Legend of Fu Yao

Chapter 10 - Favors Returned, Debts Repaid

Book 1: Winds Begin to Blow in Tai Yuan

Chapter 10 - Favors Returned, Debts Repaid

A bright moon in the sky, a clear wind from the side, in thedesolate mountain wild, falling into a handsome man"s embrace.

Is there anything under the heavens that is more romanticand more blessed?

The lucky Meng Fuyao"s face instantly turned scarlet redshocking red deep red light red the various colors of red cycling at a fastspeed, finally returning to its normal colors. She peeked at the shamelesshottie opposite, who with a straight face and back respectfully said,"Since that"s what you want, I guess I"ll have to grudgingly oblige."

With a flip of her fingers, she fitted a couple steelneedles which glinted while hidden between the gaps of her fingers.

If you dare touch, I"ll pierce your ya ya.1

Two hands about to grasp, two cheeks about to meet, a fatrodent comes in between, pushing left and blocking right.

There is nothing under the heavens that is more mood killingand more despicable.

Before Meng Fuyao had time to push the other down thenpierce him to death, with a "shua" sound Master Yuanbao suddenly shotout from who-knows-what corner, jumping up and soaring over the ground. With a"curled-bodied split-legged backward 180 degree attack", four claws brandishedand separately impacted onto the two people"s faces.

Meng Fuyao immediately palm-slapped Master Yuanbao down witha "pa" sound, taking the chance to retreat three zhang away.

Master Yuanbao dropped into the man"s outstretched palm, atonce flipping over and hugging his fingers while crying with a zhi zhi sound.

Meng Fuyao eyed the little fellow with disdain, even thoughshe had to thank it for helping herself escape the situation, wasn"t his methodof doing so a little too abnormal?

Her eyes left the spoiled crazy fat rat, landing on the man.After traveling through the jianghufor so many years, Meng Fuyao liked to think of herself as having a bit of aneye for people. The guy before her, despite every one of his words beingseductive silliness, had no hints of l.u.s.t or hunger in the expressions of hiseye corners and brows. His elegant demeanor implied a n.o.ble"s aura, and hiseyes held no ill-intentioned desires.

Was it really only because he saw the scene of Pei Yuanscheming against her, that he lent a hand to help?

The status of the Profound Origin sword sect in the Tai YuanEmpire was not low, with many past and possibly future high officials anddistinguished individuals. Looking at the timing and place where he appeared,did he have any relation with the Profound Origin sect? If he was the sect"sfriend, then why would he help her to oppose the sect?

Deeply breathing in, Meng Fuyao decided to not continue mullingover this unsolvable question. She could see that this guy wasn"t some simpleperson, and asking wouldn"t give her any information. Furthermore, if he wantedto harm her, a little twist of his finger would be enough - there was no reasonfor him to use such a circular method.

Besides, right now there was something she had to do first.

Meng Fuyao didn"t linger on the things she was powerless tochange, since she would not allow someone who had harmed her to walk free.

While regulating her breathing, dusting her sleeves, andtidying up her robes, from her bosom she also took out something to apply tothe dagger at her waist.

It was a type of sap produced in Qing Region"s Lifting WindNation, refined from "Never-Wound Flowers". This sap was notpoisonous, but once it entered a wound it would cause it to fester and becomelonger-lasting and harder to cure.

Meng Fuyao tossed the dagger a couple times in her hand,feeling that it was unfortunate that she did not have actual poison on her.Although, Pei Yuan, what if your arrogant, attractive appearance and snowycomplexion, that has so many men buzzing around you like bees and calling you ajade beauty, one day had a few extra wounds that stank with the smell ofrotting flesh? I wonder if, after all the b.u.t.terflies and flowers have beendriven away, you could still maintain that false, hypocritical smile?

With a cold smile, Meng Fuyao carefully applied layer afterlayer on top of the dagger"s blade.

The man hugged his knees with a light smile, his eyessweeping past with a measure of appreciation.

Seeing Meng Fuyao"s preparations complete, he stood up andpointed in the Profound Origin sect village"s direction. While smiling he said,"You probably don"t know that your sword sect actually has a secrettunnel. If you sneak in through there, you can avoid many of the mountainvillage"s guards, and," his expression suddenly seemed a little odd,"your Master and the other martial brothers and sisters right now are allat the front hall welcoming Infinite Empire"s Grand Tutor. You can firstconceal yourself inside Pei Yuan"s room."

