Lady Su's Revenge

Chapter 314 Deciding My Fate

Chapter 314 Deciding My Fate


Hundreds of feet of blood lines on the ground vibrated. As time went on, the amplitude of the vibration became larger and larger. Many cracks appeared, extending to Qi Xianqing and the old beggar.

“What happened?”

The old beggar’s breath was not as good as it was ten months ago. He doubtfully looked at Qi Xianqing, who was also weak and frowned.

It was the first time that he used this way to propel Tactical Matrix of Reincarnation, so he couldn’t know what would happen.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The movements of the tactical matrix became larger and larger. With the vibration, there were a lot of cracks in the tactical matrix and they tended to spread out. Qi Xianqing and the old beggar had no choice but to suppress them.

But no matter how the tactical matrix vibrated, the blood coc.o.o.n in the center of the tactical matrix still remained motionless.


The old beggar turned pale slightly. The cracks meant that the tactical matrix would stop working, and the blood coc.o.o.n was still motionless. There would only be one result.

That was the person in the tactical matrix had already dead.

“Qi Xianqing, you have said that we have 60% to 70% possibilities to succeed?! This tactical matrix had cost you and me ten thousand years of life. Can we give up?”

Qi Xianqing didn’t speak, with a gloomy face. His gray eyes were fixed on the blood coc.o.o.n. He didn’t believe that Su Li, who was always determined, could not bear the pain and died!

“Well, it was destiny.”

When the old beggar saw that the blood coc.o.o.n in the middle of the tactical matrix began to peel off and be damaged, he couldn’t help sighing and withdrawing his way, “This place is about to collapse, and the movement wouldn’t be small. In order to prevent the mirror spirit from discovering it, it’s better for us to run away earlier.”

It seemed that Qi Xianqing didn’t heard it. He still stared at the blood coc.o.o.n. The old beggar, who always laughed at the secular world and didn’t care about anything, finally became angry. When he was about to infuriate, suddenly —


A voice sounded like tearing cloth appeared. Although the voice was very small, the two old guys still noticed it.

Qi Xianqing’s eyes were s.h.i.+ning in a flash.

Then, he saw a pale hand stretching out of the blood coc.o.o.n crack, and… tearing it hard!

“Ha, ha, ha, ha… We succeed!”

Qi Xianqing couldn’t stop laughing, and the old beggar was also surprised. His eyes were fixed on the figure who was struggling out of the blood coc.o.o.n, for fear of missing any details.

But after Su Li was completely free from the blood coc.o.o.n, Qi Xianqing saw a ma.s.s of blood in her arms, and he stopped laughing immediately.

What was that?

Seeing the two depressed old men, Su Li was slightly moved, but it soon subsided.

Ten months was enough for her to understand a lot of things, including why the two ancient existences in front of her were so weak as if they had been mauled heavily.

Thousands of Life Rings only accounted for 70% of resources of Tactical Matrix of Reincarnation, and the other 30% came from these two people. From their faces, it could be seen that how much they cost to make the tactical matrix work.

What a pity…

“I failed.”

Su Li spoke abruptly with a harsh voice, as if her throat had been seriously hurt, which hadn’t been as pleasant as usual.


The old beggar changed his face slightly. He approached and said, “You come out alive. Why…”

Before he finished speaking, he finally saw what Su Li held in her arms. To be exact, it was a swaddle in blood.

In the swaddle, a white-skinned baby was sleeping peacefully, as if the hug, which was full of blood was the most peaceful place in the world.

“A newborn child?!”

The old beggar exclaimed, “How can you have a child?”

Although he was in clandestine activities, but these years Su Li’s activities had always been in his eyes. How could Su Li be pregnant for that she never consummated with Ling Li?!

The old beggar’s question hadn’t been answered yet. Qi Xianqing, whose eyes were dimly red, finally said angrily,

“You gave him all the opportunities?! Do you know… what it means?! Do you know…”

“I know.”

Su Li looked calm. She reached out and gently stroked the baby’s delicate cheek, with a touch of softness in her eyes, “I failed, but you haven’t. Bring him up well and you can get out of here as well.”

“Su Li!!”

The violent shout seemed to exhaust Qi Xianqing’s remaining strength. He was full of sorrow, but when he saw that Su Li kept calm, he didn’t know how to say.

Although they weren’t in the same clan, and… He had made use of Su Li in this plan. All he had done may be selfish, but the biggest benefit would belong to Su Li in the end!

But now…!

“In the illusion, even if you give birth to him, what you get is only a soul of the external world. He is not your son at all, but you gave the chance to him… I’m muddled, but are you muddled, too?!”


Su Li looked at Qi Xianqing, who almost wanted to strangle the baby in her arms. It was the first time she called him so sincerely, so, Qi Xianqing was shocked and calmed down from anger.

