Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 54 Versus the Heroes

Chapter 54 Versus the Heroes

No way, I did not think that things would go well so far. The battle with Kristof, who is known as the hero of Trisen, hasn"t burned my desire completely; so I did a little trick before the heroes came. It"s nothing to say even if it"s a trick, it"s just a situation that makes it a little easy to misunderstand. A situation that makes them think that we are black wind. It was unexpected for Kristof to do a supportive cry for help, but as a result, the situation moved in a positive direction. This will satisfy my battle desires a bit, and if the heroes are made the witness of this case with the authority of the winner, Kristof and co. will also lose Trisen"s backing and go to the jail. It is a strategy of killing two birds with one stone. By the way, we moved to a relatively large room that seems to be a training area.

[Hey, why is Kelvin fighting alone!? I wanted to fight too!]

It seems that Sara is dissatisfied with the game content that I will fight alone. It"s good that she talks by sense talk, but she is jealous of me. [TN: I think that the author changed the name of the subordinate network to sense talk. Should I change it to telepathy? Sense talk could be translated to thought talk hence telepathy.]

[Sara has been on the rampage recently enough. I want to enjoy myself as much as I can. And if it"s four to four, it wouldn"t be a game.]

[Eh, I was looking forward to it!]

[I cannot agree that master fight alone. Master is certainly outrageously strong, but there is also the case of being the rear guard. Isn"t the Heroes" party dangerous?”

“That"s right, so take me out.”

Efil is unusually opposed to me. But that would be because she thinks of me. Sara is because she is faithful to her desires.

[This game is also for testing me against a group battle, which is my own weakness. For that reason, I have also arranged various equipment. So, Efil, Sara, let me go. I"ll make it up to you next time.]
The main reason is that I can fight with Heroes right away. I also want to test my skills.

[If so, I will follow the master"s intention. And you"ll make it up to the candy shop.……]

[The candy shop!? What"s it? It sounds like fun!]

Okay, Sara"s interest went away. When going to a candy shop, let Efil wear a white dress. Yeah, let"s do it. I have been motivated to do something.

[Speaking of, Gerard, did I laugh again?]

[Well, it"s been around since the heroes attacked.]

[Seriously, you were unconscious. Have you ever had such a vicious face?]

I am shocked, Heroes.

[It was a very nice smile.]

[I think he"s good looking demon!]

[… Well, each person has sensibility.]

[Is that so?]

Ah, I feel better than I thought. That silver-haired hero, it"s hard for me to come up with a psychological strategy. This may need to get fired up. Well, it"s about time. I gave you a few minutes to get ready, but I wonder if you"ve done all the healing and auxiliary magic?
“Light fairy, lend me your help!”

“Wind fairy, please help me.”

“Water fairy, please take care of me.”

“Do your best”

When I saw the heroes, b.a.l.l.s of colorful lights were turning around the four people.

“Oh, this is fairy protection.”

“… Do you know this protection?”

“No, I"ve seen it for the first time. It"s rare to have protection, so I envy you.”

I"m going to get it if I can summon Melfina. Come back with your avatar body soon, Melfina sensei!

“We"re ready. You can start anytime you want.”

“Okay. The field is all over this room. The adventurers will be protected by my comrades, so please attack to your heart"s content. All right……. when this coin hits the ground, it will start.”

I take out a coin from the pocket (a very small Clotho"s body) and show it to the Heroes.


“For the sake of fairness, let the adventurer throw it. Well, there"s nothing fair about this. …… Look, it"s a coin that determines your destiny. Toss it carefully.”

Don"t-try-to-escape. I make it clear just in case. Kristof and Priscila shake and lower their heads. Ad hasn"t recovered yet or is still down.

“Well then, shall we begin?”

“Everyone, let"s go as planned.”

“””Roger that”””

Kristof throws the coin with a shaking hand. The coin falls in the middle of a straight line between the Heroes and me. It echoes in the room with a high sound to tell the start.

“Setsuna, let"s go!”


As expected, a boy at the vanguard and a girl with a sword rush in. It is the rule to close the distance to the wizard, and even now there"s no barrier to protect me. It"s the right decision.

“Come out, Moon-chan!”

Something jumps out of the backpack carried by Nana.

“This is … a Dragon!”


He is lacking in force. It still looks like a little kid, but it was definitely a dragon. From the red scales, is it a fire dragon?

“Dragon Flame breath! ”

The young dragon inhales and inflates its stomach, and the next moment it exhales a breath of fire towards me. But I"m not there anymore.

“Me too……”

“It"s worse than I thought. I"ll borrow it first.”

I put my hand on the head of a silver-haired girl who tries to cast a spell.


The girl opens her eyes. A cla.s.s green magic 【Wind G.o.d Sonic accelerate]. Enhanced magic that doubles the agility was applied during the preparation time. This will strengthen my agility to nearly 1000. It is a number that slightly surpa.s.ses the quickest girl of the Heroes party. I literally pulled it out from the front at an unstoppable speed.

“Why are you behind me?”

“Miyabi, run!”

Now, this is the first objective achievement and the unveiling of the new equipment. Rest a.s.sured, there is no damage.

“Eat, Skill eater Gauntlet ”

A black aura is emitted from the gauntlet put on the girl"s head. It is my new equipment Skill Eater Gauntlet is an S-Cla.s.s armor made from the same Victor"s material as Sara"s Black Gold devil alondite. It has no defense but instead has special abilities. It has a copying ability that remembers any skills of a touched opponent. Up to one skill can be learned per stunt. Every time it copies one, it will forget the previous skills. The dreadful part of this equipment is that you can copy unique skills, no matter what. This time I touched with my right hand"s gauntlet, so my skill is engraved on the right hand"s side.

” I borrowed it for sure, ‘Parallel thinking".”

“Stay away from Miyabi-chan!”

The young dragon comes towards me. It"s time to get out of here. Let"s say we go back the same way we came. Slipping through the back between the boy and girl, back to the place at the start.

“Come on! ”

“Whoa, you could have reacted a little bit.”

“Miyabi, what a h.e.l.l!”

She turns to me, and the Samurai girl raises the voice while holding the sword.

“……? There is no abnormality in her body.”

That"s right. I just copied a skill. However, let"s make you uneasy just with the remorse of psychological warfare. I"ll say it with the same smile as before.

“It"s okay, I"m not doing anything.”

“…I don"t think that Kanzaki and I are so useless.”

I did not think that you would have such a hopeless face.

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