Latin for Beginners

Chapter 71

Athenae, -arum, f., plur., _Athens_ Corinthus, -i, f., _Corinth_ >>>, f., _house, home_ (dome).

Cf. > >, f., _Geneva_ Pompeii, -orum, m., plur., _Pompeii_, a city in Campania. See map

>, prep. with acc., _on account of, because of_ rus, ruris, in the plur. only nom. and acc. >, n., _country_ (rustic) >, n., _back_; >, n., _wound_ (vulnerable)

>, _intrust, commit;_

>, _join battle_ >, _call together, summon_ (convoke) >, _fear; be afraid_ (timid) >, _turn, change_ (convert); >, _to turn the backs_, hence _to retreat_


>, m., _day_ (diary) >, f., _faith, trust; promise, word; protection_; >, _to come under the protection_ >, m. _wave, billow_ (fluctuate) >, f., _winter_ >, f., _hour_ >, f., _light_ (lucid);

>, _daybreak_ >, acc. >, abl. >, no plur., m., _midday_ (meridian) >, f., _night_ (nocturnal)

>, _first_ (prime) >, f., _thing, matter_ (real); >, _deeds, exploits_ (lit. _things performed_); >, _adversity_; >, _prosperity_ >, f., _hope_


>, conj., _and so, therefore, accordingly_ >, f., _a letter_ of the alphabet; plur., _a letter, an epistle_ >, m., _fear_ >, n., _nothing_ (nihilist) >, m., _messenger_. Cf. >

>, f., _peace_ (pacify) >, n., _reign, sovereignty, kingdom_ >, n., _punishment_; >, with abl., _inflict punishment on_; >, _suffer punishment_. Cf.


>, _be pleasing to, please_, with dative. Cf. --154 >, _take up, a.s.sume_ >, _sustain_

LESSON L, --288

>, n., _body_ (corporal) >, _dense_ >, demonstrative p.r.o.noun, _the same_ (ident.i.ty) >, intensive p.r.o.noun, _self; even, very_ >, _wonderful, marvelous_ (miracle) >, adv., _formerly, once upon a time_

>, f., _part, region, direction_ >, adv., _also_. Stands _after_ the word which it emphasizes >, m., _sun_ (solar) >, _true, real_ (verity)

>, _owe, ought_ (debt) >, _s.n.a.t.c.h from_

LESSON LI, --294

>, demonstrative p.r.o.noun, _this_ (of mine); _he, she, it_ >, demonstrative p.r.o.noun _that_ (yonder); _he, she, it_ >, _hateful, detested_, with dative Cf. --143 >, demonstrative p.r.o.noun, _that_ (of yours); _he, she, it_ >, f., _liberty_ >, m., _measure; manner, way, mode_ >, n., _name_ (nominate) >, m., _eye_ (oculist)

>, _former, old-time_ (pristine)

>, _public, belonging to the state;_ >, f., _the commonwealth, the state, the republic_ >, n., _footprint, track; trace, vestige_ >, f., _voice_


>, _unharmed_ >, adv., _not even_. The emphatic word stands between > and > >, conj., _unless, if ... not_

>, adv., _almost_ (pen-insula) >, adv., _enough, sufficiently_ (satisfaction) >, _so great_ >, adv., _truly, indeed, in fact_. As a conj. _but, however_, usually stands second, never first.

>, _fall down_ (deciduous) >, _leap down, dismount_ >, _remain_ >, _lead across_


>, _swift, quick_ (celerity). Cf. > >, m., _scout, spy_ (explorer) >, gen. >, adj., _huge, vast_ >, _middle, middle part of_ (medium) >, f., _mind_ (mental). Cf. >, _opportune_ >, adv., _than_. With the superlative > gives the force of _as possible_, as > audacissimi viri, _men as bold as possible_ >, gen. >, adj., _recent_ >, adv., _so_. Always with an adjective or adverb, while > is generally used with a verb

>, _ask, inquire, seek_ (question). Cf.



