Law of the Devil

Chapter 173

Law of the devil chapter 155 part 1

The 155th chapter “The Prince’s hidden card” part one

“He! He really defeated Gandalf?”

“Oh almighty G.o.ddess of Light…… This kid really defeated Master Gandalf…..”

After a moment of silence, wave after waves of commotion broke out around the square. Aristocrats, rebels, royalists, and royal family members were all staring at the kid with amazement in their minds.

With his mouth gaped open, the old emperor Augustine the 6th had a face full of excitement. Try as he may like, this aging ruler of the empire could not utter a single word. As for Prince Son, he was clearly more stable than his father. With a surprising smile on his handsome face, his eyes were glowing with delight and surprise.

Who would have ever thought that this teenager he had attempted to pull into his camp on impulse would create such a miracle?

Although Prince Son didn’t know what method Du Wei used to make the mighty Gandalf flee in such a strange way, but he can only blame it on his own lack of insight. After all, just that unexpected shower of fireb.a.l.l.s is enough to prove to everyone present in the audience that Du Wei is someone of great power.

That part is undeniable!

Seeing the opportunity, Prince Son cried out to make an announcement; thus silencing the commotion around the square: “My dear brother, do you have anything more to say?!”

Although you may have tens of thousands of elite troops with the tide on your side – and even the support of certain n.o.ble factions – but with a powerful and mighty magician like Du Wei on my side, it is enough to chip the scale of victory to my end!

Right now, none in the square knew what Du Wei is thinking and why the kid is looking so dazed….. In their minds, they just thought Du Wei is probably too surprised at his own capabilities. To defeat the number one Magister of the continent, how can he possibly accept the glory of it all in a calm fas.h.i.+on?

But after waiting till Du Wei finished searching for traces of Semel in his near vicinity, he finally realized this is not the right time to be in a daze due to the excessive gaze from the audiences.

This really is messed up….. Whether it is the real Gandalf or the imposter, everyone seems to be related to Semel.

“Your Majesty!” Du Wei raised both hands into the air to make a silencing gesture. Immediately, his tender and young voice easily suppressed the sounds coming out of the surrounding people. With eager antic.i.p.ation, everyone is waiting for this newly recognized top expert of the continent to speak.

“Your Majesty!” Facing the royal family’s side, Du Wei bowed in salute before smiling at the young prince: “Your Highness, I must clarify one thing.”

“Du Wei, my friend! My future Grand Duke of Tulip! Whatever you have to say, feel free to say it now!” If his personality wasn’t so reserved and controlled, Prince Son would have likely jumped down from the tall platform now and give this kid Du Wei a firm kiss on the cheek to celebrate. So what does he have to say? Does he want land? I’ll give him! Even if he wants gold or silver, I’ll gladly give him! As long as someone like Du Wei stays inside his camp – a peerless young genius – then his big brother’s rebellion is nothing!

“What I want to say is…. It seems everyone is wrong about one thing.”

Du Wei sighs. With clear eyes, he then began to speak his next words in extreme clarity: “Once again, I must clarify this one point. That guy is not Master Gandalf! He is not the number one mage Master Gandalf – he is nothing but a fake! So, I did not defeat master Gandalf…… I just…..” At this point, Du Wei hesitated for a moment trying to decide what to say. Beat him? Du Wei isn’t so shameless yet. That imposter may be a fake, but that guy’s strength is the real deal. If they really traded blows fair and square, Du Wei knows very well the enemy would have destroyed him with a single finger.

Then what is he supposed to say? Forced him to leave? Du Wei smiles wryly, the more accurate saying should be “Scared off”.

After a moment’s hesitation, Du Wei can only be vague: “The one that just left is nothing more than an imposter. While his magic is truly powerful, but he is not Master Gandalf, on this point, I will use my name as guarantee!”

Hearing this, Prince Son’s face became stumped……

Du Wei of course understands the intention of his Highness: If this Green-robed Mage is the real Gandalf, then it would mean a great boost to the morals of the royalist faction supporting the emperor.

“Your Highness!” Du Wei speaks in a strong voice: “The reason I want to clarify on this point is because Master Gandalf is someone I respected a lot. After he pa.s.sed away, I do not wish to see his name be tarnished with the crime of a treasonous traitor.”


Prince Son ponders for a moment before deciding to temporarily change the topic…… h.e.l.l, it doesn’t matter at this point if the guy is real or an imposter. To be able to defeat a grand mage and the chief of the court mages with ease, this is undeniable after everyone witnessed it with their eyes.

