Law of the Devil

Chapter 169

Law of the devil chapter 151 part 1

The 151th chapter “magician’s battle” (part one)

“I wouldn’t dare!” Lunnaduo shook his head again and again. Watching the Gandalf in front of him, he would of course reserve some doubt. After all, the shattering of teacher’s life stone is already confirmed. Maybe teacher has some kind of ability to avoid the detection of the life stone, but…..

“Teacher.” Lunnaduo hesitated for a second: “If you must help the Crown Prince, then disciple wouldn’t dare raise a fist against you.” After saying that, this person clearly intends to stay neutral to both sides.

“Very good.” Green-robed Gandalf looked a little kinder in his expression. Then taking another look at Lunnaduo, he said: “Although you still have some doubts about my ident.i.ty, but you did going against the wishes of Dorgan. For that, I won’t blame you.” Turning his head around, he faced Raphael, “What about you?”

“It’s a shame, the president gave clear orders. Even if you are Master Gandalf, I’ll still have to….” Raphael hesitated for a moment before taking out his wand. Moving next to Prince Son, this white robed grand mage stood firmly in his place.

The Royal Court magician Gelunxiaer and the white robed grand mage Raphael each took a corner to face off against this Gandalf. Despite being outnumbered, this green robed mage didn’t show any form of fear, instead, there was a hint of disdain on his face.

“Du Wei, can it be that you really don’t have any words?” Earl Raymond whispers this to his son.

Du Wei looked cold as he lifted his face to look at his father: “Father, what do you want me to say? Prove that he is the real deal? Or prove that he is a fake?”

Earl Raymond was stumped. Facing his eldest son, he could not even come up with a single word that would fit in this situation. Clearly left without a choice, he has no choice but to make this Gandalf the real deal because for the family, they can only hope for the Crown Prince to succeed. It would seems the future trouble coming out of the magic union will likely befall on this son of his.

The impending battle between three mighty mages is about to unfold. A chief of the court mages and an eighth level grand mage teaming up against the legendary magister of the continent! Everyone present is fully aware of the terror that would unfold between battles between Mages; therefore, all those n.o.ble aristocrats are slowly retreating behind their bodyguards out of fear. In mere moments, the entire central square was completely bare to be used for the battle between these three.

Without waiting, a rapid and short spell began to be chanted out of Rafael’s mouth. No matter what, he is a genuine grand mage from the magic union, so he would of course show some self-restraint before making his move. Creating a barrier around the entire central square, he was especially careful when constructing the barrier around the area of the old emperor and the young prince.

The green robed Gandalf didn’t bother to disturb him in his spell chant and simply looked on with cold eyes as if he was bored. As for that court mage Gelunxiaer, he had already jumped down from the main platform and pulled out a powerful magic scroll. Burning with light, a dazzling light immediately emerged to enshroud the general area around the old emperor. This is a high leveled barrier scroll that is similar to the one Du Wei had in his possession. Unfortunately for him, he had already used his in the battle between the death mage a few days earlier.

First one to make a move is Gelunxiaer! This Court mage is indeed different from the regular mages that is so commonly seen on this continent. Without a need for a staff, this person wore a full set of different colored rings on his ten fingers as his main weapon. In a flash, an arc of light quickly swept towards the carefree looking green robed Gandalf. Despite this impressive display of magic, Gandalf only needed to casually lift his staff in hand to conjure forth a pack of golden birds. Circling back and forth around his body, these things acted like a magic barrier.

This movement slowing spell of Gelunxiaer was only extra measure on his end in order to avoid the off chance of being attacked during his spell casting. Despite his extra efforts, Gandalf only gave a leisurely expression for all of this and didn’t even attempt to attack him at this important time. In his heart, he was frightened and surprised at how much lack of enthusiasm the other side was showing. Moving his fingers at the fastest possible speed he could muster, Gelunxiaer created an arc of light around his hand and shot forth three rays of light into the ground. In mere moments, the ground ruptured like something was crawling out of it. Out of the three respective holes in the ground, a giant earth, fire, and water elemental came forth!

