Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 309 Black Lotus

Chapter 309 Black Lotus

The night was as cool as water.

The cold moonlight s.h.i.+ned on the ground under the silent night sky, two long shadows being reflected.

“Useless work?”

Su Li smiled, “Old man, what I did is none of your business. If you’re here just to say that, I won’t spend my time to stay with you.”

The old beggar seemed to be surprised that Su Li was still impolite to him after she knew some secrets, but he recovered as usual quickly, and then laughed.

“You’re right, little girl. It’s your own business and I don’t care what you would like to do! Maybe in the end, I will help you.”

“Help me?”

Su Li frowned and smiled, “Can you help me to fight against the Old Ancestor of the Xiaoshen Palace?”

The old beggar was shocked. Su Li’s words made his vital energy linger in his throat and he was almost choked. He slipped away eventually!

“Little girl, you should remember… Nothing is impossible! Everything could change quickly. If you can seize the opportunity, you can be resurrected from death!”

“Everything could change quickly… resurrected from death?”

While gathering some warm bath water in one hand, Su Li frowned and muttered a few words without knowing what to do. As the old beggar said, she was stuck in a complete stalemate.

If she would like to get the chance of survival, she had to master the natural law.

But how far and how abysmal the natural law was. How could she find the law and master it?

It sounded impossible.

“…”Visit v ip novel. com

A slight sigh echoed in the silent bathroom.

After Su Li came back, Ling Li could calm down to deal with the affairs of the Cult which acc.u.mulated in the past half month. He could also read the information send from Tianya House every day, but the more he read, the more suspicious he was.

There were frequent changes happening in Nanjiang Country, but suddenly all of them stopped and the government even sent compensation for goods and tributes to the frontier barracks. Why?

So, it seemed that they would like to stop the war?

“Qinglan, do you know what happened?”

Ling Li handed over the file, while Ling Qinglan gave him a cold look and did not pick up the pile, “Even if you are concerned about Su Li, you should always take a look at the daily border intelligence. That had been out of date, and you shall see the latest news.”

Then, Ling Qinglan took out another file from the table. Ling Li immediately took it and opened. As he swept over the content, he changed his face slightly and became shocked greatly.

The Lord of Nanjiang Country changed?!

“When did it happen?”

Ling Qinglan frowned and shook his head, “I am not clear about it. The strength of Lu Family is weaker than that of Wu Family and Ma Family in Yunjing City. So, it couldn’t defeat Wei Family.”

Ling Li agreed. According to the changing affairs, he speculated that the time when the Lord of Nanjiang Country changed should coincide with the time when he saved his Second Brother.

“I doubt that it is Hehuan Sect!”

Ling Qinglan folded his fan, and said with a serious tone, “A few days ago, our brothers spied at Lians.h.i.+ Cult send the news to us, saying that the master of Lians.h.i.+ Cult suddenly went deep into the mystery and forbidden land with some elites but they haven’t come back yet. The rest of the men at the Cult ran away, so, the Cult is nothing now.”

“Mystery and forbidden land…”

Ling Li became thoughtful. He had heard the name of the scary land. Since people of Lians.h.i.+ Cult had gone there, they would spend a long time to go out. So, it was unnecessary to fear them. Now he should figure out why people of Lians.h.i.+ Cult took a risk to enter the mystery and forbidden land?

“Hehuan Sect could never force them like this and Hehuan Sect was not powerful enough to defeat Wei Family…”

Ling Li rubbed his glabella. He did not pay attention to intelligence just for more than ten days, but he did not expect that the world situation had changed so much that it was completely unrecognizable.

“Check! First, check what happened to Tiangu City half a month ago, and send people secretly to detect the details of Lu Family. At the same time, pay close attention to the movement of Hehuan Sect. If it was the old Lord Ye, his action will not stop here!”

Ling Qinglan became serious and nodded repeatedly.

Ling Li’s decision was right. With his order, Yinmo Cult, the huge and united machine immediately operated. But no matter how Ling Li found them, he could no longer find any trace and information of Hehuan Sect. It seemed that Hehuan Sect had disappeared forever!

Helplessly, Ling Li could only give up. There was no war in the frontier, and he also did not need to be distracted by Ling Ping, so, he only concentrated on Dongfang Family.

The time when Su Li accompanied him pa.s.sed so quickly that a new year came soon.

Mammy Li calculated that it had been a year and a half since Miss got married, and four years since she rescued Su Li from the wooden house out of Dasu Town.

How time flied!

Mammy Li sighed, and she suddenly saw Qiu Meng leave away from the East Courtyard sadly, followed by a doctor.

“It was reasonable for Madame to urge. After all, they’ve been married for a long time, but there is no message saying that Miss is pregnant. If I were her… I would be worried, too!”

Mammy Li muttered oddly, and went back to the kitchen to prepare the refreshments. She followed Su Li for the longest time. Although she had not learned much about cooking from Miss, the refreshments made by her were still much more delicious than the other cooks did, so, the old lady and the lady really liked them.

