Law of the Devil

Chapter “fear of Gandalf” (Part one)

Law of the devil chapter 153 part 1

The 153rd Chapter “fear of Gandalf” (Part one)

Watching his younger brother act so calm without any hint of worry, the Crown Prince became suspicious because he knew Son always kept an extra hand hidden away in his pocket. Nevertheless, after calculating his own a.s.sets over in his head, the Crown Prince shoved the thought away.

With the city defense forces under his command, the magic union will be easily dealt with by this legendary Magister. Now all that is left is the Temple, but from ancient times till now, the Temple had always stood firm in its policy of neutrality.

So who else can Son count on?

As he kept watching his younger brother, the feeling of unease grew ever more so.

“Fine then.” This Green Robed Gandalf had an odd smile on his face as he watched Du Wei and the young prince discuss the matter of reward. Although he wasn’t angered in any way, but his curiosity was piqued at the teenager in front of him: “Child, even if you are to become some kind of duke in the future, you must wait till that young prince up there becomes the king first.” Rubbing his fingers under his chin, he gave Du Wei a glance with one eye closed: “Earlier you said that you wish to fight me, does that still count?”

“You are very strong.” Du Wei suddenly sighed. Looking at the guy before him, his tone was very calm as he spoke his next words: “Although I hate you because you are posing as someone I respected, but I do have to admit that your strength is unmatched. In fact, I fear that even if master Gandalf were to appear before us today, you would not lose. Therefore, I understand very well in my heart that I am not your opponent.”

The Green-robed Gandalf began to laugh with a hint of mockery: “Since you know you can’t defeat me, then why do you still want to fight me?”

“HA-HA!” Du Wei cried out: “First off, if people living in this world were to only fight with others that are below them, then that wouldn’t be a fight, but bullying! Second, the reason I’m fighting with you is not to defeat you, but to prove that you are a fake!”

With that, Du Wei swiped one of his arms out and summoned the staff inside his storage ring. When he first called it out, everyone felt his movement still seems proper for a real mage, but when everyone had a closer look; they all broke out into a laughing fit……

Not surprisingly, this staff is only a bare walnut branch without any kind of magic crystal embedded on the top. Without any reinforcement from a magic crystal, this staff is no different from a blunt blade that cannot pierce through a enemies armor. Gently gripping the staff in his hand, Du Wei solemnly tapped the bottom end of the staff to the ground and said: “I’m ready.”

Unable to bare it, Green robed Gandalf began to rub his nose in disbelief: “This,,,,,,, Is your wand?”

“That’s right.” Du Wei nods.

“Aigh……” Green robed Gandalf repeatedly shake his head in disappointment: “From the looks of it, it seems your apprentice isn’t doing too well.’ How can I not even gift you with a proper staff or wand? Look at your staff; it’s not even cured yet! How ridiculous, you didn’t even shave the barks off the wood yet. Please don’t tell me that you are too poor to even afford some magic jewelry? Ok fine, even if you can’t afford some high cla.s.s magic jewelry, at least imbed it with some low grade magic crystal to keep up with appearances…..  Without any ornaments…. You are making the Mages profession lose face!” With that, Green robed Gandalf shakes his head with his eyes closed: “This is too shameful, too shameful! Your taste is too shameful!”

Unrelenting, Du Wei bluntly fought back without holding back: “I have bad taste? What a joke! From top to bottom, you are fully clothed in green. Ahhh, I see, you must have been a Mage for far too long and forgot what it means for one to wear a green hat?”

How sharp is his mouth? Back when Du Wei met that old dragon, he nearly made this ancient overlord die of a heart stroke!

Stumped, Green-robed Gandalf flew into a rage: “What an evil child!” With that, he lifted a finger and shot a ray of green light at Du Wei.

Du Wei had already seen through it all. Not daring to evoke his magic, he knew very well this green light will ignore any form of magic defense. Using Rafael as guidance, he did something completely out of what everyone expected of a Mage. In a several somersault, he dodged the attack like an antelope.

He may not have mastered the Stars Dou Qi, but such agile movement is a cake walk for him at this point after practicing the basic movement set for half a year. As for the audiences watching from the sidelines, they were all stunned because where in the world would they find a Mage jumping around the field like a kid playing in the playground? Normally, a battle between Mages is carried out between two unmoving figures. Even when the spells are life threatening, they would never move……

So is this kid is a warrior or a Mage?!

Surprised by this, Green-robed Gandalf pressed on with several more attacks from his finger; unfortunately for him, his attacks were easily dodged in the same way as before. In a annoyed sneer, he spoke up: “What is this? Can it be that you are skilled in both magic and martial arts? Ah-ha… From the looks of it, you are quite skilled in those somersaults; why not pick up a sword and come at me?”

“Are you blind?! Don’t tell me you can’t even make out whether this thing in my hand is a wand or sword?” Du Wei spoke this in a very cold way.

“Ah-ha! OK, OK, I really want to see how you will use your staff! Child, go ahead and chant your spells. No matter what you do, this grandpa here will not interrupt.”

