Law of the Devil

Chapter 175

Law of the devil chapter 157 part 1


The 157th chapter “Hook line and sinker” (part one)

Note: t.i.tle isn’t actually that but the meaning in the original phrase is the same.

“Son…… Your Highness.” Probably because of his inner agitation, Du Wei’s husky voice is a little dry at this moment: “You should still have some kind of backup plan, right?”

Prince Son smiles, his expression seems to show no reservation when it comes to the amount of trust he has in Du Wei: “I won’t keep it hidden from you, of course I have a backup plan. No matter what, the temple’s power is limited in the capital. After all, the capital is the core of the empire. In order to insure the absolute dominance of the imperial court, the Temple must abide by an ancient pack that they cannot station more than 500 Holy Knights in the city. Though I managed to persuade the temple to act for me, but in the end, they only have 500 people. To turn the tide in my favor, 500 knights are not enough!”

Du Wei couldn’t figure out the solution. Other than the magic union and the temple, is there another faction in the capital?

With the opportunity fleeing away, this moment of hesitation costed him the only chance to kill the young prince. The two bodyguards from behind the young prince – obviously the palace guard leaders – had already stepped up beside Prince Son. Then in a low voice, one of them said: “Your highness, look!”

At this time, the tide of the battle in the central square finally started to change. After both sides suffered from immense casualties, a cla.s.sical trumpet sound suddenly came out from behind the Holy Knight’s. Unlike the sounds produced by the bra.s.s horns used by the empire’s army, the sound from this had more of an ancient vibe to it…..

In the aftermath of some serious losses to their numbers, the Holy Knight’s suddenly retreated like a tidal wave in the ocean. And due to their immense individual strength and long periods of training, their formation showed no opening for Jean Claude’s people to pursue.

In truth, Jean Claude and his men’s were already exhausted to the point of fainting. As the general of the capital’s defense forces, Jean Claude is naturally a skilled warrior of the 6th level, but even for him, his hands were already at the point where he can barely hold onto his spear. Covered in blood, this great general feared that with the current condition of him and his subordinates, their line would easily crumble from two more Calvary charge…. No, in fact, it wouldn’t even take one!

After all, the immense individual combat powers and unity of the temple’s knights are enough to make this small contingent of the warriors a force to be reckoned with.

And…… The opposing force is the Temples Holy Knights! In the military, many of the soldiers are devoted followers of the Temple. They may have raised their swords against the icon of their beliefs, but their morals must be at an all-time low now that their blood is calmed!

Seeing the Holy Knights deliberate retreat, Jean Claude suddenly felt a sense of dread in his heart.

Sure enough, the Holy Knights only retreated for 20 meters before their ranks suddenly split into two groups. From the middle opening created by the formation, two solemnly looking old gents suddenly floated out. Donning white robes, the ident.i.ty of these two mysterious figures wasn’t hard to figure out when their eyes radiated a sense of divine.

Members of the elder’s platoon!

From legend, the elders of the Temple of light are all devoted cultivators that live an ascetic life. On top of this, it is said that each individual is capable of one unique set of Divine spells! So unlike regular magic, this form of power is considered completely different from those used by a Mage in the present age. This may be a bit over the top, but there is no denying that no Mage outside the Temple had been able to use this mysterious power!

As its name implies, the so-called Divine Magic is the kind of magic used by the G.o.ds.

But from word of mouth, these priests are after all not the true representatives of G.o.d. For that, they can only grasp some low tiered divine spells within the known list within the Temple.

Of course, it’s not just in name that they are different. Unlike the raw power produced by a high level spell from a mage in the magic union, the spells used by the temple elders are usually supportive and recovery type magic’s. In a direct fight, their effectiveness is greatly diminished compared to a real offensive spell.

But then again, there are exceptions. Among the list of known Divine spells, there is one notably famous destructive spell that even Du Wei knew about. This is the so called “Grand Prophecy” spell! Of course, this is the type of power only G.o.d can wield. As such, if one is lucky enough to meet an elder capable of using some lifesaving magic, then it would be no different from meeting a real life angel! But if one is unlucky enough to face off against an elder that can call forth a divine spell capable of raining down ma.s.s destruction, then it would be akin to facing off a DEVIL! To be stuck in such a terrifying situation, even a grand mage would be careful to provoke such a person!

Therefore, the elder platoon is a very complicated existence because one would never know if they are facing an angel on earth, or a devil hiding in a sheep skin!

