Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 404 First Hearing about Huashen Realm

Chapter 404 First Hearing about Huashen Realm

Black Lotus, long-lived and sophisticated after all, quickly recognized where the golden light was from. Shortly thereafter, he said to Su Li, “I don’t know how the cultivation circle names it now, but in ancient times, only pract.i.tioners in Huashen Realm can possess such great power—the Will Power!”

“The Will Power?”

Su Li repeated the words and asked, “Just like the Will of Sword?”

“Yes…or maybe not! It’s not easy for you to understand the power of it now. This golden light is the incarnation of the will of the book, and if you can’t understand the book, you will never make a breakthrough. What’s more, you will even bleed to death in the end. So, be careful!”

With eyes downcast, Su Li began to be on the alert for the golden light that might fly past from any directions later.

Everything obeys the law of conservation. Therefore, the moron First Elder of the Meng Sect would pay a great deal of cost to launch such a tactical matrix, which, however, would not be in effect for too long. And the only problem Su Li encountered was the uncertainty about whether she would tolerate it in the matrix till it was done or not.


In the desolate matrix, blood dripped down the fingertips of Su Li into the matrix grains, along which the blood spread. Before Su Li perceived that, the blood gradually eroded the tactical matrix, and the color of the golden matrix grains gradually changed into red, and then, even weird black.


There went a slight and piercing sound. “What’s that?” Su Li murmured, ears flickering.

She looked down at the ground, pupils suddenly contracting.

An exotic red scene came into Su Li’s view.

The tactical matrix within a scope of three zhang (≈10m) around Su Li had been completely eroded, and as the blood permeated, the scope of erosion was increasingly extending.

“My blood…”

Su Li’s was shocked; meanwhile, she heard a sound of jingling. Looking up she saw a mini golden sword rolling closely to her feet. With a white light s.h.i.+ning, the sword was trans.m.u.ted into a book-like treasure, from which an extremely dim golden light was released.

Out of the subconscious mind, Su Li picked up the treasure book, and suddenly—


The phantom of the Holy Tactical Matrix shattered into numerous pieces, shooting around violently. And Ning Dawei, who bore the brunt of the impact, was shot like a sieve and died with a look of shock on his face.

He was heartily eager to know why the Six-fold Book Tactical Matrix he had inherited from his lord of the Sect took the enemy as the master.

Unfortunately, he would never know it.

Su Li shot a glance at Ning Dawei’s corpse. Then, a trace of white smoke rose from her body and, in half a minute, all her wounds were automatically healed, no scar marks left.

After the matrix closed, the power of what Black Lotus called “Will Power” dissipated. And the skin trauma didn’t matter to her because of her robust physical body.

Weighing the dim golden book with her hand, Su Li felt somewhat confused.

“The feeling of connection between heart and blood? The treasure treats me as the master?”

Neither did she use any blood-sacrificing method, nor did she find the main part of the tactical matrix. How did it recognize her!

“Black Lotus, you told me it is hard to break through the Will Power, but how do you explain what happened just now?”

Su Li asked softly. And then she heard a weak sigh from the Black Lotus Ring. “Master, given your incomparable wit, I a.s.sume you must have guessed the answer.”

Stunned for a moment, Su Li blinked and said, “I want you to tell me.”

This was the first time that Black Lotus called Su Li master with willingness and learned how to flatter. Was this just because he saw the power in her blood?

Upon hearing Su Li’s words, Black Lotus immediately became sad and angry. “Little Su Li, you’re so cruel. Do you know how horrible your awakened talent is! That’s the legendary talent of the Ghost Clan. The possibility of awakening this talent for each body of evil ghost is equal, but no one has achieved that since the ancient cultivation age.”

“A talent?”

Su Li spread out her hands. It seemed that her eyes could penetrate her skin and she could see her blood flowing in her body. “Is this talent?” she murmured.


Black Lotus said with cautions, “This talent is called ‘Blood Poison’! Its name is ordinary, but its function is quite dreadful. It has unpredictable attributes, just like what your Blood Poison displays. It can erode the core of any tactical matrix and help you seize the right to control.”

“What’s more, it’s expected that as your cultivation is improved, more bizarre functions of that will be seen, and its toxicity will become stronger! That’s the most terrifying thing about the blood poison.”

While hearing this, Su Li gripped her hands. “Ah, the Blood Poison…”

The blood flowing in her body was so vile. She even had never been aware of when this talent was awakened.

“If my guess is right, your talent had been activated when you broke through the Zhuji Realm. But it was intangible, hard to find if you didn’t get injured,”

Black Lotus extrapolated and continued, “When I first developed my spirit, I saw this kind of talent in the ancient records of the Ghost Clan. It’s said that there was a generation of body of evil ghost, who had the blood poison awakened. Only a drop of his blood could kill hundreds of thousands of people!”

