Law of the Devil

Chapter 46: Solskjaer’s Fire Element

Law of the Devil Chapter 46: Solskjaer’s Fire Element

The next morning, the sun was rising and Du Wei was enjoying his breakfast when someone came to see him.

It was….  The lying Magician Solskjaer.

After all, the people had thought that Du Wei was kidnapped, Solskjaer was so stressed…He was the only magician staying with Du Wei! But he didn’t have a single mark of a fight on him!

Everyone was wounded except him!

His colleagues caused Solskjaer much stress.

To be honest… He also thought that that day was embarra.s.sing, when he was too scared and pa.s.sed out because of the Grade-8  Magician before the fight even started.

That’s reasonable, right? A Grade-1 Magician(He even got his qualification by cheating), fighting against a Grade-8 Magician.

It wouldn’t be even a contest… It would have been a suicide!

“Oh, my little master, I am so happy to see you again…” Solskjaer was beaming when the door opened.


Du Wei’s reply was to kick him.

Du Wei just kicked him once and this magician fell down. He looked at him and then closed his eyes, whispering, “My dear Solskjaer… But I am not happy to see you.”

Solskjaer stood up and fixed his hat awkwardly, “… My little master…”

“When I remember how you acted on that day, I feel embarra.s.sed.” Du Wei said angrily, “My Mr. Magic Consultant, you pa.s.sed out directly when the fight just began… You have the heart of a rabbit!”

On that day, Solskjaer was the last person Du Wei had, but this useless guy wasn’t of any help and instead, merely pa.s.sed out! Du Wei was p.i.s.sed off!

“Forgiveness little master! The opponent was a Grade-8 magician! Grade-8! Master Du Wei!” Solskjaer argued, “My level is only of grade-1, my real ability is even weaker than a magic apprentice! You should understand that… Don’t you agree that I couldn’t defeat that Grade-8 magician?”

“But you should not have pa.s.sed out. It’s so shameful!” Du Wei was shaking his head, “As your employer, I feel totally disappointed in you… Right, where were you in these past few days?”

“I… Brought several people and went to the south, I relocated my stuff in the laboratory to here.” Solskjaer’s answer satisfied Du Wei’s mood a little.

“You relocated your laboratory over here?” Du Wei was surprised, “Did you expect me to return soon? Were it not for me, you think this family would still hire you?”

Solskjaer felt awkward, he could only tell the truth… He was informed that master Du Wei of Roland Family was found. So he had rushed back.

“Oh, I see… If I didn’t come back, then you would have permanently left, right?” Du Wei looked at the crafty guy, “With the ‘trophies’ I gave you, right?”

Solskjaer was in silence.

“Ok, bring that stuff to me.” Du Wei mentioned all the things that Vivian gave him.

It was almost by instinct, that Du Wei felt that he wanted to keep ’Vivian’s belongings’ all by himself and didn’t want to give any away.

Solskjaer hastily said, “Master Du Wei… You are not a magician, these things can only show its true value on a magician…”

Didn’t want to give it to Du Wei?


The burning candles on either side immediately flared up, and the flames flew into Du Wei’s palms to form a fireball in an instant!

Solskjaer was shocked, “Magic? Oh My G.o.d, you can use magic?!”

“You think I am performing acrobatics? I learnt this from the Grade-8 magician!” Du Wei sneered, “Give it to me.”

“Can I have the magic crystal?” Solskjaer was testing Du Wei, “Just a small piece… My experiment needs a high quality magic crystal to save the fire element…”

Du Wei didn’t say anything but just spread his palms.

Solskjaer sighed and gave the bag to Du Wei.

“Ok, don’t sigh, my Mr. Magic Consultant.” Du Wei regained Vivian’s items and was feeling happier, “You will get what you want soon. I can guarantee.”

“A magic crystal with reasonable quality will cost at least several hundreds of gold coins.” Obviously, Solskjaer knew the current situation of Du Wei. Most of the people in the castle knew about the order of grounding and reduced allowance.

“No worry, I will have money soon, very soon.” Du Wei wasn’t worried.

The plan of robbing the pirates was still undergoing, but soon, there would be much profits to be had… Also, he remembered, under the study room, there was a secret room. Semel’s treasures were inside this secret room.

“Right, Solskjaer, come, let’s go see your new laboratory! It is in the forest outside the castle!”

When they left the study room, old housekeeper looked at Du Wei and laughing, Du Wei pointed at the ash on the floor, “My dear Mr. Housekeeper… I am so sorry. Last night I was reading books. Don’t know how but the painting on the wall dropped and there was candle stand near it… Then it burnt up. I think you will let the servant clean it up, right?”

