Law of the Devil

Chapter 310 "Broken Painting (p1)"

Chapter 310 "Broken Painting (p1)"

He came alone today. Saint Igor Paul XVI, the current pope of the Temple of Light, finally confronts White River on this Lonely Mountain Pa.s.s!

This monster is truly terrifying, he"s actually materializing his battle intent to the point where I can actually feel it like a real tangible force!

“You are the Lord of the Temple of Light while I am the Shaman King of the Snowy Mountain. Why are you blocking my road when our paths are different? Or is that you are here to challenge me?" White River coldly asks, completely dismissing the rude tone in his voice.

In response, Saint Igor Paul XVI only issued a sigh like he"s regretting the confrontation: "I heard that you injured one of my followers on the road. Although I too am not very fond of that presiding judge myself, but his strength is already comparable to an eighth level mage so I can"t ignore what you have done. According to the description of the perpetrator that they described, I could only really think of one in this world that can match the description of your outfit and be so omnipotent. Shaman King, my old bones cannot handle the level of strife you raise you know. But as the representing agent of the G.o.ddess of Light, I have a duty to subdue any who brings blaspheme to humanity and her followers. Sadly the talent within the Temple is dying. Unless I come in person today, I fear not a single soul would be able to stand up to you…."

After giving all that ranting, the Pope once again exhales a long sigh after coughing hard like he"s a true elderly old man.

The situation was growing dire for Du Wei.

As his complexion became more and more pale with each pa.s.sing second, blood also starts to seep out of his nose, a direct consequence of overexerting his spirit to defend against that force. If this continues then it"s just a matter of time before his body gives.

There"s no question that Du Wei wanted to simply collapse and faint away into the darkness under that strain, but that"s not a plausible option right now. Because of what he did earlier by using his spirit to peep at the Pope and Shaman King, he"s now stuck in limbo within that raging vortex.

So what does that mean? It means that if he doesn"t retain control over his own spirit while the two monsters are going at it, he will be ripped from his body and consumed by that intangible vortex until he becomes shredded.

Even if he does survive at the end, the only outcome would be him becoming a drooling idiot. That"s not something Du Wei – a person known for his wits and intellect – can accept!

Then just when he"s about to completely succ.u.mb to the pressure and collapse, a critical moment for him, Du Wei suddenly became overwhelmed by a creeping chill from the front. The sensation was dreadfully cold, no doubt about that, but that"s not what he cares about. What he does care about here was the fact that his spirit has been released from that crus.h.i.+ng vortex.

While this was nothing much for the Shaman King, Du Wei on the other hand wasn"t all that fond of being tossed aside like a ragged doll. Not only did he lose his balance from that little sweep, his stomach felt like it wanted to puke like he"s nauseated from the most horrific park ride in this world. Nevertheless, there was one good thing from this and that was his spirit had completely returned to his body in its entirety.

Safe and sound, Du Wei cannot ask for more.

Unfortunately for him, just when the boy wanted to give his thanks for the kindness shown today, White River"s d.a.m.ning remark had shot over again: "You don"t have to thank me. I don"t care whether or not you are dead, I only care about the wellbeing of my pet. If you die then he goes too due to the contract. That I cannot allow."

Insults aside, White River did do a d.a.m.n good job of throwing Du Wei far off into the distant. From his estimation, he should be over a hundred meters away by the time he landed again, giving the boy ample room to watch the fight unfold without getting caught up in it. Sadly this also meant he would have a hard time hearing what the two monsters are saying in their conversations.

“In the face of the great Shaman king, how can I not go all in? I fear even a split second of carelessness would mean the end of me don"t you agree?" The Pope didn"t get offended, instead he only smiled like a kind elderly old man. A total contradiction of what he did just now.

“Humph," scoffing that claim with a snort, White River then initiated his next attack by stepping forward.

One step, that"s all it took for this great monster to send his foe into high alert!

“G.o.ddess once said, I will allow the existence of darkness, but the darkness will never be above the light. Otherwise, thou shall face my fury and its pure light…." The Pope"s sentence sounded like he was merely murmuring to himself, yet it was still clear and loud enough to reach even Du Wei into the distance!

Then before the boy knew it, the words had come gus.h.i.+ng into his soul like a thousand tidal waves, sending the poor Du Wei off his rockers from how painful it was.


Following that tiny snickering click of his tongue, that"s when the Shaman King finally countered.

First it was just several strands of silvery light materializing in front of the Shaman King. This was very strange. Though the strands of light appears to be harmless without a spec of danger to them, it"s actually slicing apart the very sound itself, acting like a s.h.i.+eld in its use.

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But the Pope wasn"t a pushover either. Knowing his attack was ineffective in its current state, it"s only normal that he would intensify it even further. In a split second, this was no longer just a simple bombardment of the sound, it"s literally a nuke, a sound nuke. Blowing away even the clouds in the sky and shattering the ground itself, anything that ends up standing in the path of this second wave was instantly vaporized.

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