Law of the Devil

Chapter 174

Law of the devil chapter 156 part 1

The 156th chapter “each with their own thoughts” (part one)

It didn’t take long for these hundred or so knights to break through the ranks of the rebel forces.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, such a fighting force wouldn’t be so frightening even if it is comprised of martial experts. Unfortunately for the rebels, these people aren’t your average fighters. Raised since small inside the temple, these holy knights are not only high skilled, they are also well trained in the arts of military formations. Compared to the martial experts employed by the n.o.bles supporting the Crown Prince, the holy knight’s moves and acts like a single enormous ent.i.ty that would exterminate the enemy without mercy!

As such, the defenders of the temple’s glory and fame are truly extraordinary.

Seething with anger on his face, the Crown Prince could stop himself from yelling when he saw how his forces were being pushed back: “Block them! Block them!”

Earl Raymond is after all an old general full of combat experiences. Without delay, he ordered Captain Alpha and the 300 elite guards to rush up to block off the enemy’s advance. As the elite knights belonging to the Rowling Household, the skills of these people are definitely above your average soldier. Even if they cannot defeat the Holy Knights, the Earl is certain they will be able to hold on for a moment before being forced to retreat again. But in this situation, his plan will not work!

Originally the rear forces of the rebel army weren’t prepared for an enemy a.s.sault to begin with because the entire capital was already under their control, so why would they expect an enemy a.s.sault from the rear? After the first squad of infantry unit was defeated by the Holy Knights, these fleeing soldiers started flood the ones charging forwards, thus, creating a jam that neither end could get through.

As a loyal follower of the Earl, captain Alpha is also a man of great experience. When he saw how the situation is worsening for their side, he immediately made a decision and cut down the nearest deserter. Invoking his Dou Qi to increase the reach of his voice, he yelled: “Whoever dares to flee will be killed! Forward! Death to those that retreat!”

Following suit, the 300 elite Rowling Household guards also showed no mercy and waved their swords against the fleeing soldiers. Sure enough, the ruthless actions made by this small group of madmen’s immediately halted the retreating soldiers in their steps. With no other choice left – die by fleeing or die by their own allies – the ones that wanted to flee in the first place hesitated for a moment before turning around and charging back at the Holy Knights.

Before long, the entire square was filled with so much blood that it was like walking on puddles of sticky glue. Try as he might, Alpha and his 300 elite Rowling guards just couldn’t stop the cavalry knights in their charge. When the first rebel soldier pushed out to face off against the enemy, this poor guy was immediately beheaded by the leading opponent.


In a single loud bang, one of the charging Holy Knights was able to send captain Alpha back seven to eight feet’s. Although this Holy knight is also a regiment leader within the holy knight’s order, but his strength is at best on equal terms with Alpha. If not for the momentum created by the galloping horse, the attack from him would never have been enough to push Alpha back so much.

Not willing to allow himself to fall down, Alpha stabbed his sword into the ground to stop his body from flying back any further. When he finally regained his footing, Alpha realized the bone in his right hand hands thumb was already splintered. Trembling in pain over his broken thumb, this eighth level warrior immediately switched his sword to his left hand to ready himself for the impending a.s.sault from the enemy.

Not willing to let this chance go, the Holy Knight Regiment leader volleyed himself off his mount to aim straight at Alpha’s neck.

Seeing the enemy intends to finish him off with the next blow, captain Alpha didn’t have the time to think about all this. Relying on his instinct, he kicked himself into the air and dodged the lethal strike by the enemy. Landing back onto the ground a few feet’s away, Alpha didn’t even have time to breath before the other enemy riders came charging up to him.

Just like this, Alpha and his 300 subordinates only lasted about ten minutes before being forced to turn back. In fact, about a quarter of them didn’t even get a chance to meet up with the holy knights before being dispersed by the wave of fleeing allies. And the ones that did somehow make it through, they were easily out numbered 3 to 1.

Under such conditions, Alpha continued to fight with a look of a madman while having his hair in disarray. Facing off a single eighth level knight and two level seven holy knights is no easy task. Before long, his entire body was covered in wound with blood dripping down his face.

He may be famed for his looks, but Alpha’s fighting style sure doesn’t match up to his name. Ignoring the safety of his body, he kept attacking like he doesn’t even care for his life, thus, forcing the three Holy Knights to take a defensive stance despite outnumbering him. Before long, Alpha finally became desperate. Invoking everything he has, he wrapped his sword with a large amount of Dou Qi and charged right into the Regiment leader while blocking off the non-fatal attacks with his very flesh.

