Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 66 Departure

Chapter 66 Departure

――― Trage Port

The day after the dragon was subjugated, permission for sailing to the west continent was granted to Touya. The preparation for the departure itself had already been completed a few days ago, and they went to the port of Trage where the ship was anch.o.r.ed. Kelvin and his partners were seeing them off.

"Heroes! Ready to sail!"

A Trage sailor shouted in a lively voice. By contrast, Touya replied with a wry smile.

“Please stop the hero. We"re just adventurers, aren"t we?”

“Oh, sorry! What I did …”

“You should be careful from now on. I"ll get on the boat soon, so wait for me.”

The sailor returned to the ship and the 4 heroes looked back.

“Kelvin san, and everyone. It was a short time but thank you.”

"I was caught up in it. There is no need to be thanked. Even more, the permit to sail has just come down. Are you going to now?"

"If it was true, I had left a few days ago. And I won"t be inconvenienced you all."

"That"s why it"s so annoying…"

Gerard, who was behind me, put a hand on my shoulder to stop the words.

“I"m ready for it. Shut up and see him off.”

"Well, the old man ways did not change after all … It"s a farewell gift, take it."

I took something from Clotho"s storage and threw it to each of the four.

"Wow … Kelvin san, what is this?"

“A Pendant, I think.”

“Oh, I made it in a whim. Well, think of it as a subst.i.tute for protection.”

I handed out a pendant that imitated each attribute. It was equipment with a minimal status increase effect and another secret effect. I thought that it was useful in case of an emergency though there was nothing better than not being used. The blacksmithing skill did not correspond to accessories, so I borrowed the skill from a craftsman of Trage with the devouring gauntlet.

“… Tsundere?”

"Miyabi, you have a lot to say until the end."

It was dominated by the mind. Well, that was what she had.

“Wow… Mine is in the shape of an ice crystal. Thank you, Kelvin! I"ll take care of it.”

“Oh, Nana, try your best together with Moon. The dragon may soon evolve from a young dragon to an adult Dragon. You might not be able to get into your rucksack.”


“Now, moon chan! You can"t say that."

I"m not sure what it said, but Moon loved Nana"s backpack. It looked like a dog that looked out from the car window. Too spoiled was not good …

“I feel like I didn"t have much trouble in Trage. This might be Kelvin san"s favor, too. Thank you for beating the guts of this justice fool.”

"I think, Setsuna, it will be tougher in the future, but you have a strong mind. Even then, you "re the Heroes" leader."

“Hah … I"ll do my best …”

“It is something terrible to say!”

However, Touya is growing up both physically and mentally. I think the momentum of the moment has been eased somewhat. Somewhat.

“I don"t know what will happen on the continent, but I will do my best!”

"Touya, you must not make a mistake in the direction of your efforts."

“Don"t trust.”

Touya and the others had been told not to speak out about the effects of their own unique skills. Even if it was us. Even if you can see the status in the appraisal eye, unique skills that did not know the effect would be an advantage only if others didn"t know. It was not possible to know the details of the “absolute gospel” and the “slashing iron” of Setsuna, but it is trivial compared to life.

"So, Kelvin san, we"re on our way."

“Oops, it"s already time? Efil”

“Yes. This is just a simple one, but it"s a bento. Eat on the ship.”

It was a lunch box for four people that Efil made in a hurry when she heard that they would leave soon. Some of them were finished in a modern style, such as onigiri and sandwiches that we ate yesterday.

"Efil! Thank you so much! Really!"


"I can eat Efil-san "s home cooking again!"

"I will eat it carefully with Moon chan!"

Four people bowed while grasping their hands. Hey, you guys. You"re much more honest than I was. Especially Miyabi. I was sure Efil"s dish was bad for other people! I had a clutch in my stomach!

“We will set sail soon! Please hurry if you want to get on board! ”

The sailors shouted and inform them that they were ready to sail.

“I"ll miss you.”

“Oh, we have to hurry! Everybody let"s run!

“Wow, wait!”
Touya and the others ran to the deck of the ship and again appeared from the handrail.

“Kelvin, I will never forget what you taught me!”

“Let"s meet again!”

“I will become strong until I can win next time! Thank you very much!"

"Same as above! I won"t lose next time!"

Eventually, the four kept waving to us until the ship disappeared. I feel a little guilty even though I just did it in a whim.

“Master is really kind.”

“Yeah, they had a nice and sunny face.”

"What a ridiculous thing you"re talking about. I just got involved in a whim. It"s about noon, let"s go eat."

“You"re embarra.s.sed.”

“I"m not embarra.s.sed!”

… Anyway, was it the west continent? The Rizea Empire was there.

Sense talk was sent to Gerald.

[Gerard, can we win if we fight against the Rizea Empire now?]

[What is it?” From bushes to sticks.]

[It"s the contract with you. Didn"t I promise to kill Jilldora?]

[Ghha! I thought you won"t remember it or forgot it!]

[Will you forget such an important thing?]

Yes, the contract with Gérard was to defeat Jilldora and avenge his country, Alkar. I haven"t fulfilled that wish yet.

[Now, the situation is different from the time when I was alive. I don"t know if Jilldora is still in the empire. And the empire was the best power on the west. It can be said that the power is declining in the area where Delamis is still engaged. No matter how strong Ic is, it"s dangerous to face the empire.] (TN. Gerald uses an archaism of "I". I"ve been translating it as myself but researching in the web I found the Ic is the archaic English word for "I". So, I"ll start translating it like this.)

"That"s right … First, we start collecting information."

[Ic am not in a hurry. …… Ic thought it was impossible when Ic signed a contract.]

[Hey, did you sign up with me like that?]

"Well, listen. I thought there was more hope than staying in the castle. At first such thin desire. As Ic began to travel with my Liege, Efil became a friend and Sara became a friend. Now we have even defeated S-cla.s.s monsters."

Gerard looked up to the heavens.

“Thank you, king. The impossible hope of Ic was reduced to a level that is now feasible. When the contract is fulfilled, Ic will recognize the king as the true Lord.”

“Oh, until then, a temporary master is enough…”

Gufu … Sara was leaning on his back.

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

Efil grabbed the sleeves of the robe and looked up at his face.

"I don"t want to lose friends…"

“All right! I"ll tell you both of you, so get Sara down! Efil, don"t be sad!"

"Ghha! My Liege let"s eat first.

Zun-Zun I followed the Gérard, who lead with Sara on his back, holding Efil"s hands, and feeling the weight of his friends. (TN: sfx of quick steps.)

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