“And the hundreds of thousands of people I said are not ordinary ones but pract.i.tioners comparable to him,”

Black Lotus said with a chilly tone, “A well-practiced body of the evil ghost has the great ability to create the blood in his physical body, and the blood together can kill all the peer pract.i.tioners in the Qingshui Circle. Such a terrifying talent was suppressed by the Mighty and then disappeared only because of the conceit of the evil ghost’s body. That’s why the blood poison became the talent the Ghost Clan most longed for but feared of.”

Upon hearing this, Su Li suddenly realized something. “So, like the body of evil ghost, I can’t mention my talent to anyone,” she murmured.


Black Lotus said with solemnity, “Little Su Li, you must remember that even if your body of evil ghost is exposed, your talent of the blood poison can’t be told to anyone! And whoever knows it must be killed immediately! This is the more dreadful taboo than the body of evil ghost! You must be cautious!”

Hearing this, Su Li shook her head and smiled.

Maybe because there was too much to conceal, she didn’t show much feeling about this.

Compared with the mindset at the moment she regained her memory, the one at present had changed somewhat.

“The natural law is changeable, and my destiny is not on the track of it. Nevertheless, I’ll keep moving forward on my way.”

The sun happened to shed a glimmer of light when Su Li dressed in a new white robe, came out from the palace behind the mountain. It turned out that she had been in the tactical matrix unknowingly for a day and a night.

The elders waiting in front of the palace showed looks of concern on their faces. And as they saw the figure approaching against the backdrop of the golden dawn, they changed their looks greatly and became terrified.

Clop, clop, clop…

Su Li approached at an appropriate speed; it seemed that the sound of her footsteps knocked on everyone’s heart, leading them to back away until there was no room to move.

Su Li shot a glance at the group, but didn’t see Qing Weiyue. And she didn’t care about that. As her palm inverted, the dim golden book appeared. She said softly, “the First Elder of the Meng Sect refused to have a peace talk with me and even wanted to kill me. So, he has been executed. Do you want to be like him?”

“It is…the Holy Tactical Matrix of the Sect!”

“It’s already been broken through!”

“Even the holy tactical matrix fell into their hands, so will us!”

Upon recognizing the treasure in her hand, the confused elders kneeled without any hesitation, yelling in chorus, “My dear Grand Elder!”

“My dear Grand Elder!”

“My dear Grand Elder!”

“Long live the Grand Elder! You’ll definitely lead us to a bright future!”


Watching those fence sitters kowtowing, Su Li squinted and chuckled.

Any devious trick was nothing in front of real strength.

This was the supreme law in the cultivation circle!

Qing Weiyue, imprisoned in a palace behind the mountain, heard the chorus. “Finally, the Meng Sect is to perish,” he sighed.

He sighed but not regretted much.

By contrast with joining in Su Family, allying with the Ni Sect seems to be the best choice to protect himself.

However, it also depended on how great the ambition of this Grand Elder of the Ni Sec was.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help remembering the scene of taking Su Li as a novice disciple by mistake, strange feelings appearing.

So, maybe it was a good opportunity for him to meet with the Grand Elder.

Hours later…

All the disciples, including Qing Weiyue, were summoned to the palace behind the mountain to wait. It was a great rarity that elders of all sects converged. Anxious and fearful for what the new master would do, they widely discussed.

With a relaxed mood, Qing Weiyue stood among the group, and, to some extent, he guessed Su Li’s purpose.

Shortly thereafter, two elders walked out from the palace. Their faces were pale but they were not injured.

“Ninth Elder and Tenth Elder! I don’t believe you are in the palace! What did the Grand Elder say to you?”

The speaker was an old man, a kind hunchback. But the cultivation of him was marvelous, at the peak of the Jindan Realm.

Seeing him, Qing Weiyue chuckled with eyes downcast.

After the death of Ning Dawei, Pang Yueling, the Second Elder of the Meng Sect, immediately became active. Unfortunately, these little tricks were too childish in the new Grand Elder’s eyes.

At the very sight of Pang Yueling, Ninth Elder and Tenth Elder gave a reluctant smile, and hardly had they begun to speak when they remembered something. With a change of look, they left without a word.

The smile froze on Peng Yueling’s lips, but it returned to normal a few minutes later.

With a glance at the group, he found Qing Weiyue. And at the very moment he was about to get close to him, a kind of soft water-like sound came from within the palace.

“Elder Qing Weiyue, come in.”

Pang Yueling stopped walking abruptly. Qing Weiyue looked at him with a smile full of implicit meaning and then stepped into the palace without turning his head back.

Being snubbed twice, Pang Yueling cannot keep peace any more. He looked at the closed gate of the palace; his thought was unknown and expressions uncertain.

After Qing Weiyue went into the palace the light dimmed a little, and then he immediately saw Su Li sitting on the throne with her chin on her right arm and her eyes closed.

As he approached the throne, Su Li slightly opened her eyes, saying softly, “Elder Qing, you’re a man of wisdom, so I a.s.sume you know what I want you to do.”

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