The enemy Holy Knight may be a eight level knight, but this finis.h.i.+ng move of Alpha’s is simply too powerful. When the sword made contact with the knight’s flesh, the Dou Qi immediately began to swirl like a vortex, sending bone and organs spraying out like blood through the air.

When the two remaining knights saw how their comrade was cruelly murdered before them, their very eyes turn red with rage. Not missing the cue, the two noticed how Alpha is suffering from a leg wound that is hindering his movement. Raising their swords, they began attacking Alpha on the ground in a unrelenting a.s.sault.

Unfortunately for Alpha, the enemy’s effort paid off. After rolling around the ground in an attempt to avoid the lethal attacks, one of the enemy Holy Knights finally managed to land a severe blow to his shoulder. When the blade pierced through his flesh, the enemy’s Dou Qi was so powerful that even his flesh was blown away to reveal his shoulder bones!

Just as the two knights was about to finish him off, some of the faithful Rowling Household guards saw the situation and came rus.h.i.+ng up. Covered in blood, these loyal subordinates began clinging to the two Holy Knights: “My lord, go!!”

Angered by the hindrance, these two level seven Holy Knights invoked their Dou Qi to blow away the clinging enemies. When the several elite guards were blown away, they didn’t even have a chance to land on the ground before pa.s.sing away. Like sacks of rice bags, their body laid limp on the ground after making a cracking sound.

Fuming over his subordinates sacrifice, Alpha wanted to die with the enemy, but he knew he can’t throw his life away like this. Letting out a loud cry, he raised his sword into the air to form a vortex of Dou Qi. Taking the chance he created, he retreated at incredible speed.

This skill did indeed stall the enemy for a moment. Slas.h.i.+ng their sword against the vortex, the two Holy Knight’s felt their hands go numb from the impact. After dispersing Alpha’s attack, the two knights actually sighed inside: the opponent is already so hurt, but he still managed to release such a strong Dou Qi? Looking around for traces Alpha, the two knights couldn’t find him at all because this captain had already disappeared in the midst of the chaotic battle.

“You highness! Fast, have the Cavalry charge!” After seeing his elite guards suffer immense causality just to stall for a few minutes, Earl Raymond began to bleed blood in his heart. Normally, the Earl would not be in so much pain over a few subordinates, but these people are all part of his inner circle and a major fighting force he created after years of training and efforts. Especially after seeing Alpha retreat from battle, the Earl no longer dares to wait: “Your highness, we still have a chance if we counter charge now!”

His worry and need to rush caused the Earl to forget his wording. Only earlier did he call the Crown Prince his “Majesty”, but now he is calling him “highness” again.

With a gloomy looking face, the Crown Prince glanced at the knights by his side before whispering to the Earl: “Humph….. Have Jean Claude’s people go up and block for a minute!”

When these words came out, Earl Raymond’s body s.h.i.+vered with disbelief as he stared at the prince…..

At this time, you are still afraid of losing strength?

Earl Raymond was so angry inside that even his face turned pale: Humph, I even sent out Alpha to fight for you, yet you still ache over a measly cavalry unit?

The old earl stamped his feet and turned the horse around. Galloping through the square for a bit, he roared out his words with resentment: “Jean Claude!”

Hearing the calling from the Earl, General Jean Claude had already came back to where the Earl was. After mobilizing his main forces to besiege the palace walls, Jean Claude was having trouble organizing his people to go face off against the Temple’s forces: “Your lords.h.i.+p, my men’s won’t last very long. Fast, have the Crown Prince’s people charge!”

Seeing the Holy Knights are already less than 500 meters away from where he stood, Earl Raymond shouted: “The Crown Prince’s order, have your people block them off!”

Jean Claude was so angry that he started to curse: “Have you gone mad Raymond? The enemies are all cavalry’s!  How do you expect me to block them off with my people? They are all infantry soldiers!!”

Earl Raymond looked white to the bone as he waved his hand. Biting his lips, he gave his old friend Jean Claude a deep look: “Just go give the orders, quick!”

Jean Claude began to frantically yell out as he pulled off his cloak. Then taking a spear from a guard, he his face looked twisted as he cried out: “Personal guards come with me! We will kick those religious b.a.s.t.a.r.ds back to where they came!”

Like this, Jean Claude brought with him a hundred or so infantry units and came charging through the chaotic crowd that has become of the rebel army. Remarkably, this sixth level warrior didn’t need to expend much effort. When he charged through, the other soldiers inherently stepped aside for him and his people to pa.s.s without hindrance. But when he finally came to the forefront of the battle, he was immediately greeted by the Holy Knights and a harsh battle ensued.

