Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 159 Joining the Yinmo Cult?

Chapter 159 Joining the Yinmo Cult?

Fan Dechang, the peace officer of the capital city quickly responded to such a big accident of the Baiwei Building. He immediately sent people to block the vicinity of the Baiwei Building, but seeing dead bodies of Ma Ling and his followers, many sons of rich families, Fan Dechang turned back and ran immediately.

The son of the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and many eldest sons of the rich and powerful families died!

The case was a hot potato!

If Fan Dechang didn’t deal with it well, he would easily lose his position!

The case was indeed a serious matter and it was not something that he could manage. Both Ling Qinglan of the Supreme Judiciary and Chen Gong of the Ministry of Penalty were willing to handle such a case. He was old, so he’d better not get involved.

“Lord, don’t go! I am wronged!”

Su Huanli saw that Fan Dechang had just come and left; and he hadn’t had time to say anything with the officer. He rushed to chase Fan Dechang, but he was stopped by the peace officers. They held the broadsword and halberd, so he didn’t dare to take rash action. He had to raise his hands in a flurry and came back slowly.

Su Li stood aside and pondered.

She did not check the cause of Ma Ling’s and others’ death because it didn’t make sense. Money of Ma Ling and others disappeared completely. It was obvious that someone destroyed the evidence under the pretext of stealing. It was difficult to find out any clues.

Soon, people of the Supreme Judiciary and the Ministry of Penalty came here.

Fan Dechang was a very sophisticated person; He didn’t want to offend anyone and informed Chen Gong and Ling Qinglan of the news at the same time.

Ling Qinglan and Chen Gong met in front of the Baiwei Building. They looked calm and meditated for a while.

The atmosphere became tense at once.

The Supreme Judiciary and the Ministry of Penalty handled big cases at the same time. The compet.i.tion between them was fierce, and the relations.h.i.+p was not good.

Ling Qinglan sighed inwardly and immediately said with a smile, “Lord Chen has to handle the previous cases and has a lot of work to do. How about handing over the case of the Baiwei Building to me?”

Chen Gong became stern and said in an indifferent voice, “Let the Ministry of Penalty deal with it. You’d better avoid arousing suspicion.”

Ling Qinglan became stern and thought that the old guy really would not consider personal feelings. Su Qingtan, why were all recent big cases related to you?

With this in mind, he took a step back and bent down to salute. He said loudly, “Lord Chen, there must be grievances in this case. Please do not use instruments of torture to avoid big mistakes.”

Chen Gong heard Ling Qinglan’s words and snorted. Then he stepped into the Baiwei Building without looking back.

Ling Qinglan waved his hand and gestured to go back. The trusted subordinate behind him saw his gesture and couldn’t help transmitting the sound, “Lord, are we just leaving?”

Ling Qinglan raised his eyebrows and said, “Is there a choice? The case is related to Su Qingtan. Even if I manage to take over the case from Chen Gong and find out the real murder, I will not be able to convince the public. I have already said what I should say. The rest relies on good luck of the Su Family.”

Then Ling Qinglan’s mind flashed with Su Li’s delicate figure, and he couldn’t help but sigh. He only hoped that the girl could be strong enough to bear. The punishment of the Ministry of Penalty was cruel.

Su Li saw that Chen Gong came in and didn’t feel surprised at all. If the Supreme Judiciary took over the case, that was weird.

Chen Gong bent and examined the bodies of Ma Ling and others. Then he stood up and sternly glanced at Su Huanli and several waiters who almost wetted their pants in fear. Eventually he stared at Su Li for a moment and said coldly,

“Detain all people of the Baiwei Building and send them back to the Ministry of Penalty for interrogation!”

“Take away all the corpses and hand them over to a coroner to find out the cause of death!”

“Block the Baiwei Building. Anyone unrelated aren’t allowed to approach it during the investigation!”


Chen Gong coldly gave orders. Then people of the Ministry of Penalty took action at once.

The business of the Yiwei Building, diagonally opposite to the Baiwei Building improved slightly in the end. Wu Xiuxiu stood in front of the window sill on the second floor and saw people of the Ministry of Penalty take Su Li and others away. She could not help but doubt.

“Brother, that’s Chen Gong…”

Wu Jin smiled and played with the sandalwood that had not been completely burnt in his hand. Then he said, “It was Ma Ling and others that poisoned themselves personally. Who can think of it without this item, chief culprit of poisoning in the Baiwei Building? Even if Chen Gong has far-reaching supernatural power, he won’t suspect me. How can he arrest offspring of the Wu Family without evidence?”

Then Wu Jin pinched the half-burnt sandalwood in his hand into powder with a little physical strength.

Wu Xiuxiu looked at her arrogant and vigorous brother. She was intoxicated by him. If she hadn’t been his sister, how good would it have been…

In the prison of the Ministry of Penalty,

all people of the Baiwei Building were taken into custody separately, including the waiters.

Su Li was in a mixed female cell. There were more than ten female prisoners in blood-stained white prison uniforms. Several female prisoners saw that Su Li came in and hadn’t wore a prison uniform, and that she was dressed in bright and beautiful clothes. Their eyes brightened up at once and they came at Su Li crazily.

The prisoners had been locked up for a long time and were in a confused state of mind.

Su Li frowned and shunned them. She knocked down a few female prisoners who went too far. The wounds of the prisoners were touched, and they screeched sadly. Then they finally came to their sense and shrank in the corner again. They looked at Su Li in fear and were full of… hatred!

“I didn’t expect that you are a warrior. Little girl, do you know the implication of exposing cultivation in the Ministry of Penalty?”

The white-haired old biddy who crouched in the innermost place of the cell said with a sinister smile. Her voice was as harsh as a night owl.


