Publishedat 21st of February 2020 07:02:27 AM
Chapter 226

With wind blowing into the room, the curtain was lifted . Gu Tingye strode into the room . Cuiwei gave her obeisance to him and dismissed herself . Minglan wanted to stand up, but was pressed back by Gu Tingye . Seeing her pale face, he said softly, “Just rest here, don’t stand up . ”

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Minglan didn’t insist then and only called Xiazhu over to help Gu Tingye get changed . As Minglan leaned on the bedside, she saw the cheerful look on the man’s face . Clearly he was in a good mood . Then she asked with a smile, “Master, why are you so joyful today, is it because . . . ?”

Gu Tingye stood there straightly . The dark red gem on his purple golden official hat looked dazzling and the embroidered robe and the jade belt made him look ever more handsome and graceful . He turned around and saw the expectant look in Minglan’s bright eyes .

Then he laughed and taunted, “I wasn’t promoted, nor did I make a fortune!”

Minglan who had been seen through laughed bashfully and leaned on the bed listlessly again . After Gu Tingye had changed into a set of green leisure wear embroidered with silver threads, he waved his hand to dismiss Xiazhu . Having sat beside Minglan, he touched the warm bag on Minglan’s belly and asked, “Still hurt?”

Minglan shook her head softly, saying, “I just have no strength right now . ”

Gu Tingye rubbed Minglan’s cheek while approaching to Minglan . She could feel his face still a bit hot due to the sunlight outside and his stubble quite rough while he used his face to rub her smooth and tender cheek . After a long while, they both sighed and spoke at the same time with completely different contents,

“We should have babies later . ”

“We should have babies sooner . ”

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After that, they both looked at each other in shock, with surprised and amused expressions in their eyes . Gu Tingye said first, “Stupid girl . You should nurse your body first . There’s no hurry to have babies right now . We have plenty of time . ”

Hearing that, Minglan blushed right away, her fair cheek now super rosy . Then she said, “That’s not right . I’ve heard from the experienced women that once a woman gives birth to a baby, she wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable during her period . ”

“Is that so?” Gu Tingye seemed to doubt her words, “I thought having a baby at a young age was bad for women . ”

“Who told you that?” Minglan couldn’t help laughing, “The elders always say that as long as a woman’s condition is well, giving birth to children won’t cause any harm . ”

It had to be admitted that although Gu Tingye was wild on bed, he was very thoughtful in some aspects . Ever since Minglan started to nurse her body according to Old Madam He’s prescription, she had requested implicitly that they should stop having s.e.x for a few days every month . She wanted to get pregnant after two courses of drug treatment . When Minglan had made that request, she had felt a bit uneasy . After all, in this ancient time, everyone said it was better and a blessing to have a baby early . Little had she known that Gu Tingye would agree with her without any hesitation and even told Minglan to take care of her own body repeatedly .

“I only want to be a widower for once . You have to stay with me for several decades . ” Gu Tingye had joked that at that time .

As a result, except for the few non-s.e.x days, Gu Tingye got extremely pa.s.sionate every night and they had crazy s.e.x till every midnight .

Having heard Minglan said that, Gu stopped frowning and ma.s.saged Minglan’s little hands while comforting her, “You still should be careful, during my wandering days . . . ” He paused and said with pleasure, “I heard that some of the wives of the farmers could even give birth to children when they were fifty . ”

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Hearing that, Minglan who got ashamed and angry pinched the man’s arms violently . However, his strong muscle only made her fingers numb . Then she pretended to be enraged and scolded, “Aren’t you ashamed?”

After the couple teased each other for a while, they finally remembered what they had talked about in the beginning . Minglan asked why he was happy again and Gu Tingye replied with a joyful look, “Momo Chang is coming tomorrow . ”

“Gosh, finally . ” Minglan put her palms together and said smilingly, “If she still doesn’t come, I’ll go invite her . ”

Ever since Gu Tingye had gone back to the capital, Momo Chang had moved to the Cat Ear Alley from the countryside with her widowed daughter-in-law and grandchildren . Back when Gu Tingye held the wedding ceremony, it was still a few months away before she finished the three-years mourning for her son . Thus, she refused to come to the wedding, fearing that she might destroy the happy atmosphere .

