Yeah, so I know I soared through the last chapter I translated in like, a day, but this one took me a whole week XD  It would have taken me a lot longer if la_prime hadn"t hooked me up with a scanned version of this book ~<3  i do own="" a="" physical="" copy="" of="" the="" book,="" though.=""  actually,="" i="" own="" two="">

[cue long story][Spoiler][/end long story]

So yeah, I have two book 4"s.  Well, technically I guess I have three copies now that I have a scanned version on my computer o.o

ANYWAY, I"ll stop blabbering.  Standard disclaimer~ This is an amateur, fan translation of the j.a.panese novel, As.h.i.+ta wa Ma no Tsuku Kaze ga f.u.ku! (Tomorrow a Ma!Wind Will Blow!) by Tomo Takabayas.h.i.+.  Therefore I make no money off of this.  Oh, and it"s most definitely got a few mistakes.  How do I know this?  I stared at this one sentence for so long trying to figure out how to "english-it" that I fell asleep  XD  I use the wiki"s spellings for names and stuff (except for Celi"s name because looking at Cäcilie/Cäli messes with my head o.o)





      Hey, s.h.i.+buya.
      I’m thankful for you saving me, but I’m telling you I’m definitely not a person who gets bullied all the time.
      If it’s the first time you’ve been cornered by bad cla.s.smates, then it’s the first time you’ve been extorted for money.
      And while I’m at it, grades are my life?!  Like, high test scores and stuff? Don’t go spreading stereotypical rumors when you don’t know anything about me.  I know that I used to fade into the background, but in order to train my body and mind, I’ve learned martial arts.  Like karate, uh&h.e.l.lip; through the mail.
      Anyway!  Even I don’t even know what kind of person I am so please stop making conjectures about me.
      And anyway, knowing the kind of person you really are is an eternal mystery to mankind, right?  That’s why self-exploration books are always best sellers.
      So, I’ll try asking you.
      What about you?
      Why were you born and why are you alive?
      Ah!  Don’t get all absorbed in thought!  n.o.body knows that sort of thing.


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