The old housekeeper looked at the place, where the oil painted once hanged, and then back at the ash on the floor.

Oh my G.o.d… That was an antique!

The word ‘spendthrift’ was in the old housekeeper’s mind, but he could not speak it out. He just lightly bit his lips and then nodded calmly.

Du Wei brought along Solskjaer to leave the study room and headed to the forest next to the castle.

Within the deep forest, the a wooden tower on the riverside was already built.

There were three levels and it was well constructed. Obviously, the construction materials were of high quality.

“Satisfied? This is the magic laboratory… Our magic laboratory!”

On the first floor, there was a s.p.a.cious area with basic furniture, for example, the large table to be used as a working bench that was specially requested by Du Wei. There were also some gla.s.s containers on the cupboard that were requested by Du Wei too… All of a different variety, some even made of crystal.

The second floor was full of metallic cupboards for storing different kinds of raw material.

The third floor was a private s.p.a.ce for Du Wei. There was a rooftop where Du Wei would observe the stars.

Du Wei had even personally made his telescope and placed it here.

“Satisfied?” Du Wei looked at Solskjaer happily.

Solskjaer was overjoyed and said, “Great! This place is very s.p.a.cious and good for my experiments!”

Du Wei then brought him to the backyard and gestured towards the plants on the ground.

These were the basic ingredients for Magic Alchemy… Of course, there were still many magic materials that Du Wei could not buy, not even in town stores. They could only be bought from the occasional adventuring teams, or from the Magic Union.

But since the Magic Union was not opened to the public, if the person didn’t have the magicians qualification, he could not buy anything from the Magic Union.

“The basic plants I have prepared… For the remaining, we can only buy those from the Magic Union. This is something you need to do, you know the rules of the Magic Union. Money… We will have soon, no worry, very soon.”

Solskjaer was silently contemplating everything.

He was already very satisfied!

From a normal person’s viewpoint, Magic experiments were just like burning money!

Those scarce materials might be completely wasted in a failed experiment.

In the past, Solskjaer didn’t have money to buy experimental materials. Most of the materials he acquired had come from his teacher, which he secretly stole. He also needed to work for the adventure team to earn money or to find cores from magic monsters.

Now, with the promise of this little n.o.ble, he didn’t need to worry about money again, and he could experiment as much as he wished!

Du Wei had great hopes of Solskjaer.

This guy could study the method of simulating magic… He was such a genius! If this fake magician were to continue his study, who knew what kind of things he could invent!

“Oh, right, let me see what you have brought from the south!”

Compared with this laboratory, the things that were brought by Solskjaer were relatively shabby.

He brought some containers… Half of them were pottery, obviously this poor magician didn’t have the means to buy beautiful gla.s.s containers.

Inside these containers, there were several magic elements refined by Solskjaer, mainly of the fire element.

These were what Solskjaer had called, ‘yellow powder’.

Du Wei was interested in this ‘fire element’ the most.

With the consent of Solskjaer, Du Wei opened one of the containers, and he saw the ‘yellow powder’!

Upon seeing the contents, and discovering a familiar smell… Du Wei was shocked!

He could not help squeezing some with his fingers and sniffed it…

“This is the ‘fire element’ you made? Du Wei seriously asked Solskjaer.


Du Wei tried to calm down and said, “You… Refined this thing, what is the success rate for refining this?”

“It depends on the raw material. The main ingredient is powdered Fire-Scale herbs, but have to refine it six times carefully and make sure there is no fire nearby… I nearly died in an accident before.”

“If I were to give you sufficient material?”

Solskjaer was thinking and calculating, “I guess if there is sufficient material, perhaps I can refine three bottles per day.”

Three bottles?

Solskjaer pointed at that container. The size was like the beer bottle in Du Wei’s previous life.

Three bottles per day… Is quite an impressive speed.

Du Wei tried to stop laughing and hugged Solskjaer tightly, “My Mr. Magic Consultant… I am very satisfied with your fire element… I will pay you more! I mean after I get my money! Ha ha ha…”

After a while, Du Wei whispered, “Listen, we have to keep the recipe of the fire element secret! Understand?”

“Sure!” Solskjaer answered quickly.

Solskjaer temporarily used this laboratory. He he was staying here to store his containers, also some tools including several pots and some refined containers and burning tools, etc.

Du Wei left alone.

The two servants, who were following him, were peering at this little master. He was barely concealing his laughter.

Du Wei had moved a far distance, before finally succ.u.mbing and burst out laughing.

His laughter revealed his extreme happiness and surprise, as if unlimited gold was falling from the sky and that money was rolling into his own pocket only!

“Hahaha… Fire element! It’s sulfur! Haha, I have sulfur now!!

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