Crawling out of the ground, these three magical creatures roared into the sky as a form of intimidation. Then facing the still unmoving Gandalf, these three beings took on a hostile stance. Seeing this, the relaxed looking Gandalf smiled with delight: “So you specializes in summoning elementals eh…… To be able to summon forth three elementals at the same time, that is already very good.”


Still looking calm, he waved his staff a little. As if reacting to his action, the golden birds immediately gave out a sharp call before condensing into a golden beam of light. Like deathly swirls of light, these beams shot towards the giant earth elemental!

With a dignified face, Gelunxiaer began chanting a set of spells not understandable by the audience. Immediately, a glow of green light wrapped around the body of the earth elemental as it desperately absorbed the top layer of soil on the ground. When the light made contact with this magical creature, the attack showed no clear signs of having any damaging effect; instead, it began to wrap itself like a rope and wrapped itself on the hulking ma.s.s of earth.

Binding? Gelunxiaer became startled as he watched on, uncertain of what the other party intended. Struggling to control both the fire and water element, he instructed these creatures to attack the unmoving Gandalf.

Opening its giant mouth to spit out a blast of flame, the heat from the fire elemental could even be felt by the audience that was watching from the distance. Still smiling, Gandalf lifted his staff to shoot out a ray of light in front of himself. When it made contact, the blast of flame was easily cut in half and deflected to the side: “Let me think a bit. Going up against a fire elemental, what should I use….. Oh yes, let me show you my fire creatures!”

With that, he clapped his hand and began whistling with his mouth. As if unable to withstand the shockwave of his clap, a crack appeared in the air. Without waiting, a high pitched chirping sound reached the ears of everyone and a giant red flaming bird flew out from the distortion! Spanning three meters, this sharp clawed giant bird quickly swooped towards the fire elemental and became entangled together.

Then Gandalf cleverly flicked his staff at the water elemental. Immediately, silvery flash of light swept towards the water elemental. Without waiting, the movement of the magic elemental slowed to a crawl and gradually began to freeze over. Carrying a faint smile, Gandalf began to whistle again and actually called forth a ice demon wolf! This magical beast is not a creature that is normally capable of handling a water elemental, but it is a different story under such circ.u.mstances. Letting out a howl, this ice demon wolf dashed forward and began chipping away at the partially frozen water elemental.

Using everything within his a.r.s.enal, Gelunxiaer is already at his limits by controlling three elementals at once. For those on the side, it was obvious with a glance which of the two masters is more power.

Rafael originally refused to get involved due to his status. But after seeing the complete disadvantage of the court mage chief, he had no other choice but to step in. Picking up his staff, he began to draw a six cornered star on the floor. Flas.h.i.+ng with lightning towards the sky, several streams of different attacks sprouted out at the same time and aimed straight for the enemy.

Gandalf faintly laughs: “You are also making your move?”

He suddenly tossed aside the control over his previous spells and summons. Without needing to chant any form of spell, this green robed Gandalf actually summoned forth countless forms of barriers in front of himself. Green, white, and various other colored barriers quickly stacked against each other. Du Wei cannot see very clearly because of the overlapping colors, but even he can tell the barriers are not in any way weaker than the guardian spirit barrier that was in his possession. Upon impact with the array of attacks from Raphael, the numerous barriers was easily able to defend its user from any harm because when one broke, the next barrier behind will take its place without delay.

Rafael didn’t give up. Raising his staff into the air, he began to shoot out another round of attacks. Under the violent bombardment, Gandalf still remained unharmed under the protection of the countless barriers protecting him. After a gorgeous light show of rainbow explosions, Gandalf finally made his move and started shoot out a mult.i.tude of lights at Rafael. As much as he tried, this white robed grand mage could not resist even after drying out his tongue from over chanting!


