The Legend of the Concubine’s Daughter Minglan Chapter 19 Part 1

Under the dusky light, Concubine Lin’s face looked bashful and very gentle. She gracefully and subduedly said “Darling Hong, today this concubine is very happy. First, it is because First Young Lady married well. Secondly is because of our Mo’er. A lot of ladies and madames all praised Mo’er for being easy-mannered and charming. Only… sigh…” She sighed, dragging out her grief.

“Since you are happy, why then are you sighing?” Sheng Hong is tired and wishes very much to sleep.


“This concubine is thinking whether Mo’er would have these kind of fortune like First Young Lady. Although all the young ladies in the household is the same now, just afraid when it is time to matchmake, others will dislike her for not being raised by Madame……” Concubine Lin’s voice gradually became low.  

Sheng Hong thought of the difficulties when he went to the w.a.n.g family to propose marriage and he sighed “At the end of the day, there are differences between legitimate and concubine. But I am around, would not make Mo’er suffer.”

Concubine Lin gently said “How does Darling Hong treat us three, mother and child, this concubine is the clearest. However, how can Darling Hong interfere with the affairs of female guests of the official and aristocratic families. Madame has to bring the young ladies out to society. This way, it is also unlikely for Mo’er to be burdened by this petty and low birth mother who is neglected in the inner household and unknown.” As she said to the later, her voice became in distress.

Sheng Hong contemplated for a while and said, “Reasonable. I will tell Madame later, next time when interacting with female guests, cannot just bring Rulan and have to bring Mo’er and Ming’er also. If their nature is good, in the future the Sheng family can also have more good marriage.”

Concubine Lin’s expression turned flirtatious and leant into Sheng Hong’s embrace. She tenderly said “Really is my good Darling Hong!” In a turn of an eye and suddenly became sad, appearance in slight distress “Heard from a maid who went out to see the excitement that Young Lady Hua has no less than hundred and twenty-eight pieces of dowry. There is also land and house and many people to accompany her. Really imposing, do not know Mo’er…..”

Sheng Hong was originally somewhat muddle-headed but after all he was brainwashed by Governess Kong twice. He became a little guarded towards Concubine Lin’s request and he thought and said “If the parents-in-law matter not, I treat the daughters the same. However, Madame took her own dowry to add to Big yatou’s. Carefully considering, Mo’er might not have First Little Girl’s kind of dowry.”

Concubine Lin protested coquettishly “What good character Darling Hong. Since Madame married over, her dowry is also the Sheng family’s. The little boys and girls all call Madame Mother, no matter what she also cannot be too biased ah!”

Sheng Hong’s mind went cold, his brain started to be sober and unhurriedly said “Biased or not is another thing, only those good-for-nothing man will value and keep thinking of the woman’s dowry. That brother-in-law1 of mine is originally a third-generation official, just because he used the w.a.n.g family’s dowry, now it is not good for him to speak in front of First Sister-in-law. When I propose the marriage,
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I am determined not to touch a single bit of Madame’s dowry. It is good enough to totally set it aside for Changbai, in any case, it is for the Sheng family’s offspring.

Concubine Lin was worried and sat up from under the blankets “What about Little Boy Feng and Mo’er? Can it be that Darling Hong does not care for them already? Can it be that I being a concubine, they are burdened and suffered hardships in the future?” Having said that and her tears are filled.

Sheng Hong remembered Governess Kong’s supporting move and unhurriedly said “You do not have a generous dowry, can it be that it is my fault?”

Concubine Lin choked and looked unbelievably at Sheng Hong. She did not expect that he would say such words.

Sheng Hong silently exclaimed that Governess Kong prophesies with supernatural accuracy. One time, they were chatting and Governess Kong hit the nail about Concubine Lin and his pattern of interaction. Every time it was Concubine Lin who first complained tearfully about her own lowliness and pathetic state, after that he would feel sorry and coax her. After that Concubine Lin would pity and become terrified of her own future, weeping endlessly. After that, he would soften his heart and promise her this and that.

At that time, Governess Kong laughed coldly. If Concubine Lin has that kind of family background and dowry like Madame, will she become Sheng Hong’s concubine?

Although Sheng Hong believes that they have ‘real feelings’ but he has not lost his knowledge, not as bad as that kind as indulging in fantasy. Thus Governess Kong taught Sheng Hong that line, used as an emergency brake to all kinds of excessive requests from Concubine Lin and even prepared a few lines to continue.

Sheng Hong draped the middle garments2 and sat up, his voice turned cold “At that time I was afraid that you mother and children would be bullied that is why I forcefully pulled a piece from the ancestor property to put by your side. This originally is not according to the rules but because of you and Little Boy Feng and Little Girl Mo, I still did it. You have more face compared to the common concubines, do not tell me you are still not satisfied?! If you wished to be on the same level as primary madame, at that time you should not have become my concubine.”