"How do you know?" Meng Fuyao slanted a glance athim. "Who are you?"

"You can call me Zhaoxu, Yuan Zhaoxu."2Yuan Zhaoxu"s smiling expression was like a touch of spring breeze. While hiseyes moved, it was like in an instant water could flow backwards, and deep snowcould melt.

"Yuan Zhaoxu?" Meng Fuyao muttered the name once.For some reason she felt it familiar, as if she had heard it before somewhere,but right now couldn"t remember. She only nodded her head, then followed thedirection Yuan Zhaoxu pointed to while striding in large steps.

Her back figure gradually vanished down the rugged mountaintrail. Behind her, Yuan Zhaoxu had on a light smile, and while standing withhis hands clasped behind his back, he deeply gazed at her disappearing shadow.

His wide sleeves drifted leisurely in the wind, reflectingthe crushed silver moonlight.

At his back, where there was originally a block of mountainrock, slowly materialized a long, skinny black figure. The black shadow stoodslightly bowed three chi behind YuanZhaoxu, with its head lowered in a respectful demeanor.

"Crown ..."

Yuan Zhaoxu slightly turned back his head, and with only alook, the other side instantly became horrified, quickly shutting its mouth.

"You do not have to remind me, I will goimmediately." Waving his hand, it seemed Yuan Zhaoxu already knew what theother was going to say. After a moment of thought, he tilted his head towardsMaster Yuanbao who was currently standing on his shoulder, "Hey, go followher?"

Master Yuanbao turned, showing his backside to Yuan Zhaoxu.

"After you come back I"ll let you eat a late-nightsnack, three Qilin Reds."

Master Yuanbao continued to maintain his unturned head andraised backside, but obediently began to crawl down his shoulder.

"You"re not allowed to enact your personal revenge, orelse I"ll penalize three day"s worth of Qilin Red." Yuan Zhaoxu exhortedMaster Yuanbao with a phrase. That fat rodent only shook his stubby tail as ananswer, unknown if it was an agreement or not.

The black-garbed man watched stunned as that ball of whitefur vanished into the night. In his heart he still did not understand hismaster"s actions. Yuanbao was not some ordinary pet animal - found in the DiRegion Heavenly Court"s most sacred lands, only one of the Everlife Temple"s"Divine Enigma Rats" would be born every hundred years. Their liveswere extremely long, and their intelligence was beyond normal animals, evencomparable to humans. Further, they could bring luck and ward off evil, andonce they decided on a master, they would be unwaveringly loyal for theirentire lives. People without connections to the temple could only hope to seeone, let alone own one - no matter how exalted their statuses were.

This kind of treasure, his master actually just sent outwith such carelessness?

That young lady from before ... could it be ...

But didn"t his master"s destiny show that ...

The thoughts in his heart swirled and revolved hundreds and thousandsof times, yet he didn"t dare show anything on his face. After following hismaster for so many years, the black-clothed man was completely aware of hismaster"s crystal-clear perception; under his lucid and piercing gaze, if he movedso much a strand of hair, his inner thoughts would be able to be guessed.

Even with this level of vigilance, Yuan Zhaoxu still seemedto discover something. He half-turned with a light smile and glanced at theblack-clothed man, seeing the other then deeply bow at the waist and retreatback into the darkness.

Yuan Zhaoxu turned back around, narrowing his eyes and staringat the distant edge of darkness. The slim figure of that girl who could boldlylove and hate, and bravely accept and confront, had already completely disappearedinto the shadows. With carried sword, bound hair, and an agile body full of killingintent, she sprinted towards that outside virtuously beautiful but inside maliciouslyselfish royal descendant, sprinted towards those who had harmed and humiliatedher, and prepared to rise the blade, then fall the blade.

"Life with many struggles, trials with bitter toils, thoseable to return favors and repay debts, how many can there be ..." After along time, a soft sigh lightly drifted in the winding night wind.----------------------

"The Grand Tutor is so old yet still so vigorous, yourn.o.ble aura truly fills people"s hearts with admiration, he he he ..."