“Humph, who said I can’t use a staff?! Look here then!” Du Wei suddenly cried out. Raising his staff high into the air, he began to utter out a spell.

What he is chanting now is a spell that he managed to extort out of Gargamel after a long struggle the other day. Cla.s.sified as a mid-tiered fire based magic, this fire vortex is something just about every Mage on the continent would have learned by the time they reach a certain level.

Caring about his own status, Green-robed Gandalf didn’t do anything like he said and only showed a strange smile like that of a cat chasing a mouse. In his mind, he was thinking: Humph, this kid is so young, how much power can he possibly have? Even if he started to learn magic the moment he was born, it shouldn’t be much. Compared to his female disciple, a genius among geniuses, this kid is still a notch below her. Even for someone as great as him, he was only able to elevate her to the eighth level after sacrificing an enormous amount of effort and materials.

Listening to Du Wei’s long and slow chant of this insignificant fire based spell, green robed Gandalf almost broke out into a laughing fit……


The 153rd Chapter “fear of Gandalf” (Part two)

The 153rd Chapter “fear of Gandalf” (Part two)

How can you call this magic? How can ‘my’ apprentice be so s.h.i.+t? For spell chanting, the key is the ‘speed’ of your words! For many advanced level Mages, they would spend countless efforts training themselves just so they could omit a few words in their spells. The reason behind this is that when fighting, even a second could mean victory or defeat!

This kid…… Does he think we are performing an opera here? Such slow pace…. If it was a real battle, the enemy would have already sliced him up into multiple pieces by now!

Finally, after spending five times the amount of time of an average person, Du Wei shot out a low tiered fire vortex. Ironically, his attack is not only slower but also smaller than it should have been by three times!

Seeing this pitiful “fire Vortex” rolling over at him, this Green robed Gandalf felt like he was in a middle of a play session with a kid.

But how can he possibly go back on his words considering his status? Seeing such a frail looking fire vortex, he feared that if he simply blew at it, the flames would go out.

Sighing, he even returned his staff back into storage before waving his hand in a careless motion. Immediately, a screen of water erupted from the ground and diffused the fire vortex.

Acting like he wasn’t finished with his “performance”, Du Wei jumped and kicked at the floor like an upset kid with his toys broken. Then using the same speed as before, he started to conjure up several low-tiered wind blades and shot it towards the old gramps.

Seeing how much effort it took Du Wei to “shoot” these crookedly aimed wind blades, Green robed Gandalf became so lazy this time that he didn’t even bother to raise his hands in defense.

Just like this, he stood there and took in a deep breath. In single blow, these wind blades were dispersed with ease…..

“You finished with your show yet?” Green robed Gandalf showed a hint of helplessness on his face, but this kid in front of him acted like he only had one thought in mind. Incredibly ignorant, Du Wei began waving his staff like a child poking a stick in the sand box. Then just like before, he began conjuring a water based spell…..

It’s not just this Green robed Gandalf; even the onlookers in the surroundings were shaking their heads. To everyone present, this kid’s magic power is simply too poor…. No matter how they thought about it, Du Wei’s strength is nothing more than a junior magician and the lowest level at that! But this is not that surprising. Based on his age, to be able to learn magic at the tender age of 14 is already not bad and understandable.

“I say kid; I don’t have the free time to play with you!” Green robed Gandalf seems a bit impatient: “If this is all the skills you have, then stop staying here to embarra.s.s yourself!”

Du Wei ignored the guy and continued to chant his own spells.

Green-robed Gandalf was angered inside but he couldn’t vent it because of his big mouth…. Annoyed, he was about to open his mouth to stop him: “Enough, you…..Ah!”

 In an instant, Du Wei’s turtle speed spell casting suddenly halted to a stop. It was obviously a water based spell, but in a flash, numerous explosive lights bloomed before this Green robed Mage’s eyes!

Like heavy rain, intensive b.a.l.l.s of flames came flying out of Du Wei’s body: shoes, sleeves, collar, wrist, fingers….. And even the necklace on his neck!

Dozens…… No, hundreds of fireb.a.l.l.s without any symptoms appeared. And on top of this, he didn’t even need to spell chant……

In an explosive rumbling, this hail of meteor struck down upon this green robed mage!

When Du Wei deliberately made a fool of himself, he did too fine of a job. For a magician, their dignity and fame is the most important part, so where in the world would one find a real mage intentionally making a fool of themselves? With his staff back in storage and one of his hands was scratching his hair while the other held behind his back, Green robed Gandalf was completely caught off guard by this sudden a.s.sault…..

Earlier when Du Wei was jumping around like a spoiled brat in anger, his feet was secretly moving forward step by step. It’s just that his acting was so good that no one paid any attention to his movements.

But more importantly…… All of these fireb.a.l.l.s were invoked with instant spell casting!!!

No need to chant or cast, these hundreds of fireb.a.l.l.s came raining down like a wild beast. No matter who it is, they would definitely be in a panic to be attacked so suddenly.