Concubine Lin heard it, she nearly choked to death. She said with her body trembling “Darling Hong, why are you like that, you and I have real feelings. Even if it is to be another family’s primary wife outside, I also do not want and willing to be your concubine. How can you, how……”

Sheng Hong became somewhat gloomy and thought that Governess Kong is the female Zhuge.3 She even guessed correctly what was Concubine Lin’s next line. Thus he countered every move “Since you have real feelings for me and was willing to be a concubine, why do you constantly complain and often ask me for this and that? Can it be that real feelings are this?”

As he spake, even Sheng Hong felt a little fed up. It was as if he felt that they did not really have that ‘real feelings’.

Concubine Lin was said till she was left speechless, it was like she was directly hit with a rod. She sobbed incoherently for a while, properly organising her words and choked with grievances she said “If it was for myself, I would not even mention half a word. But, but I did it for the children! I know that I am lowly but Little Boy Feng and Little Girl Mo are Master’s flesh and blood. I, I am really worried……”

Sheng Hong coldly said “If Mo’er have a marriage of higher social standings in the future, for the face of Sheng family, I will make an exception to add on. If it is just an ordinary family, is it possible for me to allow the dowry of Mo’er to be on the same level as Hua’er who is marrying to a Count household? There is still Ru’er and Ming’er, they are also my flesh and blood! As for Little Boy Feng, a true man living in this world, he originally should be independent. Studying to become an official and establishing his future status, is it possible that he still blindly sprout from the ancestors? When my First Uncle practically squandered away his family properties, Big Brother’s properties are mostly fought all by himself! Although I am not talented but what I am today is not entirely depended on Old Master!”

Concubine Lin wiped her tears and inwardly hate that since Governess Kong came, Sheng Hong no longer dotes on her and follow whatever she said. She has always been feeling wronged and catered to Sheng Hong’s happiness, gently serving him. She wanted to take advantage of Sheng Hong’s good mood today to persuade him to put more properties under her name so that she and her children would not be at a disadvantage. But did not antic.i.p.ate that Sheng Hong has already prepared and said the same words, not able to take even a drop of water.4 She could not help but feel nervous inwardly.

Sheng Hong saw that Concubine Lin looked terrified and looked very pitiful. He then consciously slowed down “How can I not love Little Boy Feng and Little Girl Mo, but at the end of the day, there is still seniority between legitimate and concubine. If I messed up the rules, not only will attract mocking perhaps will cause disaster on the family.”

Sheng Hong suddenly felt that he was too soft, remembering Governess Kong’s last words and immediately used it. He harshly said “You should also control yourself, it is because you have this idea all the day long that Little Girl Mo has this strife with the sisters. If Little Boy Feng also does not fulfil his duty as a younger brother in the future, I will immediately deal with you!”

Once he finished, he immediately put on his clothes and left the bed, tidying up his appearance. No matter how Concubine Lin shouted behind him, he straightaway walked towards the door. Only turning back to say a sentence “Educate the children properly and you will have your good days. All I can give to you have been given, stop thinking about the other things already!”

Concubine Lin was both scared and angry, she is used to being spoiled. She was not able to lower her face to beg Sheng Hong, only could bite her teeth.

Sheng Hong sighed as he walked outside, Governess Kong has been part of the inner residence for many years and she knows inside information of this kind of families the most. He knows the fallen aristocracy households that Governess Kong speaks of, even being familiar with some of them. Disasters in the family often start from the degenerate descendants and it originated from the shameful upbringing. Indeed a fallen phoenix is not equal with a chicken, every one of those down and out clans dejectedly feed on porridge, it shocked his eyes and astonished his heart when he saw it happening in the capital. He has also personally seen how his First Uncle spoilt the mistress and neglected the wife, practically ending such a big family properties. If not for his legitimate mother to support and Sheng Wei’s hard work, that branch would have declined. Numerous cases, from the beginning to the end, once Sheng Hong remembers them, his heart feared.5

Once the cold wind from outside blows, Sheng Hong composed himself and then felt that he has overthought. After all, Changbai and Changfeng are diligent and studious, how can they be compared to those rich families who gambles and are promiscuous.6When an old uncle of Sheng Hong and his deceased father introduced a group of people for him to get to know, he admired those upright families with generations of ta.s.selled hairpins, those families are particular about strict family principles, offsprings having prospects, never weakening as the generations go. These are the kind of families that are not easily despised by aristocratic families, also do not know if the Sheng family would have this kind of fortune in the future.

Sheng Hong sighed deeply. Being an ideal and ambitious official, is it easy?

1. 连襟 (Lian Jin): This brother-in-law would refer to the husband of w.a.n.g shi’s sister, in this case her older sister’s husband
2. It is the layer of clothes that separate the clothes that people see and the undergarments, usually white.
3. Zhuge Liang, a famous chancellor in China, his surname has become synonymous with intelligence.
4. 滴水不进 (Di Shui Bu Jing): Unable to eat or drink, has the idea that whatever Concubine Lin is saying is not getting through to Sheng Hong
5. 心惊肉跳 (Xin Jing Rou Tiao): Literally means heart alarmed and body jumping
6. 斗鸡走狗 (Dou Ji Zou Gou): Gambling is done through chicken and dogs in the past 玩鸟赏花 (Wan Niao Shang Hua): Literally means playing with birds and admiring flowers

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