Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 216 Sounding Out Cruelly

Chapter 216 Sounding Out Cruelly

After Zhu Yan was dragged away by the Royal Guards, the street turned calm. Su Li ignored Zhu Yan. She left without looking back. Wu Bin looked at her and was confused in his heart. It seemed that Miss’s att.i.tude towards Zhu Yan was different from the survey result.

However, Zhu Yan had abused her since she was a kid. No matter how she treated Zhu Yan, it was all right. He should be happy because Zhu Yan was punished successfully.

Thinking of it, Wu Bin cheerfully left following Su Li.

After returning to the Affiliated School, Wu Bin left with his subordinates. Su Li asked Yun Yi and others to leave her alone. Then she came to the adytum. A table was full of bottles and jars. There was a transparent gla.s.s bottle in the middle of the table.

Su Li came to the table and gently picked up the gla.s.s bottle. She squinted at it. There was a transparent insect creeping slowly.

It was the Poisonous Mother-Child Insect, which was made by herself. She used the blood of Zhu Yan and Su Yousheng, her Fifth Sister. The Poisonous Mother Insect had been drunk by Zhu Yan. If Zhu Yan died, the Poisonous Child Insect in the bottle would also die. Besides, she could see Zhu Yan’s physical changes through the Poisonous Child Insect.

The rotting-heart pill was refined by her again. It was not a poison killing people instantly. Zhu Yan could be alive until she arrived the frontier of Dahan Country at least. Fang Yuan should have already set off at this time.

“I give you the opportunities to show up. I’m waiting…”

Su Li muttered it to herself. Her eyes s.h.i.+ned. She almost failed on the matter of Su Zipei. What she saw was not that Su Zipei and Zhu Yan was in luck. Instead, she saw that there was an evil backstage manipulator behind them, who displayed the means constantly.

There must be someone behind them secretly manipulating it. Now the plan failed, but Zhu Yan and Su Zipei were not dead. If that person was cautious and merciless, they would be murdered to prevent divulgence of the secrets.

Therefore, there was a chance to see the real face of the evil backstage manipulator.

At this time, Mammy Li carrying bank notes came in. She looked helpless and said, “Miss, you asked me to buy Su Zipei in the broker house. However, the boss said that Su Zipei had been bought yesterday.”

Su Li slightly raised her eyebrows. Su Zipei was sent to the broker house yesterday and was bought on the same day. It was weird.

“Who bought her?”

Mammy Li moved close to Su Li and whispered, “The boss of the broker house was reluctant to say at the beginning. Then I scared him in the name of Lord Rui’s Mansion. He finally said that the person who bought Su Zipei was the miss of the Wu Family, Wu Xiuxiu.”

The Wu Family?

Su Li frowned slightly. After the Wu Family was attacked heavily, she hadn’t heard the news of the Wu Family for a long time.

Wu Xiuxiu was narrow-minded. She would not have hidden herself so well. Su Li’s intuition was telling herself that the evil backstage manipulator was someone else. If she couldn’t find out the manipulator early, she would have to guard that person at all times.

However, she could guess the reason why Wu Xiuxiu bought Su Zipei. Perhaps it was more difficult for Su Zipei to accept such an end…

“Mammy, you can leave.” Su Li shook her head and said, “Since she has been bought, let it go. Lord Rui’s Mansion and the Wu Family are incompatible as fire and water. It is impossible for me to buy Third Sister back.”

Mammy Li heard it and was relieved. Although it was a pity that she could not see how Su Zipei worked as a slave, she thought of Wu Xiuxiu’s unruliness and knew that Su Zipei would have a very hard time for the rest of her life.

At this moment, Su Zipei, who stayed in the Wu House for a night in fear and trembling, put on her maid costume and was brought to Wu Xiuxiu’s room.

Wu Xiuxiu closed her eyes and reclined on a soft couch. A maid around her was ma.s.saging her legs carefully.

Su Zipei shaking with fear walked up to Wu Xiuxiu. She gave a rusty salute to Wu Xiuxiu as a servant and stammered, “I… I’m Su Zipei. I’m here to salute Miss.”

Wu Xiuxiu heard it and slightly opened her eyes. She glanced at Su Zipei and said lazily, “Su Zipei, are you the b.i.t.c.h’s sister? You look so ugly.”

Then, the maid next to her reminded her softly in her ears. Wu Xiuxiu opened her eyes completely, and the maid immediately helped her adjust her clothes. Wu Xiuxiu said, “Oh, I forgot that Su Li has no blood relations.h.i.+p with you. You are now a slave, so you cannot have a surname anymore. I’ll give you a name. You can be called… ‘Shouma’?”

As soon as she said the word, all maids around her couldn’t help but laugh. Wu Xiuxiu also laughed.

