Publishedat 5th of January 2020 09:28:30 PM
Chapter 001
The watchman"s clappers began to strike the bell, signaling that the hour of Xu [1] had begun. Lights are ignited one after another in the Sheng Household of the Quan Prefecture. In the west courtyard"s central building [2], sitting at the top seat in the main hall [3] was an old lady with gray hair. In her hands were prayer beads that matched her plain attire, which was rather contradictory to her elegant and luxurious surroundings. Currently, in this room, sitting at her right was the head of the house, Sheng Hong.

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Since it was already early summer, Sheng Hong was dressed in a red ochre summer jacket made out of chiffon silk with wide slits in the sleeves. He spoke to his mother with dignity and reverence.

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“Your endurance all these years outside has not been in vain. It is difficult to be promoted to a sixth ranked official [4]. Now you may be considered a mid-ranked official. Do you have some idea of where you will likely be posted?” Old Madam Sheng"s tone sounds tranquil, with hardly any emotion colouring her tone.

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“Geng Shishu [5] has already sent a letter to inform me that I shall become the Zhizhou [6] of Deng Prefecture.” Sheng Hong had always been cautious in his conduct, yet now his current words could not help but exude a hint of delight.

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“I really must congratulate Master, then. Usually the position of Zhizhou is only given to fifth rank officials. We ought to not only thank our ancestors" merit, but also those who have helped in paving your path.” Old Madam Sheng said.

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“That is only natural. This son has already drafted a gift list for the several uncles [7] in the capital. Mother, please look through it.” Sheng Hong took out a few sheets of paper from his sleeve and handed it to the maid standing by the side.

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“After all these years, looks like Master is finally starting to get proficient in handling affairs. Go according to your decision, but bear these words in mind, "friendship between gentlemen, insipid as water." [8] Money should be earned the right way and etiquette must be thorough. Relationships should neither be servile nor overbearing, but acquaintances must be maintained. Those daren [9] that have been around the officialdom their entire life, check each and every one of them with discerning eyes. Over the past few years, they have cared for you; it"s true that they do this partially on the account of your late father"s friendship with them. But the real reason why they are willing to help is because you are also working hard.” After a few more sentences, Old Madam Sheng began to gasp. By the side, Fang Mama [10] immediately carried a teacup and put it close to Old Madam"s mouth, her other hand follow along and gently patted Old Madam"s back.

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Upon seeing this, Sheng Hong was frightened and hurriedly said, “Mother must take care of yourself, by any means. If it wasn"t for Mother"s nurturing, this son wouldn"t be where I am today. At that time, if it were not for Mother"s virtuousness, right now, this son would only be capable of pa.s.sing his days at the countryside. This son ought to be filial to Mother.”

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Old Madam Sheng did not speak, seemingly in a daze. After some time she said, “You can"t say that, this is not just a matter of being virtuous or not virtuous. This is merely because of the affection I had for your father. In any case, it is not good to let his tomb be desolate a century later. Fortunately… You have been hardworking.” Gradually, her voice weakened until it became too soft to be heard.

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Sheng Hong did not dare to reply and the hall went silent for a moment. Then Sheng Hong said, “Mother upheld the Sheng Family all year round, it is certain that you will continue to have good fortune in the future. For the time being, relax and get some proper rest...” He glances around the surroundings and frowns at what he sees. “Mother"s place is too plain and unadorned, almost as if this was a monastery. Mother, listen to this son"s words, there are other ordinary Old Madams who abstain from eating meat and pray to Buddha, yet live in extravagance. Mother, why do you treat yourself thus? If others were to see this, they would think that this son is not filial.”

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Old Madam Sheng said, "Being happy is not about living lavishly. Being happy is feeling at ease within one"s heart. If the heart becomes tired, then no matter how happy you try to act, it will be useless; just like a deaf person"s ear -nothing more than an accessory” .

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If you are seeing this message, you are probably reading this chapter on one of the content-stealing websites.In order to support Content Creators responsible for bringing this chapter to you, please read it at the source site. bab5e0eeded871b2d88a95f5cce099d59bad3ef1This chapter was originally posted on Madam Sheng only said, “I"m not blaming you. You"re filial, that much I know. There is also no need to blame your wife either, after all, by all rights, I am not truly her Mother-in-law. There is no need for me to pretend as such around her. If we are to see each other once every three days, she will be tired and I shall be vexed. For this matter, you need not feel concerned for what others will say about your filiality. Even if she won"t come to greet me, people will attribute it to my temperament in keeping a distance and and preference for a simple life over rules. Having a distant relationship would actually make life more comfortable for all of us.”

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Sheng Hong worriedly said, “What are you saying, Mother. What do you mean you are not truly her “Mother-in-law”? Mother is the main wife whom father officially wed, thus you are this son"s dimu [11]. Furthermore, you"re the one who has made me who I am today. The ones whose truly at fault here is this son and your daughter-in-law. So, Mother, please don"t say such things.”

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If you are seeing this message, you are probably reading this chapter on one of the content-stealing websites.In order to support Content Creators responsible for bringing this chapter to you, please read it at the source site. bab5e0eeded871b2d88a95f5cce099d59bad3ef1This chapter was originally posted on “What Mother said is right, this son also thinks the same. I can still remember how the blistering atmosphere of Lingnan [12] Region felt when we first came to the Quan Prefecture. I had initially presumed the people would be uncivilized, uncouth, and lacking in learning and refinement. Instead I found a land with excellent weather, favorable winds, timely rains, and the people that are down-to-earth and straightforward. Their primary means of living is through making use of the sea"s natural resources, making a profit off of fish and salt. Although inferior to Jiangnan Region"s [13] luxury, the common folk here do well enough for themselves, and are wealthy in their own way. After staying here all these years, this son actually hates to part with it.” Sheng Hong smiles.