And now, Du Wei defeated that person!

Right now, the one that should be showing the most displeasure on his face is the Crown Prince. With poisonous eyes, this treasonous prince stared down at Du Wei for a good while before suddenly turning his head to look up at the chieftain of the Rowling Household.

The meaning from his eyes is very clear: Earl Raymond, your son ruined my big plan!!

Earl Raymond is also caught off guard by all this… How could he possibly imagine his son’s strength would grow to such an incredible state? Let the earth and sky bear witness. A year ago when he expelled his eldest son out of the capital, he was nothing but a kid that doesn’t excel in either magic or fighting, but now……

If he had known earlier his son had such talent, then today….. Just earlier, he would not have expelled Du Wei out of the family!

Du Wei also sensed his father looking at him. But unlike the complex emotion he is feeling from his father, Du Wei can also feel the poisonous gaze shooting out at him from the Crown Prince. Of course, there is also the delightful gaze from Prince Son and the mixture of emotions from the audience. Unable to cope with all this, he suddenly felt ill to the stomach.

Subsequently, Du Wei walked towards the direction of the palace. Step by step, he came up to the platform where the young prince is. But just when Prince Son opened his arms to give him a friendly hug, Du Wei silently bowed to dodge this.

“Your Highness.” Du Wei thought for a long time before finally coming up with a reasonable excuse: “I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you any more with the things that are to come next.”

You’re kidding…… Du Wei doesn’t think he can really stop an army! Maybe the real Gandalf or the imposter can pull it off, but he absolutely do not have the skills to do it!

The Crown Prince’s coup d’état is something he can resist.

Moreover, even if he does have the ability, he cannot fight now!

In essence, Du Wei is only hoping to preserve the Rowling family!

Now that his father is partic.i.p.ating in the coup d’état, then he absolutely cannot block his father’s path….. Speaking on this point, Du Wei actually hopes for the Crown Prince to succeed.

Because if the coup fails, then the Rowling Household will be ruined!

Earlier, he had actually never thought that he would be able to make the imposter flee. On that move, it would seem he over did it. Also, who would have ever thought that Semel could be used in such a fas.h.i.+on?

As the thought of the Crown Prince failing and the future that lies ahead for his family, Du Wei immediately turned pale with fear at what would become of his beautiful mother and clever baby brother.

“No way! I must not fight anymore!” Du Wei reprimanded himself in his mind.

“Du Wei, what’s wrong with you?!” Seeing the awful complexion on his face, Prince Son moved fast and secretly supported Du Wei with one hand in a spot where others cannot see. To everyone present, it only looks like the young prince is simply giving Du Wei a congratulatory embrace, but when he got closer, Prince Son started to speak in a whisper: “What did you just say? You fight anymore? What’s the matter with you? Did you injure yourself in the fight just now? Ah, it must be because you overexerted yourself in that battle, right?”

After witnessing the gracious actions of the young prince, Du Wei suddenly felt somewhat emotionally moved inside.

Feeling somewhat ashamed, Du Wei didn’t want to make eye contact and simply lowered his head: “Nothing much, it’s just…..”

Du Wei sighs inside. He knows this Prince Son is also using him, but as a member of insubordination, this person really is good to him.

From the looks of it today, it would seems the Crown Prince is still sure to win this battle. After all, that side still has tens of thousands of elite troops ready to storm the castle at any time….. At the critical time, it would be fair to the young prince if he makes a run for it with him, thus, saving his life in the process.

Making up his mind on this plan, Du Wei was even more ashamed of himself. Not wanting to make any more eye contact with the young prince, he slowly stepped back a few steps and stood right behind his highness.

Sighing softly, Du Wei didn’t know whether to relax or feel sadness inside. After coming to this world, he had always lived under the pretense of being the Earl’s idiotic son. Now that he is completely cut off from the Rowling Household, he would likely need to flee from everyone after this is all over.

He didn’t mind losing the business he built up in the Rowling Plains because it was only there to give him some spending money. As for where to go next, he wasn’t sure. But he still has a pirate fleet at his disposal. If push comes to shove, he can just take Hussein and Nicole with him and become pirates.

A endless sea with a bright future. No matter how he thought about it, spending one’s life in leisure is way better than being caught up in this maelstrom.

The Crown Prince may be unsettled by the miracle produced by Du Wei, but there is no turning back at this point.

