Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 42 Sara"s ability

h.e.l.lo everybody. My computer is alive, but still, it doesn´t work properly. I just have finished this and post it for you to not forget about me. I"ll hope I could go back in line soon.

Chapter 42 Sara"s ability

What the h.e.l.l is this joke?

The spectacle that spreads before me was a trampling down by an overwhelming strong woman. Until the last moment, I saw only one pretentious prey, a foolish woman who slammed my men.

The first to be killed was Owens. That woman who was supposed to be in front of the carriage appeared before Owens in a blink of an eye and hit Owens" belly. It was an unlikely blow from a delicate body. I heard an unpleasant sound, the bones broke and the internal organs collapsed. Owens" body was blown off before my eyes, and the dead face of the subordinate who lived until that time was shown.


It seems that my subordinates were the same and were stunned. The men who jumped to the prey triumphantly stop their feet.

“Oh? I controlled fairly, was this useless?”

You controlled……! What?

My men are not weak, but rather they are more skilled than most adventurers. Everyone is level 25 or higher, and if they collaborate, they can beat Urd"s party which are Perth"s best adventurers. Only Cla.s.s A or Cla.s.s S adventurers can oppose my men.

“What"s wrong? You had a happy face until a while ago. Let"s play with me soon. Well … … Is it the "soft wind" bandit group?”

The girl laughs, she has a beautiful face that mesmerizes even me, and the girl complains about her invitation. Besides makes fun of us completely, it is a bonus the mistake of the group"s name on purpose.

“Oh my … … you guys do not let your guard down at all times! Let"s change, don"t capture that woman; kill her!”

The confused men returned to sanity and received the instruction to attack. When thinking about, this was bad. I was short-tempted and gave orders to retaliate. I should have realized the difference in ability in the attack against Owens. Then that woman might have missed me. I might have joined the men behind them. But it was already late.

“That … … ne …”

The girl looked behind her and said something. Doyle and Pound saw this as a gap and run again. They both equipped a dagger. They had a reputation, inside "black wind", of great agility and made a surprise combination attack.


When the girl noticed Doyle, the daggers were on the verge of catching the neck and the heart.

(I got her!)

They must have thought so inwardly. I was also in the same opinion. Until I see the next moment.

— Guusa.

I felt a sense of incongruity; I, Pound, had not the feeling of piercing meat on my hand.  I didn"t feel anything. Even the feeling of the familiar poisoned dagger……

“Well ~, it is not a good dagger to be cared about, but thieves have it.” (Sara)

When I looked up at the voice suddenly, that girl was holding up my poisoned dagger lightly and was evaluating it. Why is this woman alive? We should have torn her neck and heart with Doyle"s and my attack!

However, I noticed, Doyle"s arm was bent, and the neck was facing in other direction. Perhaps I am in the same situation.

(What the h.e.l.l happened…?)

There was no one who answered Pound"s question, as his consciousness sank into the eternal darkness.

Doyle and Pound were killed. How? I do not understand it.  I was convinced that they slew the girl, but they fell down. Their arms and necks are crushed. At that moment, both of them attacked at the same time.  In the girl"s hand are two daggers. She might not have thought that she was attacked. When she took the daggers, she bent both arms, their necks … … I do not know how she did that.

However, there is a person who made an attack while pa.s.sing between them. It was the giant, Gilda, who followed the two. I am proud of the ability to swing a steel maul with one hand. It is a competent fighter who also has the quickness to accompany Doyle and Pound while being a giant.

A kill when the girl was distracted by the dagger. He beat the maul directly from above. That blow also could crush armors and do not allow defense by a shield.

“Is it a contest of strength this time?”

The maul with such power was accepted by the woman"s thin arm.

“Okay, I will go out with you”

The woman said in a cool way without even sweat.


Gilda roared trying to descend the maul as the blood vessel emerges in his arm. But the maul did not move an inch.

“Stupid …… Gilda"s muscular strength exceeds 200!”

I said unconsciously.

“Is that so?  Are 200 something like this?”

It seems that she heard it, and the woman shrugged as if she lost interest.

“I"ll be coming for you soon.”

At the same time, a crack appeared in the maul. The riff expanded with a viscous beep and the next instant the maul fell into pieces. The remaining figures are the woman who raised her right arm and Gilda with the handle of the destroyed maul. Gilda dropped the handle; a hand caused the giant to sink. Gilda was on his back and his chest was greatly depressed.

Who could have antic.i.p.ated this deployment? Four men were killed in the blink of an eye. Only I and the last man, Yuro remained in this place.

“You, you, who are you…!?”

“… … Well, am I an adventurer from Perth?”

“Why are you in doubt? You are joking … ….”

This is the last resort. It may not be possible to say that, even though the carriage is going to be covered with charcoal. Send a signal to the rear unit.

“Go now, DAYO!”

All six of them are WIZARDS. The magic that they wield is the red magic which boasts the highest annihilation power. From now on they will pour C cla.s.s red magic like a storm. It is regrettable to lose a special great beauty, but I can"t let my subordinates die. The enemy has to be defeated.

“Go all out!”

I shake down my arm and give the command to start a total attack!

“… ….”

“…Are you not yet?”

“Well, oh?”

It"s weird. No matter how many times I emitted the order, there was no magic emitted. No way, did you leave me and ran away! What?

I wonder what"s going on. Do you know Efil?

The woman turns back to her colleague in the carriage. There was a maid who climbed the carriage, standing quietly with a bow.

“Well, I do not know.”

The maid answered calmly while the bow was put away.

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