This year, Dahan Country had not changed a lot. Although the emperor’s body was weaker than before, the situation in the country was more stable than that in previous years since the Fifth Prince was appointed as Crown Prince. As for Tianji Country and Nanjiang Country, they were peaceful. The relations among the three countries came into an unprecedented period of harmony.

Taking the chance, Yinmo Cult expanded its strength. Both Xuelou Cult and Tianya House had made great progress, and their power covered Nanjiang Country and even extended into Tianji Country.

In the real spiritual circle, where was disconnected from the secular world, the situation had made tremendous changes this year!

First of all, Ghost Valley, the second power of the real spiritual circle, which was inferior to Xiaoshen Palace, suddenly announced they would close the valley. All the disciples walking around in the outside world had returned to the valley, without a sign of going out again!

Rumors spread everywhere in real spiritual circle. Some said that Ghost Valley was suddenly destroyed by a mysterious enemy, while others said that the founder of Ghost Valley returned to the valley to teach spells, so, all the people of the sect were recalled. All kinds of rumors were exaggerated, so, no one believed.

A short time later, the grand ascending ceremony of the Head of Wanjian Sect overwhelmed the rumors of Ghost Valley. The grand banquet lasted for three days and three nights. After that, the name of the Head Wen Tingshan was spread throughout the real spiritual circle and the Head’s wife Ning Qing was pregnant, which could be said that good things come in pairs.

Su Li asked Fang Yuan to send the congratulations, while she stayed at Ling Mansion, concentrating on practice.

Finally, at a certain moment, Su Li opened her eyes, and stopped operating Xuangong, using her fingertips caressed her slender wrist.

“It’s just four thousand foundation left.”

Su Li took a breath, opened the door and went out.

The sun outside was so bright that she narrowed her eyes. The scenery in the front courtyard of the wing-room was as exuberant as it was a year ago. Then the expression “pride comes before a fall” occurred in her mind. Later, Su Li felt something wrong, so, she stopped her steps.

Raising her head, she saw a figure appeared on the quiet courtyard wall edge, which she had not noticed before.

Depressed, pallid, ragged and disheveled, he looked like a wandering ghost. The familiar face, which was full of wrinkles, exuded a very different pneuma at that moment.

It’s him, Qi Xianqing.


Su Li frowned slightly, and called out. Qi Xianqing immediately gave a response. He immediately came to Su Li, with his muddy eyes fixed on her, without any words.

At this moment, Mammy Li pa.s.sed the door and saw Su Li standing in the courtyard, so, she greeted with a smile, “Miss, you go outside finally. Enjoying the suns.h.i.+ne is good for your health.”

Su Li felt a little confused. She glanced at Qi Xianqing who was still staring at her, and then looked at Mammy Li who was outside the door of the courtyard. From that angle, Mammy Li should have seen Qi Xianqing’s back.

“Miss, what’s wrong with you?”

Mammy Li interrupted her thought. Su Li turned back, shook her head and said, “Nothing, I’m just thinking about something. You can go ahead.”


Mammy Li didn’t ask more and went away in a while.

Su Li’s eyes returned to Qi Xianqing. After keeping silent for a long time, she suddenly said,

“Ghost Clan?”

Qi Xianqing’s eyes had fluctuated. He floated next to Su Li, as if he had no feet. With a hoa.r.s.e voice, he was different with the gentle old doctor he was before.

“You know Ghost Clan? Who told you?”

“Tantai Feng.”

Su Li simply replied. She was really sure that this “cheap master” in front of her had remembered his ident.i.ty.

Even if she lied, he would find it soon.

“Ho ho… It was him.”

Qi Xianqing laughed madly, and his eyes popped out with unforgettable hatred, “He also had a share to destroy my Ghost Clan in the past!”

Su Li kept silent.

Qi Xianqing was shocked for a while. The mocking expression occurred on his face suddenly and he couldn’t help laughing, “I have forgotten that you are also a human race, ho ho…”

Su Li pressed her lips slightly and thought for a moment. She said, “Senior, why did you come here?”

“What do you call me?”

Hearing what Su Li said, Qi Xianqing became angry immediately. Then he asked wrathfully with his eyes opened wide.

Su Li kept calm and said, “I just…”

“Just what?”

Qi Xianqing interrupted Su Li, and said resentfully, “People of our Ghost Clan are single-minded. Since I recognized you as my apprentice, you have to be my apprentice for all my life, without regret!”

Did Ghost Clan have such custom?

Su Li became speechless temporarily and did not know what to say. She had expected that if she handled the thing of Ghost Valley, Qi Xianqing would certainly come to visit her. But unexpectedly, he had restored his memory.

“Take it, girl!”

Qi Xianqing turned his palm, and turn out an ancient and simple black ring. Su Li took it over doubtfully. For a careful look, Su Li found that the ring didn’t have any slightest pattern on the surface and the texture was a little rough like stone.

At this moment, a black flash pa.s.sed through Qi Xianqing’s eyes. As a result, the ring in Su Li’s hands melted into her skin like water, and then it appeared on her ring finger. A black lotus emerged gradually from the ring surface.

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