Humph, it’ either you live or I die!

Thinking up to here, the Crown Prince pulls out his sword and points it up into the sky.

The battle of outstanding experts is over now. From this point forward, the fight will be carried out by real swords and soldiers! With his sword in hand, he suddenly extruded a bit of heroism when looked around to see the roles of heavily armed soldiers under his command!!

In his mind: The capital is still under my command! The defense garrison is still with me! And besides me are tens of thousands of troops ready to fight at my command! It is still a mystery who will come out on top!

My little brother, don’t get too happy so early! 20 years ago, had already partic.i.p.ated in the war in the Northwest…. Regarding war tactics, you are not a match for me!

Not a match for me!

Seeing the Crown Prince pointing his sword up to the sky, the rows of well-trained Calvary knights also follows suit with great motivation.

“Gentlemen’s, in such a state today, there is no turning back! Death awaits us if we retreat, but survival is waiting for us if we push forward! Everyone heed my command!”



Law of the devil chapter 155 part 2

The 155th chapter “The Prince’s hidden card” part one

Under the escort of 300 elite Rowling Household guards, Earl Raymond had already come down from the tall platform and melded into the army formation belonging to the Crown Prince’s side.

“Earl Raymond.” The Crown Prince only gave a single glance at this high ranking military officer before crying out: “We will put your son’s matter aside for now! I know you intend to support me, for that, I will never forget it! I will give you my word. On the day I ascend to the throne, I will also raise you to a Duke!”

When the Crown Prince finishes his words, Earl Raymond nods before laughing out loud: “Thank you your Majesty!”

With that, Earl Raymond also pulls out his sword and invokes his Dou Qi. Immediately, a pale golden light erupted around his entire body. His strength is not actually at the ninth level, but because of the Rowling Households unique training method, his Dou Qi is always normally a pale golden shade.

Suddenly, Earl Raymond tore off his robe to reveal the light armor hidden underneath. This is in fact the very same armor the Rowling Household ancestor wore to conquer the entire continent back at the beginning of the Augustine dynasty.

Embedded on the chest is a red magic crystal enchanted with both a speed and strength enhancement spell. And if one were to take a closer loook, they would be able to make out some easily noticeable knife marks all over the armor, clearly left behind by the ancestor of the Rowling Household in his campaign of conquest. Of course, the family chiefs of the Rowling Household wouldn’t just leave this armor to rust through the ages. Over numerous generations of repair and improvement, the armor is not only higher quality compared to its original state, the shoulder pads were also enchanted with a brightness spell. Whenever Raymond invokes his Dou Qi and trigger the brightness spells, his entire body would look like it was envelope in a cloud of divine glory.

At this moment, Earl Raymond is radiating a brilliant light around his entire being. Compared to the light of the Saint level warriors like Hussein and Rodriguez, his image is even more fitting of a Saint Knight.

As a senior military general, his debut onto the scene is naturally different from those prior to this. Shouting with motivation: “Long live his Majesty! Prosperity to martial arts!”

This change of naming from “His highness” to “His Majesty” immediately caused the 300 elite guards behind him to follow suit. Shouting in unison: “Long live his Majesty! Long live his Majesty!”

Suddenly, a forest of swords was raised high into the air! And then the tens of thousands of troops surrounding the square heard of this and also responded.

In an instant, the loud chanting sound of “long live his Majesty” dominated the entire capital city!

Under the support of the surround Calvary knights, the Crown Prince looked like a heroic knight riding to battle. Seeing this, the rebellious n.o.bles supporting him also knew it was time. Moving with haste, groups of n.o.bles along with their personal guards began merging with the soldiers on the Crown Prince’s side. In no time at all, an outbreak of various colors of Dou Qi began erupting within the ranks of the Crown Prince’s army. Also, the archer brought in by the Marquise of Solomon also raised their bows and aimed it straight at the tall platform where the royalists were standing.

“Heed my command!” Earl Raymond turns around to jump onto a horse: “Archers shoot in volley! Infantries forward!” After saying all this, he then gave the Crown Prince a glance: “Your Majesty, please maneuver your Calvary troops. The other side doesn’t have any Calvary troops under their command, therefore, forcing them to retreat within the palace walls. Taking this advantage, let’s first have the cavalry troops outflank them and put the outer perimeter under our control!”

The Crown Prince nods: “Leading a battle is your specialty Raymond; I’ll leave it to your command!”