At this point, the Holy Knights have already pushed into a corner of the central square. Exactly then, the Earl Raymond noticed his highly favored captain Alpha breaking out of the crowds and limping straight towards him while covered in blood. Once the captain is beside the Earl, this faithful subordinate looked heavy in the eyes as he spoke: “My lord, let me escort you away from here….. When I was coming here, I saw that there are still people coming further behind the Holy Knights!”

Earl Raymond had already jumped off his mount to support Alpha during this time. So when he heard that there are still people coming, the color of his face changed many fold: “Someone? Could it be……”

“All in white robes! From what I can tell, the temple even called out the Elder’s platoon for this fight!” Alpha had tears in his eyes: “My lord, we don’t have many people left…. Please, you must leave behind a seed for the Rowling House!”


Law of the devil chapter 156 part two

The 156th chapter “each with their own thoughts” (part two)

With a gloomy look right now, the Crown Prince was only somewhat relieved when he saw Jean Claude’s people rush up.

The temple’s Holy Knights Platoon? Humph…….

Gritting his teeth, the Crown Prince began to swear at the religious hypocrites in front of him despite the fact that the thousand men strong Calvary unit behind him is ready for battle. In his mind, he had other plans in mind…..

For a Coup d’état, what is the greatest a.s.set one can have? The answer to that is of course the main fighting force under one’s direct command! In terms of closeness, the people in this thousand Calvary unit are far closer to him than any support these n.o.bles are willing to give him! For years, he had slowly and carefully trained them, so he is certain their loyalty is absolute!

Although both Earl Raymond and General Jean Claude are on his side….. But a person’s heart is unpredictable!  If he ends up losing his main leveraging chip in this fight, then wouldn’t he become a puppet king after this is all over with his subordinates calling the shots?

Humph, examples of Generals with enormous military power staging a coup d’état is countless in the of history! As such, this Calvary unit of his must not be lost!

Fight! Fight! Knights of the Holy Knights platoon, hurry and fight with the Jean Claude’s men! It would be even better if you take each other out!

“Your Highness…… General Jean Claude’s side looks like they won’t be able to hold out much longer.” A knight sitting on horseback next to him suddenly whispered after watching the unfolding battle scene: “Would you like us to……”

“Wait a bit more!” The Crown Prince spoke in a cold tone: “Rest a.s.sured, Jean Claude is a well experienced General; he will be able to hold out for a while longer.”

When the nearby people saw how cold the Crown Prince smiled, they suddenly felt a throbbing in their hearts. Shutting their mouths, they knew it would be wiser to keep their thoughts to themselves.

At this point, Earl Raymond is already running towards the Crown Prince’s location while carrying Alpha on the back of his horse. And behind the Earl, there is less than 50 Rowling Household guards left from the 300 people they started off with. As such, when he saw how the Crown Prince and his direct subordinates are standing there with a relaxed posture, he wanted to puke blood at how aggravated he felt because Jean Claude’s people are dying left and right behind him,.

With his long experience in life, it wasn’t hard for him to guess what the Prince was thinking at this moment. Giving the Crown Prince a glance, he began to swear inside: “G.o.ddammit! Even if you want to conserve your powers, you still need to first become the emperor! If the Holy Knights really make it through the square, then what good are these hors.e.m.e.n! What, use it to flee for your life?” As such, when the Earl finally returns to the Crown Prince’s side, his face, of course wouldn’t look very good.

Knowing he over did it with the scheming, the Crown Prince only said some consoling words to comfort him: “You’ve worked hard Raymond…. When I ascend the throne, I will give every man that died today a prominent t.i.tle!”

Hearing these insulting words, Earl Raymond wanted to let out a heavy “Humph” from his mouth. But just when he was about to do it, he forcefully pressed it down knowing it would backlash against him in the future. In a whisper: “your highness, Jean Claude won’t be able to hold for much longer….”

“Rest a.s.sured, Raymond.” The Crown Prince spoke slowly: “How many people can the Temple have in the capital? I know the temple is limited to 500 knights, so how much impact can they pose? You see! Isn’t Jean Claude’s people already controlling the scene right now……”

With that, he raised his hand and pointed.