Law of the devil chapter 151 part 2

The 151th chapter “magician’s battle” (part two)

Seeing that Gandalf was already in front of him with a conniving smile, Rafael exclaimed with freight. In a flash, he had already teleported himself 10 meters away into the air. But it was at this moment the games finally ended. Feeling it was time to wrap things up, Gandalf no longer showed the smile of a cat chasing a mouse on his face. Raising his palm into the air, five beams of greenish light suddenly shot forth towards Rafael. Try as he may like, this white robed grand mage could not escape from these beams no matter how many dimensional escape spells he used!

When he was finally cornered, Raphael hastily summoned a magic barrier to fend off the attack; unfortunately for him, the barrier had no effect and was easily broken through. Turning pale as the beams came into contact with his body, Raphael was surprised to find that he was not injured in any ways.

Between disbelief and shock, Raphael touched his clothes and hair before looking up at the strange smile on Gandalf.

Subsequently, Gandalf started to make some strange hand gestures aimed straight at Raphael. Suddenly bursting out a plume of light from his white robed body, even the very eyes of Rafael seem to turn green.


Gandalf only needed to point his fingers at the three giant elementals to instill a sense of extreme fear into Rafael!

His body… was completely out of control!

Forced to watch his own actions like a puppet, Rafael summoned up his staff from the ground and aimed it straight at Gelunxiaer. Mingled with lightning, flame, poison, and a torrent of spells, a powerful attack shot forth from his wand aimed straight at his former ally. As for Gelunxiaer, he had no idea what was going on to be so suddenly attacked by someone he thought to be on his side.

Scared beyond his wits, Raphael lost all forms of courage when he cried out: “Fast, get out of the way! He is controlling my body!”

Streams of deadly spells began to rain down at the elementals. In this bombardment, the water elemental finally perished due to having its body frozen from the earlier spell by Gandalf. But that was not the end. Coming down to the ground, Raphael had an expression of a mad man and came rus.h.i.+ng straight towards Gelunxiaer!

A white robed grand mage is not to be trifled with. Despite being controlled by some unknown magic from Gandalf, Rafael did not show any signs of losing his touch. In quick succession, he began drawing countless symbols in the air to form a brilliant giant seal of light.

Seeing the light was about to slam right on top of his head, Gelunxiaer cried out in shock before teleporting himself away in the nick of time. Setting up a barrier the moment he regained his balance, Gelunxiaer was dumbfounded by the scene that followed. Unlike the stone slabs that made up the central square, only dust remained at where he once stood!

Coming down from the sky, Gandalf had the face of a kid that was completely bored with his toys when he looked at the elementals. In a single sneeze, the very fabric of reality cracked under his might. Then as if following his command, countless magical beasts ranging from Ice Demon Wolves, Flaming Rhinos, Earth Dragons (Pangolin), Undead Carrions, and others came storming out of the dimensional rift! To see such a large group suddenly appear before everyone, the audience became pale stiff with fear!

Although the giant elementals summoned by Gelunxiaer are of the highest quality, but their numbers are simply too lacking compared to the magical beasts from the rift. After burning a couple of the earth dragons to cinder, the life of the fire elemental was easily squashed under the horde of flaming rhinos that came rus.h.i.+ng at it.

As for the earth elemental that had only just broke free from its binding, it had sadly met the same demise as its peers. The moment it could move, some of the earth dragons similar to pangolins was already clinging to its metallic body and began clawing their way through. In seconds, the once hulking ma.s.s of earth became inanimate rubbles under the claws and fangs of the earth dweller.

Although Gelunxiaer was seething with rage at the loss of his summons, he couldn’t do anything while being bombarded by Rafael’s constant attacks. After resisting for a short period, he finally realized that unless he retaliated, both he and Rafael would without a doubt perish.

Left with no other choice, Gelunxiaer called forth a set of condensed magic spears. Controlling them with his hand, he threw it straight towards the oncoming attacks aimed at his body.


As the two attacks collided, smoke and dust covered the sight of both parties.