The rest of the female prisoners immediately laughed with the old biddy.

Su Li bit her thin lips and meditated for a moment. In previous life, the black iron punctured her bones and she had been imprisoned in the water dungeon of the Ministry of Penalty for a year. She clearly knew a warrior’s fate in the Ministry of Penalty.

However, even if she didn’t expose her cultivation, her ident.i.ty had already been known throughout Yunjing City. How could it happen that the apprentice of the royal preceptor didn’t have any cultivation?

Instantly, two kinds of footsteps echoed in the cold dungeon. Although the sound of conversation was quiet, it was still heard by Su Li.


After an abnormal laughter, someone said, “I haven’t seen an unmarried young woman be tortured by bone puncture for a long time. This is a good task. Fifth Brother, how about giving me this errand?”

“Nonsense! I have been waiting for this errand for ten years. You actually want to change it with me. No way!”

Su Li became stern and thought that she was too careless.

Yunjing was different from other places. She knew that someone dealt with her, but in face of a difficult situation, she couldn’t think of a solution for a while.

Although the Ministry of Penalty was heavily guarded, it was absolutely easy for her to escape if she wanted to do so.

But she couldn’t escape. If she escaped, she would be responsible for the sin of the Baiwei Building. The Eldest Brother would also be involved by her and his official career would be ruined.

She had such regret in previous life. This life… she was absolutely unwilling to see the scene.

“Who is Su Li? Come out for the inquiry!”

When she was thinking, two p.a.w.ns for death sentence appeared in front of the cell with their eyes s.h.i.+ning.Read more chapter on v

“Was Su Li taken away by the Ministry of Penalty?”

After Ling Li heard the news from Ling Qinglan, his expression changed slightly. Ling Xian was extremely worried too. If the girl died in the Ministry of Penalty, no one could heal Ling Qinglan’s wound.

“Should I go?”

Ling Mo felt nervous and knew the relations.h.i.+p between the master and Su Li. They were definitely not alienated from the surface.


Ling Li turned the mechanism on the wall and took out a set of plain clothes and a mask. Then he turned away. He said, “You were exposed last time. This time I will go personally against emergencies!”

Ling Xian saw Ling Li leave blankly. Did they feel nervous for the same thing?

Ling Mo glanced at her carefully and did not dare to say more in the end.

The persons in the room had their own thoughts. Ling Qinglan was confused most. What was the relations.h.i.+p between Su Li and Ling Li? Everyone felt nervous when he said that Su Li had an accident. Why?

Was there a secret that he did not know?

With this in mind, Ling Qinglan patted the fan in his hand. He became less confused and did not ask anything. He could live for half a year at most in his current psychical condition. What if he knew?

Ling Qinglan returned to the Ministry of Penalty. He saw Su Qingtan, who had been waiting for him for a long time, as soon as he walked into the study.

“Lord, how about my sister and others?”

Su Qingtan clenched his fists. He had already heard the news from someone who came back from the prison, but he still wanted to get confirmation from Ling Qinglan.

Ling Qinglan raised his eyebrows and said lightly, “It’s not that scary to be imprisoned by the Ministry of Penalty. After all, the case has not been ascertained. Your father will be fine, but no one knows what your sister will go through.”

When Su Qingtan heard the latter part of Ling Qinglan’s words, he was so nervous that he felt a sense of suffocation. Then he said, “What will happen to my Second Sister?”

Ling Qinglan smiled and said, “It seems that you are not surprised about the fact that Qi Xianqing is your sister’s master. You should have seen Qi Xianqing and should know that Qi Xianqing is not only a royal preceptor but also a superb senior who breaks through to the inborn peak in cultivation! Do you think he will not teach his apprentice Xuangong?”

Su Qingtan pondered and said, “You mean…”

But the Second Sister had never shown any force in front of him and didn’t look like a person who mastered a little bit of Xuangong.

Ling Qinglan sneered undisguisedly, “Su Li’s cultivation has reached to the acquired eighth hurdle. Your cultivation is not as good as hers. Tut-tut…”

Su Qingtan heard Ling Qinglan’s taunts and his cheeks became crimson. Then he roared in a low voice, “Stop!”

Ling Qinglan was not angry and tapped on the table with his fingers. Then he said, “After your sister suffers from the bone puncture in the future, you will still have many opportunities to exceed her.”

Bone puncture?!!!

Su Qingtan was instantly pale and grabbed the edge of the table tightly. He shouted angrily, “Why will she suffer from the bone puncture? She is not convicted, is she? Does the Ministry of Penalty dare to punish the apprentice of the royal preceptor?”

“Why don’t you find your idol instead of spending sometime venting your anger to me?”

Ling Qinglan became stern and his words put Su Qingtan under great pressure. Then Su Qingtan said, “Unfortunately, the rule that warriors have to suffer from bone puncture when they are in the Ministry of Penalty is made by your idol, Lord Chen Gong.”

Su Qingtan stopped breathing temporarily. His Second Sister had lived a miserable life since her childhood. Her happy life just began. However, she would have to suffer from the inhumane punishment. With these in mind, he felt distressed and trembled.

Why wasn’t he the one who was tortured?!

Taking a deep breath, Su Qingtan pondered and said, “Ling Qinglan, you said that there are ways to make me become stronger quickly. I want to try at all costs.”

Ling Qinglan chuckled and waved his hand to close the doors and windows. Then he said slowly, “You have no valuable things, but I will help you in consideration of your kindness and justice. Loyalty is not emphasized in the martial arts circle, but if you violate the moral principle of my cult, I will kill you personally. Su Qingtan, have you ever heard… the Yinmo Cult?”

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