Earl Raymond takes a deep breath and looks at the second divisions general Jean-Claude: “Jean-Claude, I’ll leave the frontal a.s.sault to your city defense forces! Although the palace walls are high, but the other side isn’t prepared, not to mention 3,000 of the royal guards are also gone. As long as you can break through the first gate, then the big picture is set in stone!”

Jean-Claude nods in confirmation. Then suddenly, the eyes of these general suddenly changed colors before speaking up: “Your Majesty…. After we break into the palace, what do you wish for us to do with the others inside the palace?”

“Kill!” The Crown Prince did not hesitate when he made a chopping gesture with one of his hands.

Jean-Claude was stunned for a second before coming to his senses. Years ago, the Crown Prince’s birth mother had already pa.s.sed away due to illness. The only ones left inside the palace are people unrelated to him. For the Crown Prince to raise the butchering knife against his father and siblings, what else would he care for at this point?!

The front lines of the city defense guards are already in place. Unlike the original sloppy soldiers that made up this garrison, Earl Raymond had secretly redeployed every member of this group to some other location and brought in the elite troops from the empire’s border.

Now with a single whistle, the thousand strong groups of archers began letting loose their first volley of arrows aimed straight at the royalists!

Immediately, the soldiers beside the young prince took up their s.h.i.+elds and formed a blockade. At this moment, the old emperor Augustine the 6th was already retreating backwards towards the palace while under the protection of his bodyguards. But unlike his father, Prince Son only sneered before stepping forward. Floating into the air, the young prince began showing his outstanding level of magic when he took out two magic scrolls. After being invoked by the young prince, the scrolls immediately turned out a ray of blinding light before forming into globe around his vicinity.

And then the young prince’s fingers began moving at an amazing speed. Before long, the air around him began spinning at a rapid pace to form a mini tornado. Shooting this wind based spell out, his efforts paid off and a good amount of arrows aiming at their side was deflected by the fierce winds.

No matter what, his powers are limited. After significantly reducing the amount arrows in the air, there were still quite a bit of arrows flying towards the royalists’ faction. Fortunately these n.o.bles also brought with them their own personal guards. Not waiting for the command, those powerful guards began bursting out their Dou QI and raised the nearby chairs, tables to be used as a temporary s.h.i.+eld.

Of course, we can’t forget the royal guards on top of the palace walls. Without any need for orders, the royal guards that were lucky enough to carry a mini crossbow on them were already retaliating. But their numbers were outmatched to begin with. After a few rounds of volley from the enmy, these poor soldiers couldn’t even raise their heads anymore.

In this way, two teams of loyal royal guards stormed out of the palace gates and retrieved the old emperor back in the palace. Of course, this is only possible after leaving behind hundreds of dead body in its wake.

“Du Wei!” After continuously shooting out a chain of spells, this handsome and young Prince finally ran out magic reserve. Leaving behind a trail of black smoke in the square for his deeds, Son lands on top of the platform. Pulling onto Du Wei’s sleeve, he began instructing the bodyguards that came up to them: “You guys first take Duke Tulip into the palace!”

Stumbling to react, the several soldiers that came over finally realized who it was.

“Your highness……” When the captain of the guards spoke up, Prince Son is already saying the next sentence: “Never mind me; I have my ways….. Just go!”

Du Wei grew a bit of grat.i.tude in his heart so how can he just go to the palace first? Also, he still needs to accompany the young prince so that he can escape with him when the time is right: “No need, I’m not important. You guys first go back.” Then glancing at the royal guards moving hastily towards the palace: “The royal guards won’t be able to hold the gate for much longer. Go back now before they close the gate!”

Prince Son smiles faintly as he glanced at Du Wei: “Du Wei, I will forever remember your kindness today.”

With the two rounds of volley finished, Earl Raymond raised his sword and shouted loudly: ‘Jean Clause, tell your people to charge”

That General Jean-Claude immediately shouted: “Troops listen to my order! The Target is the palace. Break through the walls and burst into the palace!”

Seeing the marching army coming at the palace, the royal guards fighting on top of the palace wall quickly formed a thousand strong squad and did their best to shoot down the invades. Unfortunately for them, the enemy troops on the ground were too heavily armored. No matter how much they shot their crossbows, the enemy was hardly injured. Only on occasion a very unlucky soldier would fall victim to a stray arrow that somehow landed between the cracks.