Su Zipei was ashamed and resentful. She almost bit her lips until it bled. She said, “I’m not ‘Shouma’. I only stayed in the broker house for one day!”

“Shouma” was an insulting word for women. Some girls from poor families were bought at a low price and sold with a high price by people of the broker house. They could be arbitrarily insulted and violated after being bought by rich people, just like puny horses. This kind of women were called “Shouma”. The more female human trader raised “Shouma”, the more they earned.

Seeing that Su Zipei even dared to defy her, Wu Xiuxiu looked angry and said, “I didn’t allow you to speak. Do you dare to refute me? Huan, let her learn a lesson. She will be taught by you later. Let her know what kind of maid is qualified to stay by my side!”

“Yes, miss.”

A maid next to Wu Xiuxiu answered softly. She walked to Su Zipei with quick short steps and was not soft-hearted on beating. She slapped Su Zipei several times. Su Zipei’s mouth was full of blood.

“Newcomer, you are no longer a miss from a rich family. Since you are already a slave, you should do what a slave can do. Today you offend Miss. I have to teach you a lesson!”

“Ouch! Stop!”

Su Zipei screamed again and again. She was in a trance. She seemed to see the scene that she asked servants to teach Su Li a lesson two years ago. It was similar to the scene today, wasn’t it? Nowadays, as the saying went, “Every dog has its day.” Su Li became the princess, yet she became the most menial maid…

Wu Xiuxiu looked at the miserable situation of Su Zipei. She had ease of mind. She couldn’t abuse Su Li. But couldn’t she abuse other people of the Su Family?!! Only in this way could she vent her hatred a little bit.

“Sister, what are you doing? Stop it first.”

Wu Jin walked in and glimpsed the scene. Then he asked them to stop. All maids stopped and saluted him, “First Master.”

“Brother, why are you here?”

Wu Xiuxiu’s eyes brightened up. She quickly got up and came to him. Her brother was so busy that she couldn’t meet him these days. She was too bored, so she gave vent to her anger on Su Zipei. She didn’t expect that her brother would come today.

Wu Jin glanced at Su Zipei, who was beaten black and blue lying on the ground, and gently touched Wu Xiuxiu’s nose. He said, “Oh, my dear. Our Wu Family is not like before. You have to restrain yourself a little bit.”

“It’s okay, brother. She is Su Zipei. She is already a slave. No matter how I abuse her, I won’t be caught napping!”

“Su Zipei?” Wu Jin blinked and asked, “Who is Su Zipei?”

“Who else could Su Zipei be?” Wu Xiuxiu pursed her lips and said, “Brother, you’re here to see me. Why did you talk about the slave? Play with me for a while.”

But Wu Jin stared at Su Zipei, who bowed her head and was crying, without blinking. He was not worried anymore. He said, “Sister, you’re doing the wrong thing. If you want to take revenge, I have a very special way.”

“What is the way?”

Wu Xiuxiu’s interest was aroused. She grabbed Wu Jin’s hand and almost leaned on her brother. She said, “Brother is the best. You definitely can come up with a perfect way to give vent to my anger!”

Wu Jin reluctantly pushed his clingy sister away, but his chuckle echoed in the room.

“I’ll let you have a whale of a time!”

In the study of the East Courtyard of the Ling Mansion,

Ling Xian focused on sorting out files sent this morning. She put the most important files foremost. The Master needed to deal with these files in time today.

“Master, on the eighth day of the twelfth month in the lunar calendar, the Dongfang Family will send real seniors to shock and awe people at the Auction Fair.”

Ling Li nodded and took over the file. He whispered softly, “It’s a good opportunity to know the strength of Dongfang Xiao. Ask people of the Shalou Cult to be on the alert secretly.”

“Yes, master.” Ling Mo answered.

He took over the file and stepped aside.

Ling Xian fetched another file and spread it out gently. She said, “The agents found that both Tianji Country and Nanjiang Country sent their princes to visit our country. And they will arrive after three days.”

Ling Li slightly raised his das.h.i.+ng eyebrows. And then he lowered his head and thought for a moment.

The Wei Family in Nanjiang Country had always been restless. They made enemies everywhere. It met his expectations that they came to Dahan Country to get involved. However, the Tantai Family, who had never cared about foreign affairs, also took a hand unexpectedly. It was strange…

“Ask people of the Tianya House to get ready for it. They must keep close watch on both Nanjiang Country and Tianji Country. No mistake is allowed. In addition, how about the manpower at the Auction House?”

Ling Qinglan smiled slightly. After recovering, he didn’t have to worry about that thinking too much would cause his death due to the poison breaking out. He was much more professional than Ling Li, who was a dabbler, about schemes and intrigues.

“Rest a.s.sured. Except the leader who was a loyalist of the Dongfang Family, others… are all members of the Yinmo Cult!”

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