"I"m hanged if I couldn"t, too," said Stan. And laughing, the two shook hands.

"And I suppose I shall have to, as well," purred Mrs. Ess Kay, quite kittenish, "if only _somebody_ would introduce Mr. Harborough to me."

(As if anyone cared whether she forgave him or not!)

"What about the d.u.c.h.ess?" asked Sally.

"Oh, when I tell her that Betty"s engaged to marry a chap I"ve met and liked in town--a thorough sportsman, too, it will be all right," said Stan.

I was glad he didn"t refer to Jim"s money, even though that _is_ the thing which will appeal most to Mother. As for me, I am almost sorry he isn"t poor, if there"s room in my heart to be sorry about anything. But I don"t believe there is. It"s such a beautiful world, and I shall have two homes in it now; one on each side the water.

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