“OK! I’ll give you a chance. If you can’t persuade me, I will kill the child in your arms!”

Feeling his strong determination, Su Li smiled faintly, glanced at the old beggar who was listening to them, and called out, “Jing Xin.”

With this sound falling, a rainbow light came. Jing Xin appeared, who was full of surprise, “Master, have you succeeded?”

Su Li shook her head, “Go to eliminate the movement of the tactical matrix. Then, prepare a quiet room.”

Jing Xin was slightly shocked. Seeing the swaddle in Su Li’s arms, although she had many doubts, she still did as Su Li said.

A moment later, at the quiet room,

“Master, you got one thing wrong”

Su Li gently put down the swaddle in her arms, and the baby immediately reached out his hands uncomfortably, as if trying to catch something.

“One thing I can guarantee is that he… is my son! He is a new soul, not a man of the external world.”

As soon as Su Li said this, Qi Xianqing frowned at once, but he didn’t get angry again. Instead, he pointed at the Neiguan Point of the baby. After a long time, nothing abnormal happened.

“Without Life Ring?”

The old beggar was shocked. He stood up,

“Isn’t it a life in the illusion? But it’s not right, girl. You are an external person. According to the rules of Reincarnation Mirror, your descendants in this world will surely choose a soul from any Life Ring in the external world to merge with it. How can a new soul appear?”

Su Li glanced at Qi Xianqing, who was thinking about something. She shook her head and said, “Don’t forget my ident.i.ty, old senior.”

The old beggar was stunned, and then suddenly his eyes vibrated. He pointed at Su Li, saying surprisedly, “You… you’ve tried to change the rules of Reincarnation Mirror and you succeeded?! It meant…”

Su Li shook her head and said, “Old senior thinks highly of me. I just have a little power and have no one to rely on. How could I change the rules of Reincarnation Mirror? This time, I just broke through the shackles by making use of the tactical matrix. Without it, I can’t do it even if I try my best.”

“I see.”

The old beggar suddenly understood, focusing on the baby who was asleep. His dull eyes turned to be starry.

“Can the kid really take us go out from the Reincarnation Mirror?”

Su Li smiled, “If seniors had a right forecast, it should be…”

“Let’s talk about this later.”

Qi Xianqing said suddenly, and he was a little angry. He stared at Su Li’s pale face. With a low voice, he said, “Apprentice, tell me the truth. How much time have you left?”

Hearing the words, the old beggar realized something quickly. He moved his eyes from the baby to Su Li, who pretended to care about nothing and smiled all the time.

“If he didn’t say so, I would ignore it. You have the Blood Elixir, and now you give all the opportunities getting from Tactical Matrix of Reincarnation to you son. How will you survive?”

There was no answer, just a silence.

The atmosphere in the adytum became serious. Qi Xianqing banged the table fretfully, but finally he questioned repeatedly, which made the old beggar shocked,

“Why? Is it really disgusting to be my apprentice? So, you’d rather choose death?”

“Or you didn’t want to live? It happened that you have a son as you wished?!”

Su Li still kept silent, and then she stretched her fingers to tease the swaddled baby who was less than a month old.

Until now, when she recalled the pain in the blood coc.o.o.n, she was scared. With the Life Rings’ invasion, she had to suffer the torment, which seemed like thousands of snakes bit her body together.

The boundless pain reminded her of the most miserable years in the previous life. At that time, something appeared in her lower abdomen.

The pure vitality which was acc.u.mulated was… was from her son who had been lost in her previous life.

“You’ve forgiven me. Finally, you… you came back.”

She was so happy to regain her son and this happiness suppressed all the pains, including the increasingly sharp pain. According to the secret method of mastering Reincarnation Mirror in her memory, she forced to break the rule and brought a new soul out of Realm of Reincarnation. And then, she was staying in the blood coc.o.o.n, seeing that the life in her lower abdomen was growing and expected the day when he was born.

But she had forgotten the terrible environment. How could such a small and ordinary life survive in this circ.u.mstance?

Just five months later, the life in her lower abdomen stopped growing but disappeared slowly because of the bad environment in Tactical Matrix of Reincarnation.

“No! He couldn’t disappear!”

At that moment, her heart was broken. She reminded the scene that she lost her son in her previous life. She couldn’t bear to lose her kid again!

“Since the ordinary life couldn’t survive, I… I’ll let you to be the most outstanding one!”

She didn’t consider for a long time, and made a decision crazily. Later… Life Rings, Tactical Matrix of Reincarnation, and Blood Elixir, through her body, she put them all to the unformed life.

The ancient indifferent people just like Qi Xianqing could not understand the pain of losing.

After keeping silent for a long time, Su Li finally said peacefully, “I can decide my fate.”

Qi Xianqing wanted to say something but said nothing.

The old beggar sighed, but he had no feeling about this thing. As Su Li said, he had achieved his goal.

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