>, f., _speed_ (celerity) >, m., _shout, clamor_ >, _mild, gentle_ (lenient) >, f., _woman_ >, f., _mult.i.tude_ >, dat. >, acc. > (gen. >, abl. >, from >), no plur., m. and f., _no one_ >, _well known, n.o.ble_ >, adv. (an old abl.), _by night_ (nocturnal) >, adv., _immediately, at once_ >, adv., _suddenly_ >, _slow_ (tardy) >, _desire, wish_ (cupidity)

LESSON LV, --314

>, n., _command, chief power; empire_ >, f., _death_ (mortal) >, _remaining, rest of_. As a noun, m. and n. plur., _the rest_ (relic) >, n., _crime_ >, f., _slavery_ (servitude) >, f., _valley_

>, _strain, struggle; hasten_ (contend) >, _cut down, kill_. Cf. >, >

>, _terrify, frighten_ >, _receive, recover_; >, _betake one"s self, withdraw, retreat_ >, _give over, surrender, deliver_ (traitor)


>, f., _citizenship; body of citizens, state_ (city) >, prep, with acc., _between, among_ (interstate commerce) >, conj., _for_ >, m. and f., _hostage_

>, adv. (abl. n. of

>), _by a little, somewhat_

>, transitive, _inhabit_; intransitive, _dwell_. Cf. >, > >, _leave, abandon_ (relinquish) >, _fix, decide_ (statute), usually with infin.


>, f., _cohort_, a tenth part of a legion, about 360 men >, _run_ (course) >, f., _difficulty_ >, f., _ditch_ (fosse) >, f., _race, tribe, nation_ (Gentile) >, n., _business, affair, matter_ (negotiate) >, f., _region, district_ >, m., _rumor, report_. Cf. fama >, conj., _as soon as_

>, _undertake_ >, _drag, draw_ (ex-tract) >, _be strong_; plurimum valere, _to be most powerful, have great influence_ (value). Cf. validus


>, m.. _provisions_ >, f., _width_ (lat.i.tude) >, f., _length_ (longitude) >, f., _size, magnitude_ >, m., _trader, merchant_ >, f., _fortification_ (munition) >, n., _room, s.p.a.ce, distance; time_

>, _learn_; in the perfect tenses, _know_ (re-cognize) >, _collect; compel_ (cogent) >, _defend_ >, _set fire to, burn_ (incendiary). Cf. > >, _possess, occupy, hold_ (obtain)

>, _come through, arrive_


>, _the van_; >, _the rear_ > and > >, n., _council, a.s.sembly_ >, m., _the Helvetii_, a Gallic tribe

>, m., _a pace_, five Roman feet; >, _a thousand (of) paces_, a Roman mile >, _for this reason, for what reason_ >, n., _earth-works, rampart_

>, _fall_ (decadence) >, _surrender, give up_; with a reflexive p.r.o.noun, _surrender one"s self, submit_, with the dative of the indirect object

>, _press hard, hara.s.s_ >, _annoy, ravage_ (vex)

LESSON LX, --341

>, abl. of >, _for the sake of, because of_. Always stands _after_ the gen. which modifies it >, adv., _nearly, almost_ >, f., _opinion, supposition, expectation_ >, f. (lit. _the grain affair_), _grain supply_ >, m., _fear_. Cf. > >, adv., _from all sides_

>, _attempt, try_ >, _move out, disembark_;

>, _move forward, advance_ (egress, progress) >, _delay_ >, _arise, spring; begin; be born_ (_from_) (origin)

>, _set out_ >, _return_ (revert). The forms of this verb are usually active, and not deponent, in the perfect system. Perf. act., > >, _follow_ (sequence). Note the following compounds of > and the force of the different prefixes: > (_follow with_), _overtake_; > (_follow against_), _pursue_; > (_follow under_), _follow close after_


Translations inclosed within parentheses are not to be used as such; they are inserted to show etymological meanings.

[Transcriber"s Note: The "parentheses" were originally printed as [square brackets]. They are rendered here as [[double brackets]].]

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