Law of the Devil

Chapter 309 “In person! (1)”

Chapter 309 “In person! (1)”

Magnifying the seriousness on his face after that lecture, Rodriguez appears troubled at first before making a deep bow with his head after acknowledging the truth of those words. “Thank you for your guidance. Indeed, this form of thinking is something I never came across. If there’s a chance in the future then I would surely dive deeper into it for self-cultivation. However….” His complexion becoming gloomier as he raised his voice: “The fact remains that you are still trying to kidnap his dukes.h.i.+p in front of me. Even if I know I am not your opponent, I must fight you regardless! No matter the desperate struggle, I firmly believes that so long as I go all out then its still within the realms of possibility that I can injure you!”

Instead of getting angry at that outburst, White River only replied in a mild tone like he’s known the outcome all along: “This is your duty so it’s not strange or surprising for me. I don’t like to take advantage of others so I’ll tell you the truth. I am currently in a special state the way I am right now. That little cut I did earlier, it’s an ability I created by myself called Dimensional Slash. Its definitely beyond the grasps of yourself, but it’s also very demanding on the body, meaning I cannot

Sure enough, Rodriguez was definitely a bit more at ease after being told the truth. He may be a saint cla.s.s warrior of the highest standard, but not even he can pull off an attack that rips apart the very fabric of reality itself! Now to learn such a power can’t be wielded at the user’s will repeatedly, it meant there’s still a glimmer of hope.

“Saving his dukes.h.i.+p is the most important here. Everyone attack together!” Gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth, Rodriguez roars out the order to the rest of his companions.

It wasn’t only the saint knight who’s very uptight here, even Joanna too had completely withdrawn her haughty temperament and replaced it with a serious one.

With her heart decided now, there’s no need to hold back at all here as she mustered up a sweltering level of Dou Qi around her divinely fit body. As the spell rang out from that delicate hands of hers, a stream of roaring water gushed forward, whistling towards its intended target like it wanted to devour the very man’s existence. Yet, instead of getting serious or fazed by the attack, White River only revealed a faint smile like the torrent of water mattered not to him. Sure enough, he proved once again he was the superior one with that wisp of Flaming Dou Qi he flicked over.

Though the spark itself was small, miniscule even, but how can it be compared to an ordinary flame? Just like how he did with Mr. Blue Ocean during their fight, this small tiny fire completely decimated the torrent of water, evaporating it upon contact like a one-man army against thousands. To make matters worse, it didn’t just stop there after dispelling Joanna’s spell, it continued to chase after her through the stream of residual magic in the air!

Fortunately for the woman, just when all hope was lost, a silvery sword of slender construction had stretched over and blocked the igniting blast through sheer will.

This abrupt interruption was the action of Cybuster, the young general from the Northwest Army who’s been heckling the party all this time. The youngster had only intended to have a taste of the Shaman King’s power to measure his own; however, the end result was far more devastating than he could have ever imagined. There were no delays in his decision. On the very second that the blade of ice contacted that fire, he immediately released the full force of his Dou Qi to repel the invading force against his body. Sadly, even then that wasn’t enough. As a last-ditch resort, Cybuster could only slam his sword forward and shoot it at the man responsible for it all.

A metallic sword of exceptional construction that’s covered in freezing ice, this should’ve been a huge threat for any who were unfortunate enough to stand in its wake.

There’s no residue matter left from this, nothing at all, not even a puff of smoke!

“Well then, do you also intend to get involved?” The man asks, intrigued by the power portrayed by the young general just now.

As stoic and unyielding as Cybuster was, not even he can remain unfazed in front of that daunting gaze from the Shaman King. Showing a flicker of fear, he was actually fumbling for a correct response: “My father often told me about you and of how you are the strongest being in this world. Please do not misunderstand my intentions. My journey out into the world this time is to meet exceptional individuals like you so I can further hone my skills. Shame though, I was hoping you would….” He pauses, letting his tongue correct itself: “Out of consideration for my father, you wouldn’t kill me during the fight now would you?”

As for Joanna, she was ready to have another go at the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who embarra.s.sed herself in front of everyone. Without the flaunting of any flashy moves like she did earlier, she quickly chanted her binding spell and swung it forward without a second thought.

Towards this foolish attempt by the girl again, the man himself only laughed: “Didn’t I say it already? I am a being standing beyond the realms of this world. The rules and laws of this dimension cannot bind me.”

With that said, the Shaman King was now done with Joanna and s.h.i.+fts his gaze over to the saint knight instead. The burden now completely lies on Rodriguez now, meaning other than him, everyone else here was nonexistence to the man’s eye!

Its not like the knight wanted to stand idly by when his companion was under a.s.sault earlier, just that he knows far too well the opponent had completely locked onto him. If he so much as moved there, even an inch, it would give the foe the opportunity to strike. That’s not something he can afford, not here in front of this peerless master who can take a life with a single blow.

Furthermore, there were no lies in White River’s word. Though the person didn’t continue to use that Dimensional Slash like he said, but just the pressure exuding from his presence

Knowing there’s no other options left, Rodriguez can only revert back to the basics and become reckless. It was but a flash, but that’s all he needed to muster up the pinnacle of his powers to freeze over the s.p.a.ce itself and attack three times in that split second.

I’ve got you!

That’s the only thing Rodriguez could think about when the attack was about to land. Sadly, what came next completely destroyed the small glimmer of hope inside the knight’s heart, thrusting him into the abyss.

Originally the knight’s Ice Dou Qi had already slammed straight onto the Shaman King’s chest, evident by the contact on that clothing, yet things weren’t turning out as the way it should. There’s no impacting blow, no sound, nothing…. Furthermore, Rodriguez can distinctly

How can Dou Qi be frozen too???

For a second there Rodriguez actually thought he was hallucinating there. Yet everything too real that he can’t deny the facts.

To makes matters worse. In light of White River also using his own form of the Ice Dou Qi to counter the knight’s attack by freezing it over, the retaliation didn’t just end there. Like an infection during a plague, the frost continued to penetrate across the air like a malicious virus before entering into Rodriguez’s body. First was the fingertip the knight used, it practically imploded from within at the structural bone level. Afterwards everything was free game since the initial entry point has been made.

Coughing hard at the damage rampaging across his innards, Rodriguez didn’t even know where to start in fending for his life. In fact, he can already see patches of blood seeping out of his pores at every angle, making his appearance dreadfully frightening like a character from a horror story. But who was this knight? A saint level warrior! The damage was but a physical one, not a spiritual one. With an immense burst of his will and a blinding level of light, he forcefully expels the foreign matter out of his flesh through raw power!

Surprised by the capability of the youngling, White River clearly didn’t think the knight could do that. Elevating his foe’s standing using his eyes, the Shaman King approves the man using those meaningful eyes of his: “Very good, very good indeed.

After giving his praise, the next course of action from the Shaman King was absolutely astounding. Without so much as an blink or even eye contact, White River only needed to will it to dispel the sneak attack coming from Cybuster. This time there were no sparks of flame like the last, in fact it was purely his will manifesting into reality that knocked the young general back and across the inn.

As for Du We, the cause of all this fighting, he only stood there on the sideline waiting. Unlike Joanna who knew nothing of the incredible powers wielded by this man, he’s already seen it first hand the other night. So, in order to bring his chances of success to the maximum, he’s been waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike with his Nirvana’s Bow!

No matter what its still a sacred relic, it should be able to cause him some trouble right?!

This White River…. is he really impossible to match?

Even if I can locate Green hat Gandalf in the future, I fear….

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the Shaman King was turned against him with the back wide open. With a whisk of his sleeve, Du Wei finally makes his move!

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