefront, I hope it helps you a little.”

Hmm, a cloak that combines a resistance attributes. Efil’s sewing skills have improved considerably, too. Especially, it has a half-effect for the fire attribute. It would be tougher if Gerard equipped it will have resistance against physical attacks. This sage black robe I’m equipped with is actually created by Efil. It has special effects such as automatic micro-recovery of MP and enhancement of magic. Same as that Crimson Cloak is cla.s.s B.

“Same as the sewing skill rank, but because Efil usually practices without fail. The technical power done without a skill is also a considerable one.” (Melfina)

Oh, I cannot lose.

“The next is Clotho. In case of Clotho, it’s a storage–“

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