Not letting the chance slide, Gelunxiaer hastily finished his second series of incantation and sent a grey bloom of light at Rafael. This is not an offensive spell; instead, it is a seal. As soon as the seal succeeded, Rafael had a look of relief and grat.i.tude towards Gelunxiaer because by doing this, it is showing the court mage had no intention of harming him.

Still wearing the strange smile like before, Gandalf watched the entire scene unfold from the side. However, when the seal completely immobilized Rafael, Gandalf suddenly pointed one of his fingers….

Almost immediately, Rafael regained control of his body as the green light faded away. Giving out a cry: “Ehh…. I’m fine again……”

Unfortunately for Raphael, he was still under the effect of the seal from his ally. As soon as he said these words, his face quickly turned ghastly white as the magic in his body disappeared under the pressing weight of the seal.

Realizing the issue, Gelunxiaer hastily retracted the seal into his arm. As the silk like threads of magic circled around his fingers, Gelunxiaer finally lets out a sigh of relief. Yet, it was at this moment something terrifying happened!

Like a virus infecting its prey, the leftover green lights that were lingering on Rafael’s body suddenly acted in unison and flowed through the silk of energy connecting Rafael with Gelunxiaer. Before he could even react, Gelunxiaer found himself shrouded in this mysterious green light!

Crying out in horror, Gelunxiaer found that this strange energy that had invaded his body was creeping through his spiritual energy. Before long, he had completely lost control of his body!

Afterwards, something even more grisly unfolded before his eyes. The seal he had originally set up around Rafael started to regain its power and started to sweep towards his exact location…..

A few moments later, the green robed Gandalf lets out a light laugh as he slowly walked up to the two wizard. Like zombies, these two could not even blink.

Just like this, Gandalf stood in between the two poor victims as he swept his gaze across the platform: “Who else wants to try?”

Like this, the audience became overwhelmed with shock!

This is the power of the legendary number one Magister of the continent?

At this point, no one dares to suspect the ident.i.ty of this person. To be able to defeat a white robed grand Mage and the chief of the court Mages, it would be stranger for him to be a fake!

If this person is not the real deal, who else on the continent would have such power!

Those that are present in the square today are all part of high society. To witness the might of such an amazing person like Gandalf, all of these influential n.o.bles are drenched in their own sweat!

This master Gandalf….. When he was casting his spells, he did not p.r.o.nounce any of his incantations, nor did he wait in his moves. The only thing everyone saw was him popping one spell after another!

This is instant spell casting! And not some lowly fireball either!

After witnessing the overwhelming might of this legendary figure, some of those n.o.bles that was supposed to be in support of his majesty the emperor, began feeling pessimistic about their own stance.

Alas. The Crown Prince has a Saint level warrior fighting under him. And to top it off, he even managed to gain the support of such a legendary figure. Also, let’s not forget he currently controls the entire capital defense forces with the support of Earl Raymond…..

Knowing this, quite a few people began looking over at Earl Raymond with eyes of mixed emotions. On one hand, everyone can tell he is basking in his glory at the impeding victory of the Crown Prince. But on the second hand, his son cheated the magic union, so there is no way trouble would not ensue.

It wasn’t just the others thinking this. Earl Raymond’s emotion was also in complete turmoil. He is of course delighted that the green robed mage is able to prove his status with overwhelming might, but that would mean his son is now stuck in an awkward situation….. Does this mean he really have to give up on his son?

“Father” Silent up till now, Du Wei suddenly spoke up before firmly fixing his eyes on the “Gandalf” standing in the square.

Watching his son’s back, Earl Raymond asked: “What is it?”

“Make a decision now.” Right now, Du Wei’s voice carried with it a touch of faint bleakness: “You have already hesitated for a few days. At this moment, it should be the right time.”

“You…… What are you saying?”

“I’m talking about me.” Du Wei finally turned his face around. Unintentionally, his face was just in the right position that it was shrouded in the shadow: “About my problem, you need to make a decision now. In fact, you have already made up your mind back when we had the conversation a few days ago, am I right?”


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