Like a mad man, Du Wei’s body whirled around like a tornado while shooting out an endless supply of fireb.a.l.l.s at Gandalf!

A fireball spell is only the basic of the basics. Normally if hit by this low leveled spell, that person would at most get a burn and would never be lethal…. But quant.i.ty does matter! For a single grain of rice, one could easily swallow it, but if there is a ton, then even a potbellied person would have a tough time!

In an instant, this Green robed Gandalf was engulfed in a torrent of explosions. To the audience watching on the sidelines, this scene was so terrifying that even their eardrums were ringing in pain due to the chains of explosive banging! But this Gandalf truly lives up to his name!

After seeing his attack successfully landed on the target, Du Wei was about to sigh in relief. But after the initial burst of flaring light cleared a bit, a blurry haze of blue aqua light quickly overtook the scene. Without waiting, a flurry of water curtains spiraled in the air and dissipated the flames like it was black hole sucking everything up! With the Du Wei’s attack countered, a blast of foggy mist covered the entire square.

Angered and mad, Gandalf was angry at the kid’s cunningness, but also mad at himself for being so careless!

Nonetheless, this grandpa’s magic is truly terrifying. Under his water magic, the endless supply of fireb.a.l.l.s was quickly put out and even the mists filling up around him were blown away by a wind spell he called up!

He may be angered, but this Green robed Gandalf did not lose his wits. Understanding the cunningness of Du Wei’s tactics, he carefully summons his staff to relieve any sense of fear left in his heart.

Shrouding himself in a magic barrier, the angry voice of Gandalf echoed out into the nearby fog: “d.a.m.n kid! I can’t believe you….. You disregarded the dignity of being a magician!”

“Humph.” Du Wei sneered: “Didn’t you say that I can play my best? My specialty is to pull a fast one on others!” (Sneak attack)

With that, Gandalf suddenly heard a clear and crisp sound from within the nearby fog……

This…. Sounds like a bow?

This is exactly the perfect moment of when the fog is about to disperse but not completely yet. Aiming for this timing, Du Wei had long pulled out his favorite pair of “Nirvana’s bow” and aimed it straight at Gandalf!

In mere moments, a flash of light quickly coursed through the bow and the small amount of magic was sucked out of the magic gemstone stored inside. In an instant, the miraculous and powerful magic circle was triggered on this thing! A short moment later, a condensed arrow made out of pure energy formed and shot out like a meteor aimed straight at the Gandalf standing ten meters away!

Back when Du Wei first pulled on the bow’s string, Green-robed Gandalf had already sensed the powerful source of magic! Seeing the unbelievable amount of magic fluctuation, even this legendary figure turned pale!

This kid…… How could he have such strong magic?

Something’s not right! He must have some kind of powerful magic artifact blessed a powerful magic array!

The arrow came too quickly! Unable to properly respond in time, the magic in his body exploded in an instant and shrouded his entire body like a protective armor! Unlike the barriers he used earlier against Rafael that only covers the front, this time around, the energy was covering every inch of his green robed body…..

For the origin of this bow in Du Wei’s hand, even that mouse Gargaeml didn’t know where it came from. In terms of power, this bow will definitely not lose out to those legendary and sacred artifacts on this continent! And to sneak in this single shot at such a close range, how can anyone deal with it so easily?


Seeing this translucent silver arrow pierce through his defenses so easily, the pupils of this Green robed Gandalf instantaneously shrank. Suddenly, an eerily black light flashed across his eyes…..


Like a powerful gust of wind, this arrow looked like it was suddenly hit with something in midair. In a subtle moment, Du Wei felt like he was stuck in an illusionary trance as if time itself had paused. Then before him, this Green robed Gandalf began to move while everyone else stopped to a halt! Clear to his eyes, Du Wei can see that this old gramps was trying to lift his staff. Although it was only a staff, this guy looked like he was trying to lift a million pounds at that moment. Then with a dignified face, this green robed fella gripped onto the staff with immense strength and released a dazzling black light out of the crystal tip of his staff. Moving it closer, he knocked it against the arrow…..

With that knock, the stoppage in time immediately returned to normal……

In a clear and crisp sound, Du Wei saw that the magic arrow he had shot out had already dissipated into numerous golden dusts. As for that Green robed Gandalf, his expression didn’t look so good. With heavy breathing, even the crystal on top of his staff showed clear signs of cracking. Then spreading downward, the crystal instantly shattered into numerous pieces. And continuing on, the walnut tree staff crumbled under the grip of this Green robed Mage!

The audience broke out into a uproar!!

Green-robed Gandalf raised his head with bloodshot eyes staring at Du Wei. Unlike the relaxed expression he had earlier, this old fella looked completely serious and even leaked a hint of death in his breathing!

“Kid! Answer me one thing!” Green-robed Gandalf suddenly flashed a bit of fear in his eyes. This fear is certainly not for Du Wei, but instead, it is towards the magic bow in Du Wei’s possession!

“This, this thing in your hand…… Bow of Gaido’s Transient Law…… Where did you get it from?!”

His voice is clearly trembling as he said this!

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