“Momo Chang’s scruples are totally unnecessary . We won’t mind that . ” Minglan had always looked up to this Momo Chang .

Gu Tingye laughed and said, “Momo is from the country, people back at her hometown are very particular about customs and she is a stubborn person . It makes no difference if she comes a few days earlier, so I just agreed to her . If I’m not in the mansion when she arrives, you can keep her here for a while . ”

Minglan smiled and agreed . They sat next to each other and chatted for a while . Then Danju came in to report, “Qiuniang is here . ”

Gu Tingye was surprised to hear that, his heavy eyebrows knitted again .

Minglan pushed the man away to tidy her clothes and hair which got disheveled due to their intimate moves . Then she ordered, “Let her in . ” With that, she wanted to get off the bed, but was pushed back by Gu Tingye .

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Qiuniang carried a small bag and walked over slowly in a yellow cotton jacket . She saw Minglan lying on the bed and Gu Tingye sitting on the side of bed with his hands on his knees . Then she lowered her head and gave her obeisance . Minglan smiled and asked Qiuniang to sit .

“What are you doing here?” Gu Tingye asked patiently .

Qiuniang, with a tender look on her face, tilted her face and raised her head, saying softly, “The weather is getting hotter and hotter . Master, I know you cannot stand the heat, so I’ve made some summer clothes for you . Here are a few sachets, in which I have put your favorite lignum aquilariae resinatumas well as rosin and felon herb for repelling the mosquitoes . ” On these words, she opened the small bag and stepped forward . However, Gu Tingye didn’t move a bit, which made Qiuniang feel quite embarra.s.sed .

Minglan sensed the awkwardness in the air and tried to ease the tension, “Danju, bring the bag to me, I want to see her needlework . . . Also, go check if the lunch is ready . ” Minglan felt it was better if fewer people could see Qiuniang being like this .

Danju took over the bag and put it on the table gently before leaving the room reverently .

Qiuniang stared at Gu Tingye’s peaceful look in a daze and said in a soft voice, “Master . . . I . . . ”

Gu Tingye also stared at Qiuniang . Minglan looked at his handsome side face, finding him being lost in thought . He said slowly while looking into Qiuniang’s eyes, “Have you made those things for Rong too?”

Qiuniang was quite taken aback and said after a brief pause, “I…I…I planned to make some for her after I made those for you, Master . ”

“Having you made any clothes for Madam ever since you arrived at our mansion?” Gu Tingye asked again .

Qiuniang stood up right away and knelt to Minglan, saying in panic, “It’s my fault . These days I have been engaged in transcribing the Buddha book and only found time to make those for Master . ”

Since there was no maid in the room, no one helped Qiuniang up . Minglan could only smile and comfort her, “It doesn’t matter . The most important thing for you is taking care of Rong . You can get up now . ”

Qiuniang, not daring to stand up, moved her knees toward Gu Tingye and wanted to say something . However, Gu raised his hand to interrupt her and asked abruptly, “Have you given obeisance to Madam this morning?”

Qiuniang answered at once, “Of course I have . I would never forget my duties . ”

“Then why didn’t you give this bag to Madam this morning?”

Qiuniang, unwilling to believe what she had just heard, suddenly raised her head and only found a reproachful and even a bit scornful look in Gu Tingye’s eyes . She opened her mouth but couldn’t utter a word . Her eyes were completely red and her tears were about to drop at any time .

The room was deadly quiet . Minglan felt extremely awkward and really wanted to run away . However, Gu Tingye was sitting on half of her dress, which made her unable to move . So she could only turn away her head and picked Book of Mountain and Sea, pretending to read .

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