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“This plan is excellent, this son feels it is extremely clever. I"ll handle this matter later.” Sheng Hong smiles.

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Old Madam Sheng "s rules are extremely strict, during this discussion the servants in the room didn"t make the slightest noise. Both Mother and son chat for awhile about various trivial matters. Sheng Hong twitched his lips a couple of times, wanting to bring up an issue, yet withdrawing repeatedly. After some time, the room turned cold again. Old Madam Sheng looked at him as she lightly stirs the tea leaves in the teacup. Fang Mama, standing at the side, understands the hint and quietly instructs the servants to leave the room. She personally hurried them to the other room and gave instructions to the few first cla.s.s maids before returning to wait upon the Old Madam. She returned just in time to hear, “…You are finally willing to say it. I originally thought you would want to hide it from this old woman till death.”

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Sheng Hong immediately drops his face in terror, “I regret that I did not heed Mother"s words at that time. Things have now become such a disaster. It is all because this son has no virtue, resulting in no peace within the house.”

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“Just no peace within the house?” Old Madam Sheng raised her voice, “I did not expect you would be so muddle-headed. You clearly know that this matter can be small, if handle properly, but can also become big, if left alone!”

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Sheng Hong was shocked but maintained his bow. He moved his hand in front, palms up and said, “Requesting Mother to give directions.”

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Old Madam Sheng rose from the soft red sandalwood couch, “I originally did not care, didn"t want to meddle, did not want to talk about this matter. Whichever you like has nothing to do with me, as I have never gotten involved in your house"s quarrels. During this time I have seen you cross the line of propriety and invite unrest in the house by ruining the established rules. Go and inquire into which well established household treats their concubines the way you do, giving her power and wealth. Currently, she has sons and daughters and only lacking in status, not one bit inferior to the legitimate daughter-in-law! By not differentiating between legitimate and concubine you have messed up the rules, so of course, how would it not to lead to unrest in the house! This unrest has finally resulted in the death of an unborn child and your concubine. Tell me, how do you want to explain this all!”

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Sheng Hong"s face filled with shame as he repeatedly bows with his hands still held in front, “Mother"s lecture is right. It is all the fault of this son, this son is muddle-headed. Always thinking that she is lonely and needs my protection, is indeed pitiful. Thinking that she lost her chance of becoming a legitimate madame in order to become my concubine, my feelings inevitably starts to grow tender towards her. In addition, she came from Old Madam"s place, so I thought she"ll be more honourable when compared to the other concubines. Never had I thought that love can be harmful. I allowed her to be who she is now, a person with no sense of propriety. This son indeed knows his mistakes.”

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Sheng Hong saw that Fang Mama finished speaking hurriedly said, “What is Mama saying. Mama has spared no effort for the Sheng family all these years, doing your utmost in serving Mother. You are now as if my elder, do not hesitate to speak.”

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Fang Mama dare not acknowledge this greeting. She quickly moves sideways and bows repeatedly, “Then this old woman would try to politely say it. The Mother of Concubine Lin and Old Madam formerly met each other in a boudoir. Thinking back it was merely a couple of fated meetings, not even comparable to the other close relationships with others from the boudoir.”

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“Furthermore, there was really no relationships after each got married. I have waited upon the Old Madam since she was young; therefore regarding this matter, I am the clearest. Later, her husband"s family were punished for their inappropriate behaviour. Although their possessions were not confiscated nor the family wasn"t beheaded, the family status declined. That year, Old Madam Lin"s husband died of illness and she also did not have any sons. At that time she has lost all of her supporters, so she raise her own daughter to pa.s.s those desolate days. But, before facing death, she searched for Old Madam and pleaded with for her to take care of her daughter, based on their past friendship at the boudoir. Those relatives of her were ruthless and would harm the girl until the end.Old Madam is a vegetarian and always prays to Buddha, her heart cannot be any more benevolent, so she agreed and received Concubine Lin into the household. Those few years, our Old Madam treated her as if she was her real daughter, everything from food to clothes were the finest and expenses were not a problem. Old Madam even discussed adding to her dowry while seeking a good husband for her.”

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Sheng Hong was so ashamed that his face was flushed with anger and unable to speak.

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Fang Mama tenderly said, “Originally Old Madam and Madame weren"t like they are today. It was expected that after a few years after the marriage, Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would have warmed up to each other, been more polite and courteous with one another. But, once that incident happened, the situation reversed and resulted in seeming like Old Madam wanting to intentionally smear Madame"s standing by raising young maiden Lin for Master to take in as a concubine. After you married Concubine Lin and she gave birth to your children and allowed her to raise them, her days became more honourable than the legitimate Madame. Inevitably, Madame put her resentment on the Old Madam and didn"t dare to have any relations with the Old Madam. So their relationship has long turned cold and the situation caused Old Madams heart to become distant and hurt.

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A thump sound was heard as Sheng Hong kneeled before Old Madam Sheng, tearfully saying, “This son deserves to die ten thousand times. Causing so much unhappiness for Mother, allowing Mother"s heart to feel stifled and having nowhere to express it. This son is not filial. This son is not filial.”

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