Legend of Fu Yao

Chapter 20 - Fierce Majesty Bei Ye

Book 1: Winds Begin to Blow in Tai Yuan

Chapter 20 - Fierce Majesty Bei Ye

"Say, how should we deal with this person," MengFuyao slapped the guy down to the floor again with a "pa" sound, thenturned to question Yuan Zhaoxu, "Is Qi Xunyi starting to suspect me? Isthat why he sent these two people out to deal with me?"

A strange expression flitted through Yuan Zhaoxu"s eyes. Henaturally knew that during the day, when Meng Fuyao had almost fallen into theclear water, her figure had been revealed, and Qi Xunyi had definitely noticedher. With Qi Xunyi"s disposition, he would certainly investigate a little.

But how could he not have countermeasures in place? Thosepeople Qi Xunyi dispatched to follow them had long been routed by his guard,who even intentionally set up a fake trail to mislead Qi Xunyi"s attention.Then how come these two people appeared here?

Yuan Zhaoxu hit open the man"s acupuncture veins. Only afterinterrogating some more, did he discover that the guard officer Lord Fang wasone of Qi Xunyi"s subordinates whom he rather doted on, and he was rather p.r.o.neto toadying and currying favor with Xunyi. During the day when Qi Xunyi hadstared at Fuyao"s figure with a different look in his eyes, Lord Fang had thoughtthat the prince had taken a liking to Meng Fuyao. In order to give his master asurprise, he had used a pigeon to contact some of his guards that were awaitingtheir arrival at the Qi royal palace, and ordered them to wait on the two roadsthat led from Profound Origin to Yanjing with intention to capture Meng Fuyao.

Yuan Zhaoxu"s bodyguard had already concentrated his effortson leading away the people following behind. Unexpectedly, there were alsopeople in front waiting by the tree trunk to capture the rabbit. [1]

Learning the whole story, Meng Fuyao couldn"t refrain frombecoming infuriated, and with another stomp she vented her anger. Then, shehesitantly said, "Hey, if we killed him, well, his crime doesn"t deservethat punishment. But not killing, then I"ll be leaving future trouble formyself. What should we do?"

Yuan Zhaoxu smiled. Stooping down, his slender finger gentlyflicked the top of the man"s head, then he said, "It"s done."


Peacefully Zhaoxu explained, "His memory, beginning fromthis evening, will become muddled. So you can be rea.s.sured, he won"t bring thestuff that he can"t even remember clearly, to report back to his master."

Fuyao stared at him, knowing that he used a severe techniqueto wound the other"s Baihui point, forever damaging their memory [2]. This typeof technique looked simple, but was actually an expert"s skill - being lighteror heavier by a degree of force could result in a completely opposite effect.If her Breaking Nine Heavens trained to the sixth layer, then she probablycould also learn it, but she would definitely be unable to do it so casually.

The more she stayed with this person, the more mysterious hebecame.

Her eyeb.a.l.l.s were rolling trying to figure him out, but YuanZhaoxu had already turned and walked towards the bound gray-clothed man. Afterwalking a few steps he suddenly chuckled, saying, "Hey, verybeautiful."

"What"s very beautiful?" Meng Fuyao blankly asked.

Yuan Zhaoxu and Master Yuanbao gave each other a look, thelatter immediately revealing its snow white front teeth, and lifting its stubbyleg to signal towards Meng Fuyao.

At the same time Zhaoxu leisurely replied, "I"m saying,your thighs." ------------------

"I"ll teach you to peek on me, keeping spying on me!You peek! Peek! This lady me will pummel you like flying waters descendingstraight three thousand chi, if I don"t see congealed blood I"m vowing to neverstop!" [3]

With "peng peng peng" sounds Meng Fuyao practicedher boxing on the poor gray-clothed man, at the same time scolding the locusttree while pointing at the mulberry, attacking someone else through theinsinuations in her shouting. [4]

The locust tree being scolded was faintly smiling likeusual, without a trace of shame or self-remorse.

The gray-clothed man was forcibly hit awake. The moment heopened his eyes, he immediately panicked and shouted, "I didn"t steal it!I didn"t steal it!"

