Kuro no Shoukanshi

Chapter 73 Blessing

Chapter 73 Blessing

Kelvin"s House and Dining Room

“Oh, Finally I was able to taste it … It"s a taste that"s no different from rumors.”

“Because she is getting better every day after taking the S-cla.s.s cooking skills. Efil doesn"t know how to be complacent.”

“No, it"s natural as master"s attendant.”

“Yeah, the food is great today! Efil, another!”

“Here you are.”

Morning the day after Melfina was successfully summoned. I"m having breakfast in the dining room now. I"m with Efil, Gerard, Sara, and Clotho. Melfina arrived and finally, all the members gathered at home.

“Even so, I never dreamed that you had purchased a mansion like this. You weren"t at the inn, so I had a hard time finding you.”

“It should have been good to communicate.”

“It"s an impressive reunion, right? I want to surprise you!”

“I am startled.”

This old man is a G.o.d of strange things. …… Gerard has been silent since a while ago. What happened?

“Gerard, you"ve been silent all the time, but do your stomach hurts?”

“No, not really … my Liege, who"s this great beauty?”

“Speaking of which, I"ve never seen a face like that. Who is she?”

Oh, I see. I only introduced her to Efil. Sara was talking normally, so I completely forgot about it.

“I"m sorry that my greetings were late. In this case, is it okay to say h.e.l.lo? I was summoned yesterday, my name is Melfina.”

“Hi, are you a princess?!”

“Yes, I am a princess ♪”

I guess she really liked that nickname …

“Hey, you are Melfina. It is my first time seeing you face to face, so I don"t notice. Please, take care of me.”

“Please, take care of me too.”

The two shake hands, but Melfina looks a little dark.

“I think Sara has a lot of things for me. About the Devil King Gustav —-”

“It"s OK. That was the result of my father clinging to power and running out of control. And the G.o.d who summoned the hero at that time was Melfina, wasn"t she? I asked Kelvin. Then there"s nothing wrong with that!”

“……Thank you.”

“There"s no need.”

…… Apparently, there is no entanglement with G.o.d and the devil. I was worried. But looking at them, I don"t need to worry anymore.

“I thought my Liege had brought a new mistress. Well, I won"t have to see a bloodbath.”

“No, no, that"s not it”

“Yes, Because I am a legal wife!”


I suddenly blew out the milk in my mouth. Melfina, weren"t you in serious mode before?

“Wow, it"s a bit dirty!”

“Master, your mouth.”


I had Efil to wipe my mouth with a napkin. The breakfast was safe because Sara moved the table at G.o.d"s speed.

“My Liege, after all …”

“No, it"s different! It"s a misunderstanding!”

“To be upset to this degree, you seem to be still immature.”

“You"ve been skipping a lot because it"s been a long time …”

It seems that she is very excited about being materialized. I want you to keep it to the extent that I don"t suffer damage.

“By the way, isn"t it bad to call you Melfina? Isn"t it a pretty good name as a G.o.d? For now, it"s alright because I"m leaving the servants out now."

“Yes … just right, let"s show you the status of this avatar body.”

Melfina displayed the status screen in front of everyone through communication.

“This is my status with full armament.”

Mel: 17-year-old, female angel, war maiden.
Level: 86
t.i.tle: Resonancer
HP: 900 (+635)
MP: 900 (+635)
Muscle strength: 900 (+814)
Endurance: 900 (+814)
Agility: 900 (+814)
Magic: 900 (+814)
Good luck: 900 (+814)
Equipment: Holy Spear Luminary (S cla.s.s)
War Maiden"s Light Armor Valkyrie Mail (S cla.s.s)
War maiden helmet Valkyrie Helm (S cla.s.s)
Ether Greaves (cla.s.s)
Skill: G.o.d"s restraint (hidden skill: not displayed on appraisal eye)
Absolute resonance (specific skill)
Spear Mastery (S cla.s.s)
Blue Magic (S cla.s.s)
White magic (S cla.s.s)
Alchemy (S cla.s.s)

Auxiliary effect: Summoning / Magic supply (S-cla.s.s)

“Wait, there"s too much for a Tsukkomi!”

“Because it is righteous. Then, please make the Tsukkomi one after another.”

“Oh, oh.”

I ask questions in turn, and Melfina answers them. First, this unnatural status is resonating with my status. Specifically, it"s the average of my abilities, including skill enhancements.

“This is the effect of the unique skill “Absolute Resonance”. It resonates not only from your stats, but also from your level and skill points, and finally to abnormal conditions. Therefore, even if I gain enhanced skills such as strength. And it will be invalidated, as will the enhancements make by your summons. ”

“It"s like a mix of merits and demerits. Why did you do that?”

“The avatar body has a function that limits its ability due to the qualities as a subst.i.tute for G.o.d. It is displayed as ‘G.o.d"s restraint", now in the status, but it cannot be seen by others, It"s a hidden skill. All Avatars have this skill. ”

The effect of G.o.d"s restraint to be a limit of the status skill point increases value by the level up. If you use it normally, you will only be able to use the same level of skill as an average person. This is a measure to ensure that a G.o.d does not have any extra impact on the world when he descends in an Avatar. There seem to be many other minor restrictions, but the status problem is solved with absolute resonance skills. A strategy aimed at the hole of the law. The stronger I am, the stronger Melfina is. The skill points are based on me, so I have a lot of extra points.

“Above all, this is more and more like a whole ♪.”

“Yes, honey.”

“Stunning stick reading”

The rest is the name. It"s not Melfina, it"s Mel.

“This is the solution to the previous question. For conversations other than communication, call me Mel.”

“I see. It"s cheap but easy to understand. Ok.”

“Mel-sama, I"ll tell Ellie and Luka your name.”

“Please, Efil.”

We must be careful when calling Melfina. Well, speaking of age,

“Did you say anything? Oh, what, what?”

“… No, nothing.”

Danger detection reacts from a full smile. It"s taboo to talk about a woman"s age. She looks 17 years old, so I guess it would be right, yeah.

“Now, it"s good for me. Next is the blessing I promised a long time ago.”

“You said if I succeeded in summoning Mel. You"re going to tell me.”

“Yes, it is. You did your best. I"m going to give you a flower circle.”

Melfina draws a flower circle with the index finger on the back of my right hand.

“Wow, it"s tickling! I"m glad I"m praised.”

“Yes, the blessing is done.”

“Eh, yeah …”

Is this the ceremony to give blessings?

“I gave you the blessing of “reincarnation G.o.d”. It"s a protection that I also give to the shrine maidens of Delamis.”

“What"s the effect?”

“There are two. The first effect is only once a month, and it completely protects you from events that can result in fatal injuries. It"s an absolute defense from an unexpected accident or unexpected attack.”
This blessing, by itself, isn"t that terrible! Despite having a cool time once activated, avoiding fatal injuries is much appreciated. I"ve had practice matches with Gerard and Sara lately so that my arms won"t get dull. It"s a simulated battle, but it"s a battle that forces each other to work together. I"m always feeling anxious to have low endurance. Battle junkie is life.

“That"s done, Kelvin! It"s okay to shoot my real seriousness in the next round!”

From the side where she was talking, Ha, ha, ha was heard as a challenge.

“Both of you, please moderate yourselves. Please consider the strength of the bas.e.m.e.nt.”


Let Efil tell you, let"s go next.

“The second effect is to summon a hero, using your magical power.”

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