Latin for Beginners

Chapter 70


PREPOSITION >, with abl., _without_

LESSON x.x.xII, --193

>, n., _forearm, arm_

>, f., _gate_ (portal)


>, _full_ (plenty)


>, with abl., _before; in behalf of; instead of_

ADVERB >, _for a long time, long_

LESSON x.x.xIV, --200

ADVERBS >, _quickly_ (celerity) >, _finally_ >, _heavily, severely_ (gravity) >, _suddenly_

VERB >, _bring back, restore; win, gain_ (report)

LESSON x.x.xVI, --211

>, _right_ (dextrous) >, _left_ >, adv., _in vain_ (frustrate)

>, _bear, carry on; wear_; >, _to wage war_ >, _seize, take possession of_ (occupy)

>, _demand_ (ex-postulate) >, _refuse_ >, _stand_ >, _try, tempt, test; attempt_ >, _keep, hold_ (tenacious)

The word >, which we have used so much in the sense of _where_ in asking a question, has two other uses equally important:

1. > = _when_, as a relative conjunction denoting time; as, >, _when they heard the monster, they fled_

2. > = _where_, as a relative conjunction denoting place; as,

> is called a _relative conjunction_ because it is equivalent to a relative p.r.o.noun. _When_ in the first sentence is equivalent to _at the time >._

LESSON x.x.xVII, --217

> or >, conj., _neither_, _nor_, _and ... not_; >, _neither ... nor_ >, n., _redoubt, fort_ (castle) >, adv., _daily_

cesso, cessare, cessavi, cessatus, _cease_, with the infin.

>, _begin_ (incipient), with the infin.

>, _storm, a.s.sail_

> or

>, _aim at, a.s.sail, storm, attack; seek, ask_ (pet.i.tion)

>, _place, put_ (position); >, _to pitch camp_

>, _be able, can_ (potent), with the infin.

>, _forbid_ (veto), vith the infin.; opposite of >, _command_ >, _conquer_ (in-vincible) >, _live, be alive_ (re-vive)

LESSON x.x.xIX, --234

>, _strange, foreign, barbarous_. As a noun, >, m., plur., _savages, barbarians_ >, m., _leader_ (duke). Cf. the verb > >, m., _horseman, cavalryman_ (equestrian) iudex, iudicis, _m., judge_ >, m., _stone_ (lapidary) >, m., _soldier_ (militia)

>, m., _foot soldier_ (pedestrian)

>,[A] m., _foot_ (pedal)

>, m., _chief_ ( >, m., _king_ (regal) >, _highest, greatest_ (summit) >, f., _manliness, courage_ (virtue)

[Footnote A: Observe that > is _long_ in the nom. sing, and _short_ in the other cases.]

LESSON XL, --237

>, m., _Caesar_ >, m., _captive, prisoner_ >, m., _consul_ >, m., _brother_ (fraternity) >, m., _man, human being_ >, n., _hindrance_ (impediment); plur.

>, _baggage_ >, m., _commander in chief, general_ (emperor) >, f., _legion_ >, f., _mother_ (maternal) >, m., _row, rank_ (order)

>, m., _father_ (paternal) >, f., _safety_ (salutary) >, f., _sister_ (sorority)


>, f., _loss, disaster, defeat_ (calamity) >, n., _head_ (capital) >, n., _river_ (flume) >, m., _labor, toil_ >, n., _work, task_ >, m., _orator_ >, f., _bank_ (of a stream) >, n., _time_ (temporal) >, m., _terror, fear_ >, m., _victor_

>, _strengthen, establish, encourage_ (confirm)


>, f., _slaughter_ calcar, calcaris (-ium), n., _spur_ >, m. and f., _citizen_ (civic) >, m., _retainer, dependent_ (client) >, m., _end, limit_ (final); plur., _country, territory_ >, m. and f., _enemy_ in war (hostile).

Distinguish from >, which means a _personal_ enemy >, m., _fire_ (ignite) >, n. _decoration, badge_ (ensign) >, n., _sea_ (marine) >, f., _ship_ (naval); >, _man-of-war_ >, f., _tower_ (turret) >, f., _city_ (suburb). An > is larger than an >.

[Footnote A: The genitive plural ending -ium is written to mark the i-stems.]

[Footnote B: The genitive plural of mare is not in use.]


>, m., _hill_ >, m., _tooth_ (dentist) fons, fontis (-ium), m.. _fountain, spring; source_ >, n., _march, journey, route_ (itinerary) >, m., _month_ >, n., plur., _walls, fortifications_. Cf. > >, m., _mountain_; >, _top of the mountain_ >, adv., _never_

>, m., _bridge_ (pontoon) >, m., blood (sanguinary) >, _highest, greatest_ (summit) >, prep, with acc., _across_ (transatlantic) >, gen. plur. >, f. _strength, force, violence_ (vim)


>, _short, brief_ >, _difficult_ >, _facile, easy_ >, _brave_ (fort.i.tude) >, _heavy, severe, serious_ (grave) >, _every, all_ (omnibus)

>, gen.

>, _equal_ (par)

>, _few, only a few_ (paucity) >, _second; favorable_, opposite of adversus >, n., _signal, sign, standard_ >, gen. >, _swift_ (velocity)

>, _arrange, station, place_ (collocation) >, _point out, explain_ (demonstrate) >, _commit, intrust_ (mandate)


>, n., _horn, wing_ of an army (cornucopia); >, m., _cavalry_ >, m., _army_ >, m., _attack_ (impetus); >, with acc., _to make an attack on_ >, m., _lake_ >, f., _hand; band, force_ (manual)

>, m., _harbor_ (port)

>, prep, with acc., _behind, after_ (post-mortem)

>, _burn_ (cremate) >, _practice, drill, train_ (exercise)


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