"I know you didn"t steal," Meng Fuyao sneered asshe measured him up, "I already stole everything you have."

She shoved around those random, disorderly objects for awhile, impolitely putting all the valuable things into her cloth bag. Seeingthis the gray-clothed man"s facial color turned green then white, after sometime pleading, "I"ll give you all my stuff, just release me, I still haveto run for my life!"

"Run for your life?" Meng Fuyao started."Just then when you were concealed over there suspiciously, it wasn"tbecause you wanted to sneak attack us?"

"How could I have the time to spare to sneak attack youguys?" The gray-clothed man stared wide with dead fish eyes, a veinthrobbing on his temple. "Do you guys have wealth? Beauty? Are you evenworth it for me, the glorious G.o.dhand gang"s gang boss, to ambush you?"

Meng Fuyao looked at herself, then looked at Yuan Zhaoxu,thinking that no matter what they could still be considered as beauties [5],right? What was with this guy"s eyesight? She was truly puzzled.

"Hey, big gang boss, then you squatting over there,what were you doing?"

The gray-clothed man spat out some spittle with a"pei" sound. "Bad luck!"

Only after a long explanation did Meng Fuyao finally findout, the gray-clothed man was currently being hunted by Nemesis Dynasty"speople, saying that he stole the belonging of Lord Ye Buqi, the prince"sattendant [6]. The gray-clothed man had ran from Yanjing all the way to here,and still had not shaken off his pursuers.

"Pei, my luck is not good, I had contacted Black Magicto help me fend them off for a while, and agreed to meet in this forest. Whoknew that even that guy"s shadow was nowhere to be found!" Thegray-clothed man, speaking of the depressing topic, spit out another mouthfulof saliva.

"Black Magic? The number one a.s.sa.s.sin under theheavens?" Meng Fuyao widened her eyes. "You sure have some ability,you can actually ask him for a favor. As another way of saying it, just fromstealing some treasure of Lord Ye"s, you caused the other side to actuallypursue you with such relentlessness?"

The gray-clothed man"s expression changed, a bit ofhesitation flashing through his face. After some time he said, "I didn"tcontact Black Magic. I have a friend who once did him a favor, that"s the onlyreason why he agreed to help. As for that treasure ... I heard it was NemesisDynasty"s command seal."

When the last few words came out of his mouth, Meng Fuyao"sheart jumped.

Subconsciously she reached her hand into her robes, onlygetting halfway before immediately retracting.

Yuan Zhaoxu seemed to not notice her movements. Laughinglyhe said, "You didn"t steal the Nemesis command seal?"


"Oh." Yuan Zhaoxu didn"t continue to question,only pulling Meng Fuyao with him and turned around to leave. "Then stayhere, you can thoroughly explain to Zhan Bei Ye. Hopefully he will believeyou." [7]

Without turning his head he directly left, while thegray-clothed man"s expression changed then changed again. Seeing that he reallywas preparing to leave, and thinking about himself bound on the tree, waitingfor certain death to arrive with that evil star, the gray-clothed man had nochoice but to swallow then raise his chest in a large shout, "Stop rightthere, stop right there!"

The two people only continued to walk slowly, as if they hadgone deaf in that short moment.

"Release me, release me first!"

"For those without sincerity, we have no reason towaste time on them." Meng Fuyao replied with a charming, beautiful smile,not even bothering to turn her head.

"I"ll tell, I"ll tell!"

With a "shua" sound Fuyao bounced back, grinningand patting his cheek, "Now that"s a good boy."

The gray-clothed man, his face bitter and crying tears ofmourning, said, "Steal .. I think it was stolen, but it wasn"t me who didit, it was one of my subordinates. However, he had disappeared somewhere nearhere, so the item ... is also gone."

Meng Fuyao gave him a glance, then peeked at Yuan Zhaoxu,worrying that he would ask, "Where did he go missing?"

Fortunately the gray-clothed man didn"t say anything else,and Yuan Zhaoxu didn"t ask. Fuyao secretly exhaled a breath of air, pressing onthat item in her bosom ... she had always suspected why the rarest Nemesiscommand seal would actually appear on such a minor character. So it turned outthat the situation was like this. Tonight"s accidental meetings and fights atleast confirmed the actual origins of that thing, and was not a bad reward.

