Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 55 A Battle

Chapter 55 A Battle

“Miyabi? d.a.m.n, Nana look after Miyabi! What did you do to Miyabi! ?”

“Well …”

The silver-haired girl is squatting in a stricken state. No, I didn"t really do anything to harm her. Let"s go ahead with this as it is annoying. While thinking about such a thing, I try the condition of ‘ parallel thinking ‘ copied from her. Aiming at the hero, and cast magic behind the scenes. I can process the information as my thoughts are two. If this is the case, it seems to be able to do more than one thing at the same time.

“Miyabi-Chan, you"ll be all right! Great recovery Light heal! ”

“… All right, there is no trauma, but there may be a delayed effect."

In response to Nana"s white magic, Miyabi tries to stand up.

“….. I"m telling you, we"re in combat right now. Do the farce in another place.”

I shoot the glittering spear "Radiance Lance" in no time to each of the two behind. The two light spears that were released without a preliminary movement approach in a fast way at the two who are in a vulnerable state.

“Let"s do this!”


The Hero and the Samurai girl intercepted the radiance lance with the swords and ran over here. They can do as much, mph? But that"s it, right? While I was thinking so and trying to overwhelm them again with speed, a white ball of light suddenly emerged before my eyes.


The next moment, the white ball emits a strong light at a blinding level. As I was bathed in front of such light, I lost my eyesight. Is this a hero"s fairy? Apparently, the fairy is not caught in the sing sense skill. Did you only move the fairy and aim to blind me? I think this has been getting better.

“Adamantium Rampart.”

I could feel the Heroes approaching and made a black wall appear from the ground. The black wall divided the room in half and took a position that covers the heroes. This cla.s.s green magic 【Adamantium Rampart】 is similar to the magic earth wall. It even has the strength to endure a few of Sara"s strikes…


“I know! I will use “Iron cut”!

Zun …!

――― It wasn"t supposed to, but I heard the sound of the wall collapsing. Seriously, did you really cut that thing? That special skill ‘Cutting Iron" possessed by the samurai girl named Setsuna was particularly wary, but as the name suggests, is it a skill that can cut regardless of the level or strength of the target? In that case, there is no option than to receive her attack with a staff or a gauntlet, and I will have to go through evasion. I have to treat my eyes with white magic for the time being.

“Dark Blind cure”

I confirmed the situation again when I secured my sight. The Hero and Setsuna would get over the wall, and in a few seconds, they will reach me. Miyabi seems to be casting magic, and Nana has sent some instructions to the dragon baby. Each fairy is also firmly around the master this time. This is also an effect of parallel thinking; I understand clearly as the situation gets in hand.

“If we hit him, we win! Go!”
“If it hits, please enjoy it!”

The two heroes who were supposed to bring into close combat split at the two sides, right before they hit me. Just after that, the young dragon who was waiting in the sky throws fire dragon"s breath towards the s.p.a.ce between the two, that is me. I see they split up to the left and right, in a pincer attack, and from the front, Miyabi"s magic and the Dragon"s Breath.

I will immediately cancel out the fire breath, and blow away the young dragon to the back in the aftermath. Next is a close battle with the Heroes. I"m counting on you, parallel thinking, work hard. I take the dagger that I have hidden in my pocket on my right hand and wait for the Heroes with the wicked old tree wand.

――― Gakin!

I take the first attack of Kanzaki with the dagger and drive it away. This blade, which I forged with an S-cla.s.s Vortex Edge, is not easily destroyed. I also secretly acquired swordsmanship skills up to C grade. However, the swordsmanship skills of Kanzaki and Setsuna are S- and cla.s.s, and close combat is a threat to me, who has still swordsmanship with shallow experience. But that"s why it makes sense.


I am especially careful about Setsuna"s sword. In a sense, she is a scarier opponent than S-cla.s.s Kanzaki. I don"t know if there are any conditions to activate “Iron slash”, but I cannot confirm it with my own body. I am concentrated to avoid this. The advantage of the speed to overwhelm the hero is demonstrated to the maximum, and the danger perception is stretched over and over again by the parallel thinking, and the onslaught of the two heroes is surpa.s.sed. A hopeless adverse situation for a wizard. But I am really enjoying the current situation.

“…… Kelvin looks so happy.”

“Yes. Master shines the most at these moments.”

Gerard, Efil, Sara, and Kristoff, were in full watching mode.
“The Liege and Sara trained so hard, that"s only natural.”

“He said that he would overcome his weakness, but He definitely want to fight directly. Well, Kelvin seems to have that kind of talent, and He likes it because it is fun.”

“During the trip to Trage, I was given guidance on close combat each time at the camp. I was also glad to have more food than usual.”

“Oh, yeah. I remember you cooking, Efil. did you bring that? I"m hungry. Can I eat?”

“I"m preparing properly. Master gives me permission to eat freely.”

Kristof has a suspicious face to the three noisy people who do not worry about their master.

(What the h.e.l.l are these guys? Usually, if the hero puts his eyes on you, you should run away with all your strength! On the contrary, it seems that their leader tries to fight alone! Hey, why are you taking out the sandwiches, are you in the mood for a picnic?)

With such things in Kristof"s mind, Sara and Gerard start eating Efil"s homemade sandwiches.

“It seems that the heroes of the back move. You may be busy with Kelvin but can you see it? The meat of this thing is delicious.”

“I"m fine. Master is also aware. I tried using the armored Tiger, which had been kept by Kuro-Chan. The meat in the armor is tender and delicious.”

“Well, my cheeks are about to fall.”

(Well, don"t worry so much ……)

It was strikingly different from the calm watching side, and the violent sword dance continued between Kelvin and the heroes. He avoided all of Setsuna"s swords at a speed that was not ordinary and had accomplished the swordplay of Kanzaki which had reached an outside realm brilliantly. On the contrary, they showed a slight gap and he started to fight back with the dagger. It was an unusual sight that the wizard began to push in close combat. But, as Sara expected, the combat situation began to change.

“Frost bound!”

“Sinner"s weight-Feren Crash”

(…! The ground is frozen and my feet are stuck! ? And this sense of weight are like heavy air pressure! )

After Nana"s recovery, she kills Kelvin"s maneuverability with C-cla.s.s blue magic [Frost Bound] and squeezes him with C-cla.s.s black magic [Sinner"s Weight: Feren Crash]. Sinner"s weight is inhibition magic that targets only Kelvin, it has no effect on the surrounding swordsmen. The young dragon who was blown away in the room also returns to the battlefield.

“This is the end!”

“You can"t avoid this under the circ.u.mstances!”

They attack at the same time―――

“Surface Explosion-Cleft detonation.”

―― They were caught in an explosion.

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