Sure enough, the fierce Jean Claude sure lives up to his reputation as an old military General. For him to be given the responsibility of leading the capital’s defense forces, he is naturally more skilled than an average commander. In terms of combat strength, his personal guards may not be as effective as the Holy Knights, but they are after all old veterans of the army. Adding in Jean Claude’s sharp observation of the situation, the rebel army quickly reformed their ranks and withstood the advances of the Holy Knights.

Like this, the people on both sides battled it out in one corner of the square without any advances on either side. In the end, the rebel army suffered catastrophic losses to their numbers just to take down no more than half of the Holy Knights.

For this battle, at least 2000 bodies laid dead.

But for the Marquis of Solomon, he was actually the angriest of everyone present. During the initial charge of the Holy Knights, it just so happens that his private army of archers were the first ones to face off against the attackers. As such, the amount of people belonging to him is now less than half of what it used to be.

“It seems this elder brother of mine is still too cheap in his personality……” Sighing, Prince Son immediately guessed his brother’s intention when he stared down from the palace walls and saw how the horseman unit wasn’t moving: “Does he not know that personality of his would eventually kill him? Humph, if he didn’t care so much about conserving his own strength and had his Calvary’s counter charge, then the Holy Knight’s may not have been able to make it this far.” Prince Son smiles before looking at DU Wei: “Du Wei, did you know? This brother of mine always felt he was inferior to me in every way. For this reason, he hated me to the bones all these years. However, the one exception to this is his military leaders.h.i.+p. Because he had partic.i.p.ated in the war 20 years ago, he always felt that I cannot match up to him in his military plays. Ha-ha, just because he went to do some military inspection in place of father, he really thought he could out maneuver me? What a joke, that type of thinking will get himself killed soon enough.”
At this point, Du Wei is feeling a sense of dread in his heart. From the start till now, other than the fake Gandalf that appeared, Prince Son seems to act like everything is within his grasp.

And right now this guy’s eyes seem to be flas.h.i.+ng with certainty….. Does it have another card to play?

Calculating in his heart over the stalemate that is happening below him, Du Wei suddenly felt a sense of agitation growing!

This won’t do!

Not like this!

Du Wei originally intended to let the Crown Prince succeed in his coup. Although he had good intentions towards the young prince, but he intended to save Son when the time comes. But now…. If the Crown Prince really fails, then the Rowling Household will be ruined….. Mother. Brother……

The Crown Prince can’t die!

Looking at the young prince before him, Du Wei surprised himself when an idea suddenly birthed inside his head.

Prince Son is only two steps away from him, and because of the trust he gained from this person, all the guards were dismissed by the young prince. If he were to draw his dagger and swipe Son across the neck…. Then this whole situation would end….. The Crown Prince would succeed in this coup and the family will be preserved…..

Once this idea came out, Du Wei could not ignore it anymore. With a drooping face, his eyes kept eyeing the exposed throat on the prince’s neck…..

“Du Wei.” Prince Son suddenly turned around to glance at Du Wei, frowning: “Your face don’t look too good….. Can it be that your magic still isn’t restored?” His voice was filled with warmth as he said this.

Suddenly turning around with his back against Du Wei, this person seems to be trying to get something out of his chest. In this single movement, the young prince had unreservedly left himself open him. Not willing to give up the chance, Du Wei is just about to reach for his dagger when…..

His heart started beat uncontrollably. At this instant, Du Wei felt like his whole body’s blood was rus.h.i.+ng up to his head. With dry lips, his hand was already holding the Mithril dagger gifted to him by the Lister family!

“Ah, got it!” Just when Du Wei couldn’t make up his mind in hesitation, Prince Son had already turned around with his iconic smile. Holding a small little bottle in his hand, the young prince pushed it to Du Wei before he can say anything: “Take it and quickly drink it!”

This bottle is actually made out of a fine crystal. With one look, Du Wei can tell the price on this thing is definitely priceless.

“Drink it.” Prince smiles faintly and said, “This is good stuff. Compared to those regular magic potions out on the streets, this “magic source” potion is 10 times more effective. Although it cannot fully rejuvenate someone at the level of a Magister, but it won’t be too far off. Also, the recipe for this potion was lost a long time ago; therefore, every time a bottle is consumed, there won’t be another!”

With that, this precious bottle is already crammed into Du Wei’s left hand by the prince.

Watching the gentle face of the Prince, Du Wei can still slightly feel the body warmth from the guy through the bottle in his hand.  Suddenly, Du Wei felt an extremely complex emotion swirling around inside his heart like two opposing forces.

At this moment under the warm gentle gaze of the young prince, the dagger in his hand suddenly became so heavy that he couldn’t make it budge.

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