Poor Jean Claude and his subordinates…. After seeing the Holy Knights retreat, he thought he could finally get a moment to relax, but who in the world would have ever imagined the nightmarish event would befall on him. Drifting off the ground, these two legendary figures in their divinely looking white robes slowly drifted over to them……..

That’s right, it is floating! With only a feet worth of distance off the ground, their movements looked like they were just hanging there like ghosts from the afterlife! Compared to the flying spells used by Mages, these two elderly priests seems way more natural!

Also, Jean Claude is not a fool. Right now, they are in a life and death battle. For the temple to send out two elders, he is certain the two in front of him is not a angel, but a devil in human skins.

As the two old gents slowly floated over from the main street, the Holy Knight’s standing in formation suddenly beamed with a light in their eyes akin to that of a fanatical believer!

Just like this, the two elder showed no sign of life on their faces as they floated ten meters away from Jean Claude. Just recalling the terrifying stories from his memory, this great general couldn’t stop himself from sweating under his skin!

In a sense, the deterrence wielded by divine magic is no different from the regular magic on the continent. While the accepted saying goes that a knight can be dealt with a knight, but a Mage must be dealt with a Mage! This is the commonly accepted method of fighting among everyone.

From Jean Claude’s point of view, a Divine magic user is no different from a regular Mage. As such, he knows he needs a mage in this situation because he is not so foolish to think that he alone can take on two all-powerful elders of the Temple! What’s more, these two elders can wield their powers unhindered under the protection of the Holy Knights present in the square!

Further away, the Crown Prince can also see that the elders were called out for this battle. But since the Holy Knights are already here fighting, it wasn’t that much of a surprise to him if this mysterious force is also involved.

His face looked unsightly at the moment, but it was to be expected. Turning to his side, he whispered to a full bodied knight near him: “Sir, I will have to rely on you to deal with the Divine Mages.”

The “Knight” gave out a low harsh and dry voice: “I also want to take this chance to see the power of this legendary platoon….. Humph, these fakes can only put on a show and fool others!” With that, the armor on this knight suddenly scattered apart and fell off from the horse. From the inside, a dark black smog flew out towards the general direction of where Jean Claude was.

Standing on top of the palace walls, Prince Son was beaming with delight when he peered over at Du Wei: “Look! That brother of mine is making another move! The biggest flaw with my brother is that he lacks a good Mage by his side. From what I can tell, that black smoke is the same guy you faced  off against that night two days ago….. Humph, this guy is the only powerful Mage my brother managed to get on his side, but to be foolish enough to bring him out on this occasion, he is simply asking for trouble!”


Law of the devil chapter 157 part 2

The 157th chapter “Hook line and sinker” (part two)

Sure enough, after the black smoke floated to a corner of the square, it started to condense into the shape of a human. From top to bottom, this person is shrouded in an unexplainable shadow that hides his face and body that leaves no traces for any onlookers to see past the outer exterior.

In Du Wei’s eyes, he is certain this Mage is the same person that he fought against the other night.

But in the eyes of the onlookers, mainly the Mages in the audience, they were all focused on the black smoke still extruding out of this dark and mysterious person that appeared so suddenly. To them, this smoke is the iconic dark energy trapping the souls of the deceased in this world! For that, their eyes are clearly radiating a sense of doubt and suspicion at this person.

The reason for this sudden hostility is because in order to cultivate oneself to a higher level in dark magic, that person in question must need a vast amount of spirits to fuel his magic – meaning they would have had to kill countless living beings. So, when everyone saw how much pressure this mysterious person could wield, they inherently began to think of the vile existence known as a death mage due to the numerous limitations imposed by the magic union.

At this level of dark magic, the likely scenario is that this person committed some sort of ma.s.s murder to support his level of cultivation. By then, the magic union would no longer recognize this person as a dark mage, but a death mage instead!

For a death and dark mage, it is only a one word difference!

To the Mages in the magic union, every single one of them has an obligation to destroy any death mage they come across! This is an absolute contract every Mage must sign before they are fully recognized by the magic union in the examinations.

After seeing the sinister looking person appear before them, the two elders from the temple remained unmoved. With the same divine expression, their mouths began to move and a chorus song started

“G.o.d said, believe in me, and you will get light. Leave me, and you will receive my wrath.

As a rule, I will allow the existence of darkness, but darkness can never be above the light. Otherwise, it will certainly receive my purification!”

This section of the G.o.d’s law is a religious statement that every follower must memorize and read because according to legend, this phrase was left behind by the G.o.ddess herself.