"Sect Master Lin"s generation of sword sect, has evenmore of a virtuous and capable aura, ha ha ha ..."

The tallow candles burned in Profound Origin"s front hallwhile two old men smilingly conversed. Respectful and cultured, their wordscame and went, their mouths filled with meaningless niceties. One after another,hundreds of volleys were exchanged, as if they completely did not see the deepdarkness of the late night. Underneath, the many disciples were continuouslyyawning.

"Come come ... Grand Tutor, try some more of ourProfound Origin"s specially produced Jade Spring Tea."

Lin Xuanyuan slightly covered his face with his robe sleeveswhile lifting up the tea, taking the opportunity to furtively yawn.

He had already accompanied the guest for a very long time.Although the Infinite Empire"s esteemed Grand Tutor was at a very old age, hisspirit was still very hearty. They had forcibly digressed here and there formany hours - six had already pa.s.sed, yet he still had no thought of sleep.

Lin Xuanyuan"s eyes were impatiently moving underneath the coverof his sleeves, when suddenly they caught four disciples sneaking in from thehall"s side door, and he couldn"t help but start a little.

That kid, didn"t he tell him to guard Meng Fuyao? Why did hereturn with such a worried expression?

Before he could finish this thought, a flash of red came fromthe side door, and Pei Yuan appeared, her expression still proud and arrogant.She leaned against the door frame and tidied up her robes, her face colornormal, but from what the old fox Lin Xuanyuan saw, he thought she seemed tohave a bit of a violent air between her eyebrows.

Raising the teacup a little higher to cover his eyes, LinXuanyuan silently muttered in his heart, what had happened? How come these twodisciples" expressions were not right?

However, now was not the time for interrogation - plus, withPei Yuan"s status, even Lin Xuanyuan didn"t dare to overly discipline her. Hecould only reinvigorate himself and continue to accompany the guest.

The gray-white haired Infinite Empire"s Grand Tutor was ateacher of emperors who had been famous under the heavens for some time, mostlybecause of his student, the shockingly brilliant Infinite Crown Prince.Logically at such a wizened age his energy shouldn"t be so plentiful, yet itwas a pity that he resisted the dark circles under his eyes, steadfastly continuingto chat with the non-stop yawning sect master.

"Qing, Yi, Heng, Ming, Di, the Five Regions, aredivided into Nemesis, Infinite, Lifting Wind, Heaven"s Court, Tai Yuan,Polaris, and Xuanyuan, the Seven States. Nemesis focuses on war,Infinite emphasizes talent, Tai Yuan values martial arts, Polaris promotesknowledge, Lifting Wind highlights morality, Xuanyuan are masters of ancienttechniques, Heaven"s Court ..."

Suddenly a gust of wind blew over from who-knows-where, andthe candles on the ground flickered. The Grand Tutor stopped in the middle ofhis words, laughed with a "ha ha", drank some tea, and as if he had onlythought of it just now he said, "Yi ya, my old self and the sect masterhave been chatting so happily, we even forgot the time ..."

Lin Xuanyuan hurriedly stood up, "Yes, yes, the GrandTutor"s insights are outstandingly high, the lowly me fell into a spell justlistening and actually forgot to arrange for your rest. My apologies, myapologies, someone come, help Sir to the inner courtyard to rest ..."

"Whew ..." Underneath came a chorus of relievedsighs.

The Grand Tutor tottered out, and the disciples immediately beganto scatter like the wind. Lin Xuanyuan stood in the hall with his hands claspedbehind, and with a change in his eyes, he suddenly spoke, "Fourth,Yuan"er!"

The two who were just about to slink away froze in theirsteps and slightly turned. Pei Yuan, with a fluid glance, slowly turned aroundand gave a calm smile to the doubtfully staring Lin Xuanyuan.

Outside the window shot past a streak of lightning. In thatflashing instance, the strong incandescent glow illuminated her turning face,twisting that smile into something savage and fierce, holding a dark air fullof malignance, and scaring Lin Xuanyuan with a jump.

Turning his head and staring out at the suddenly pouring rainoutside, he muttered with some surprise, "It started to rain ..."

1. Place where men are weak. Need I say more.

2. "元昭诩" = Yuan Zhaoxu

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