The two people quickly untied the gray-clothed man, onlyafter some inquiries learning that his name was Yao Xun [8]. He truly was bornof the shroud shark race, and he actually had the well-known "G.o.dhandGang" as his subordinates. In reality, the gang was just a gathering ofthieves, composed of three people.

Even though Yao Xun"s appearance was strange, his att.i.tudewas that of a man born by the sea. He was simple and direct, after conversing alittle he then said, "Since you guys know about Nemesis Dynasty"s fierceMajesty Zhan Bei Ye, your statuses shouldn"t be that of normal people. If youwill help me send away this troop of pursuers, the G.o.dhand gang will completelyfollow your commands from now on!"

Yuan Zhaoxu eyed him, previously absorbed in thought.Suddenly he said, "Aren"t you waiting for Black Magic? That person,anything he promises will be fulfilled. He will definitely show up."

"If I counted on him I would be long dead ---" YaoXun stopped in the middle of his words, and his face suddenly changed.

At the same time, the three people all fell silent.

In the distance, abruptly came the sound of horsesgalloping, as if a troop of cavalry was quickly closing in on them. The rapidincoming momentum was incomparable, sounding like a sudden thunderstorm,lashing against one"s heart like a whip.

Particularly so was a horse that sprinted even faster thanthe others, like howling gales and roaring suns, an unstoppable force that inan instant arrived at the edges of the forest.

The horse"s pace was too hurried, unable to come to a stopwhen arriving at the sides of the forest, and the horse directly wanted tocharge through. In a flash the rider raised his arms to rein in the horse, andthe ropes pulled into a pencil-straight line, trembling with small vibrationswithout end. The steed lifted its head and neighed loudly, its two hoovessoaring into the air as it stood up like a person. However, the rider"s backwas completely straight, not moving even an inch.

Behind him, a crowd of hors.e.m.e.n kicked up dust and followed,falling behind that one horse in front, and in orderly fashion they all reinedin their horses. "Cha!" Many tens of sounds of hooves landing soundedout like one.

Their horsemanship was extremely skilled.

At this time, the clouds broke and moon shone through,brilliant without bounds. The man and horse in front were outlined by themoonlight into a jet black silhouette.

The moonlight swept further out, sweeping to below thatperson"s feet. On top of his steed, the person loomed high overhead. A body ofblack clothing melded into one with the night"s darkness; cold, solemn, hiswhole body radiated the stifling pressure of murderous decisiveness andomnipresence. The night wind fluttered his loose clothes, bringing hispitch-black hair to wildly dance in the air as well.

Even from far away, his "overlooking gaze" couldstill be felt.

Overlooking those three in the woods.

In the silence, that person gave a deep shout all of asudden.

"Nemesis Dynasty, Zhan Bei Ye!" -----------------

Author"s Remarks: The Nemesis command seal mentioned in thischapter, I don"t know if you guys remember. In the first scene of the firstchapter, the thing Meng Fuyao grabbed from her handiwork on the Profound Originmountains was exactly this. As for what use this little toy has, I will tellyou later, it"s a pretty important thing.

Also, that Black Magic, he he, I didn"t mention him fornothing.

1. Common phrase that means sitting back and waiting forprey to fall into your hands

2. Baihui "百会" acupuncture point is on topof your head, means "Hundred Meeting Point"

3. "flying waters descending straight three thousandchi", "飞流直下三千尺", is a famous line from the Tang Dynasty poetLi Bai"s poem "Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu"

4. "scolding the locust tree while pointing at themulberry" she is taking out her anger on someone else but is actuallyangry at Zhaoxu.

5. Beauty can describe men without being weird, unlike inthe West

6. Ye Buqi, "叶不弃", "ye" means leaf and is asurname, "bu qi" means not giving up

7. Zhan Bei Ye, "战北野", Zhan (surname)means "war" or "battle", Bei Ye means "northwilderness", and is also a common name.

8. Yao Xun, "姚迅", Yao is a surname and Xunmeans swift or fast

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