Using a slow and holy voice, the two elders recited these words in a way that words cannot describe how saintly they looked…..

Seeing this, the Crown Prince gritted his teethes: “What a bunch of religious fakes that only knows how to make some parlor tricks. Yet, they had to show up now to ruin my plans!”

Earl Raymond stood silently behind the Crown Prince as a sense of anxiety ate away at his mind! To this old veteran, this anxiety actually didn’t come from the appearance of the Holy Knights or the Elders.

…… But instead from……

Suddenly, Earl Raymond subconsciously sweeps over at the people in their own camps and saw how all of the Mages from the different n.o.ble houses were staring intently at the Crown Prince with the exact same eyes filled with suspicion and complexity!

From their gazes, there is actually a hint of hostility!

Instantly, Earl Raymond understood everything!

Not good!

His voice filled with arrogance and recklessness: “Fakes are fakes!” The Dark Mage laughs in a ‘kie kie’ manner. Originally, Mages never looked kindly towards the people of the Temple. To them, the true power of the G.o.ds stems from the art of magic and that the temple is nothing but a ploy by these people to fool others – this is especially true for the elder’s platoon that could use divine magic.

Stretching out his hands, two b.a.l.l.s of black flames silently appeared in the palm of the Dark Mage. To the eyes of the audience, this dreadful flickering flame is no different from the physical embodiment of a painful cry of a haunting spirit.

Seeing this iconic flame of a dark mages, the two elders stepped back a few steps in unison. Still the same emotionless face, both of them sighed softly.

This sigh may be light in volume, but it was filled with amazing strength because it was ringing inside everyone’s heart like they were right beside the source.

The bizarre movement of the elders actually surprised the Black Mage. Increasing the intensity of the flames in his palms, the Dark Mage shouted:

“Come on then, let me witness the power of the so called ‘Divine Magic’!”

“G.o.d said, killing is one of the 12 sins because life is free. For darkness to kill is a unforgivable crimes, I will cleanse him of all darkness so that light becomes eternal.”

Once this phrase was finished, the two elders suddenly pulled back at a rapid pace. Then rummaging through their robe, both of them each pulled out some kind of metallic object that looked like it was only half of a complete object. Moving up close, the two raised their hands and combined both of the two item together to form an extremely ancient looking mirror!

Originally, the middle of the mirror is nothing but a copper plate, but when it was combined together, the surface started to swirl around like water. Then from the very depths of this mirror, light poured out from within at an uncontrollable rate as if it was flooding the entire sky with the light. Immediately, the Dark Mage in the sky was enveloped in this radiance!

Despite how overwhelming this light was, it didn’t cause any harm to the eyes of everyone present.

Instead, it was rather confortable like that of a mother’s embrace. Seeing this magnificent scene, the Holy Knights in the back all raised their sword and signed reverently:

“Divine mirror of Seendaly!”

Divine mirror of Seendaly?

According to ancient records, this mirror is one of the few divine artifacts left behind by the G.o.ddess of Light herself.

From the myths of old, it is said that the light from this mirror was created to purify the darkness that she so mistakenly created. Due to the intensity of the sun’s light and the coldness of the moon’s ray, she combined the two lights to from a third light that can neutralize the darkness in its true form.

Then in order to contain this brilliant light, the G.o.ddess scoured the world for a possible container. Finally, she chose water as the perfect material to contain it. But because of how fragile water is, the G.o.ddess had no choice but to shed one of her armor pieces to forge the mirror to act as a catalyst. In the end, the Divine mirror of Seendaly was born! Of course, this is just all folklore and none of this can actually be proven, but it is true that there is at least three pieces of artifacts said to be left behind by the G.o.ddess for the Temple of Light!

When Du Wei was five, he had already read of this so called fairytale. To him, this tale is no different from the bible used by the churches in his previous life.

It’s just that this Divine mirror of Seendaly was actually pulled out of storage by the temple on this day!

This mirror may be the absolute treasure to disperse darkness, but the user must also wield a supreme level of divine power to be able to use it. It is said that other than the pope, not many others in the temple is capable of cultivating their powers to a level of wielding one of the three artifacts.

But today, this mirror is actually brought out from storage and used before everyone. While it may not have the true “cleansing” effect on the Dark Mage as it claimed, but it did reveal his true appearance!

Unable to stop the dissipating aura of black smoke from leaving him, the disgusting sight of the Death mage was revealed for all to see!

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