Right now, most of the royalist n.o.bles had already retreated behind the palace walls and only a minority of these people suffered any form of injury due to being hit with a stray arrow while fleeing. After seeing the advancing infantry formation, Prince Son finally pulls himself and Du Wei back into palace and unquestionably ordered: “close the gates!’

Although there are still a lot of screaming people outside begging for help, but Prince Son is clearly showing the determination in his personality right now! With the gates closed, the people inside the thick palace walls finally heave out a breather.

Prince Son’s face looked a little loose as he smiled: “Du Wei, let’s go, I’ll take you to see a good show.”

Stunned at his words, Du Wei looked up at the sneering face of his Highness and thought: Does he still have some hidden cards?

Du Wei was pulled up to the palace walls by the young prince. Looking out, he can see the infantry troops had already begun their sieging of the palace. Luckily there wasn’t any proper siege weapons, thus, forcing the rebellion troops to pillage timber from the nearby areas.

Seeing the rebels banging at the palace gate with a giant timber pole, even royal guards were a little stunned by all this. To them, this ganging was just like an attack straight into their minds…..

These royal guards may be equipped with superior equipment, but they are lacking in experience. To the inexperienced eyes of Du Wei, even he can see that the enemy had no ladder to climb the wall. The enemy’s only option is to pillage anything they can find in the nearby houses and use it as a makes.h.i.+ft ladder. If they can find some stone or hot oil and throw it down at the climbing invaders, it would create huge damage to the enemy..

However, where would they find such things inside the palace?

“Your Highness.” Du Wei sighed, although the Palace gates are very thick, but it would still eventually break under the constant banging. And if the enemy lacked a ladder, they can just build one themselves because they are outside the palace. For such elite troops, it wouldn’t take them long to figure out a solution. “Your highness, please have your people go look for tables, chairs, and cabinets. Whatever they can find, have them all thrown it down at the enemy immediately.”

The 10 guards standing in front of the young prince held their s.h.i.+elds up in order to protect him. But after listening to Du Wei’s suggestion, he actually smiled: “Du Wei, I understand the meaning behind your words….. But if we break the things now, we will have to figure out a way to replace them afterwards. For that, it’s too much trouble…. Look, after a while, my brother won’t be flying so high anymore!”

With that, he suddenly frowns at the several bodyguards in front of him: “Take off the s.h.i.+eld. Aigh, their archers won’t be shooting at this point with so many of their people down there…. After today’s situation is resolved, I will have to send you people out into the northwest to get some proper training!”

Looking at the calm and unmoving expression of the young prince, Du Wei is not only startled, but also uncertain of what is to come next.

Then Prince Son looked at the sky before suddenly whispering to himself, “It’s almost time……”

It was at this moment Du Wei suddenly saw a bright light break out into the sky at the western direction of the capital. This magnificent and sacred looking light instantly lights up the general area of where it was coming from. Then from his ears, he could hear numerous vague voices singing a chorus….

Subsequently, the ground began to shake with vibration. Du Wei had good hearing because he can easily make out the noise was that of a horse galloping!

Then from the west side of the city, numerous clouds of dust could be seen in the air. Before long, the rebel troops further out of the central square began to shout out: “Cavalry! Cavalry attack!!!”

At the end of the streets, everyone can only see a few mighty steeds galloping at a lightning pace. These certain individuals had pulled themselves far away from the main body and charged right through the defending soldiers in the back of the rebel army. Whenever they pa.s.sed by an enemy, a streak of silvery light would flash across the air and the heads of those unfortunate enough to face them would be rolling on the floor!

Bursting with a silvery Dou Qi, these several knights charged into the rebel army with such overwhelming force that they easily crippled the rear guards protecting the rebel army!

Du Wei looked shocked. Standing on top of the wall, he propelled himself to the edge and focused his sight. Although their numbers weren’t very high – only around a hundred knights or so – but what is more frightening is that every one of these knights was capable of using Dou QI!

If they are capable of wielding Dou QI, then that means this hundred or so knight is all of the fourth level or higher!

For a normal infantry formation like those of the rebel army, there’s no way they can resist against such a scary charge from such powerful fighters.

And all of a sudden, Du Wei’s eyes lit up because he saw something important.

On the chest of the leading knight that made the first contact with the rebels, Du Wei can see that other than the badge from the knight union, he can also see another badge!

Yes, there’s no doubt. This second badge is something Du Wei had seen before!

The holy knights of the temple?!

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