Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 36 Evil Fight

Sorry, I post this again in a hurry. I haven´t had the time to edit it properly. Enjoy.

Chapter 36 Evil Fight

The black magical power gradually encroaches Victor"s body and forms another shape. If it is special effects or animation, I will wait silently for the change, but I do not have to wait. Let’s a.s.sume that we will launch an attack without mercy.

"Master, now!"

With the bow, Efil"s flame forms a dragon"s. Alright, Efil seems to be reading my thoughts. Gerard throws the Empty Jaw Agito in the sky first and then runs. Then Clotho follows Gerard. I cast a magic out and set the target on Victor who is still changing.

“Surface explosion Crest detonation!"

“Multiple necks fire dragon Pyro hydra • 1st crown Primary!"

A crack runs on the ground surface, at that moment, the ground explodes and the terrain changes. The ground is sharply torn by a Cla.s.s B Green Magic [Surface Explosion Crest Detonation] if you compare it; it attacks Victor like a fang of a large monster trying to s.n.a.t.c.h the prey.

The arrow released by Efil wraps the dragon in flames and looks for the prey as if it had a will. Its appearance is not like a Western dragon but like a serpent-like oriental dragon. This Multiple necks fire dragon Pyro hydra has its own sense capability; it is a useful technique that automatically tracks monsters. It can also be operated manually by Efil, and you can expect to be active on both surface attack and surface defense. However, it constantly consumes Efil"s magical power while it is active, so we need some countermeasure. The flame dragon slowly flies around Victor.

The ground’s fang bites Victor’s foot, and furthermore, the Empty jaw agito is flying up and down, just above it is the fire dragon. For a true monster, it would be in a desperate situation.

“… … Was it a few seconds late?”

He was standing on the surface of the ground explosion crest detonation, he is enveloped by a black armor made entirely of magical power, and his appearance is one size larger than before. From the base of both arms that should have lost, black painted strong arms are growing, obviously unbalanced with the physique.

With that seemingly stolid arm, Victor repels the empty jaw Agito with his fist"s back. The smash bends the direction of travel rightwards and sinks beside Victor.

“Empty jaw Agito was repelled! What? And that giant arm was created by magic?”

“Gerard, use the loyalty skillfully.”

“… Is that good? You’ll only have a few minutes.”

“That’s the only danger. That would be a short-term game.”

Gerard’s inherent skill “loyalty” is a status rise type skill. The effect is temporary, the higher the loyalty to your Lord, the greater the effect. I cannot measure how much Gerard"s loyalty to me is now (I am not even a king in the first place), but it’s better to use it here.

“Kufufu, then shall we go for the final round?”

“Oh, come with all your strength”

Victor takes one step. So I thought for a moment that if he sunk, he jumped at a tremendous speed. Coming closer to us like a bullet!
“Gérard, emergency defense!"

Gerard stopped suddenly the Battleship Dreadnought black shield and he took a defensive posture within a breath.

“Well, I will go with all my strength!”

The flying Victor rotates in the air, the armor wrapping the whole body stretches, and the big arm flies to a side whack. The range hits the whole room.

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d is gonna annihilate us all at once!"

Kelvin casts a cliff wall [wall earth rampart], a defensive magic that can be deployed in the shortest amount of time. He cannot believe that it is effective against a serious attack of cla.s.s S. However, he wants to do what he could do.

“Gérard, if you cannot receive it, the party will collapse. Please bear with the whole body. ”

“Indeed, the princess was also a slave driver!”

It cuts the wind and black jet ma.s.s approaches while gouging the ground with the impact. It hits directly onto the Cliff wall. As expected, it was crushed into pieces and it disappeared in a blink of an eye. On the other hand, there is no indication that Victor’s attack will weaken. Gerard stands at the head of the party, the jet-black big shield, and this also black big arm collide with each other.

Gerard uses the loyalty skill fully; all the status is temporarily rising. Gerard prevents Victor’s attack many times in this fight and has the confidence to prevent this attack; there is pride as a party shield. Indeed it is the highest condition that used the loyalty skill; there is also the a.s.sistance of the Lord"s magic.
“He is losing here, what a knight!

At the moment of collision, Gerard launched a shield bash at an exquisite timing. The satisfactory hit seemed like an earthquake. Like the first time, the image of the enemy blew down again was reproduced.

— But, the ideal is painted in reality, the devil mutters.

“It’s too outrageous”

It was a heavy impact that he received. The battleship dreadnought black shield that Gérard never let go was not in his hands when he noticed. Contrary to the reproduced image, with the collision, the Battleship Dreadnought black shield was damaged and it was bounced off. A miserable fatal gap that saw the attack. In a moment of endless thought, with eye skills, Gerard saw the death close to his eyes.

“Gérard-san, please do not give up!"

Gerard noticed Efil"s voice through communication. Next to him the multiple neck fire dragon Pyro hydra pa.s.ses by. Naturally, the destination is – –

“We will go together!”

“That’s right. Myself still have something to do. Not yet.”

Gerard shifts the large sword to both hands and gives a roar.

“Not yet…Let"s goooooo!”
The multi-neck fire dragon Pyro Hydra graze, it will revive the blow of the G.o.d who betted all to swordsmanship. [TN?] Due to the effect of the crimson exterior crimson mantle, Gerard in the vicinity has almost no damage by the Pyro Hydra. That attack does not break Victor’s black arm, Gerard falls down and in reaction, the multiple neck fire dragon Pyro hydra becomes scattered and disappears. But it succeeded in pushing back the black arm.

“Is not over yet, he’s coming!”

The battle is still going on. The leaping Victor seemed to have lost balance for a moment, but he is still approaching the fallen Gerard. Probably Gerard wouldn’t be able to move.

“Second crown!”

Efil finished kneading the arrow and magical power, released the second body multiple neck fire dragon Pyro hydra. The released dragon went straight to the devil.

“Resignation is bad!

Victor releases only a simple fist thrust. The strange thing is to be unleashed in the air without a foothold and to have unlimited reach by a stretch. Bow! The deafening sound of the clash between the fist and the multiple neck fire dragon Pyro hydra is heard.

“Oh, I have the confidence to win!”

The Multiple neck fire dragon Pyro hydra is crushed again into pieces. But at that moment something flew out of the Pyro Hydra.

(Is it…… Is it the slime again?)
Yes, apparently it was Clotho’s body. The body on Efil"s shoulder created another alter ego. Although this alter ego was inferior in terms of status, the skill that can be handled did not change. In other words, items stored in the storage are free to enter and exit.

“Hit him, Clotho!”

Numerous cursed weapons were released from storage. In short, there were failed works that I made with the blacksmith. Although the weapons themselves were powerful, they were cursed if they were poorly equipped, and it was a troubled item that could not be sold, but I decided to use it as a jump-stone for Clotho. If you just put it in storage, Clotho was not cursed.

The curse storm continues to rush at close range from the mini-size Clotho. He is defenseless while pulling back the stretched arm. Without even peeping with the appraisal eye, he seems to have some kind of bad status. On that evidence……

— Valin!

Victor"s black arms and the armor that surrounded the whole body crumbled.

“—Dull spear radiance Lance”

The Dull spear Radiance Lance is the fastest magic spear; it is a B cla.s.s white magic. In conjunction with this, the large-sized Clotho"s body emits a super-magnified luminous flux motorized beam, and Efil emits the Blaze Arrow.

“Cuff is my loss … ….”

Three lines penetrated Victor.

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