Legend of Fu Yao

Chapter 290: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 290: Unt.i.tled

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

It was during this pause that she heard the screams.

Those were the sounds of struggling, unique to any woman who was suffering violent abuse. There was also the sound of clothes being ripped off and the lewd laughs of not just one man. Those noises were drowned out by the heavy downpour, but in her ears, they were as loud as a huge thunder!

Right outside her room, in front of the window and just meters away from her, a woman was suffering the most destructive torture in the universe.

How could that happen!

Meng Fuyao"s mind went black, and she instinctively wanted to release her grip. Her first instinct was to jump out, dash out, and kill the offender.

However, it was at that moment when she retreated her fingers, that Zhangsun Wuji"s inner energy instantly became chaotic because of her unsteady pace. His inner energy surged and became messy, and it was a perilous situation!

Meng Fuyao froze.

She could not move… could not move… could not move!

Her inner energy had already entered into Zhangsun Wuji"s meridian system. If she moved away now, she would cause Zhangsun Wuji to die!

However, if she did not move, the girl outside the window would be continuously raped until death, and it would be right before her eyes!

Meng Fuyao started to shiver violently.

At that moment, she faced her greatest dilemma in her life.

If she let go, she would lose him; if she didn"t, she would lose the dignity and reason to live as a human!

In her whole life, she had been decisive, brave, and not afraid to do what she wanted. Yet, in this rainy night in a small town of another county, she was caught in a Catch-22 situation like no other.

How could she release her hand, and cause death to someone who followed her through ups and downs, who was solely invested in her, and who ended up in such a state because of her?

How could she not release her hand, and allow an intolerable event to happen in front of her eyes, and yet do nothing about it?

In that instant, Meng Fuyao could feel her inner self releasing a long howl like a wolf.

That howl was blood-curdling. It undermined all her sense of chivalry and braveness, and it made her heart wrench deeply. Her heart seemed to be unable to tolerate the weight of the pain, and it harshly broke.

The Heavens showed no mercy at all!

While the girl outside the window suffered the cruelest torture, the people beneath the window also felt the pain of their conscience calling out to them.

It was hard to tell who felt more pain.

Zhong Yi did not move, he backfaced the window and looked up. His face had turned even more ghastly white.

Tie Cheng did not move as well – he hugged his head, and his arms wrapped around so tightly that the bones in his neck cracked.

Meng Fuyao… did not move.

She seemed to sit as calmly before, and the palm on Zhangsun Wuji"s back was just a steady. Her fingers did not even shake at all as she directed the flow of inner energy. From injecting inner energy in, to guiding its flow and merging it in Zhangsun Wuji"s body, she did not make any mistake at all.

However, from the corner of her lips, a stream of blood slowly flowed down. It was blood caused by her biting down on her tongue and lips, as well as blood surging out uncontrollably from her organs.

It was a few drops at first, but the drops slowly linked up to form a stream, which flowed down more and more violently. It fell from her chin and landed on her collar and clothes, and even created a huge patch of red on the bedsheet. In such a situation, she sat cross-legged, and her eyes burned with determination. Blood was flowing out her mouth, but her expression and fingers were calm and steady as she directed her attention towards Zhangsun Wuji.

She was looking only at Zhangsun Wuji.

She looked at his thin figure, his black hair, his exquisite yet pale side profile, and his calm eyelashes.

It was him, and it was an appearance that would be etched in her memory. She could not selfishly have him, but she would never be willing for it to disappear from her life.

She wanted him to live properly, just as how he was like before he met her – n.o.ble, free-spirited, and strong. A person who could look down upon life and revolutionize the universe, and sail through life with a smile.

To allow him to return to such a state of life, she was not afraid of dashing ahead of life and investing all she could to reinstate that perfect him.

Even if it meant losing her dignity for life.

Just let her… be selfish for once, even if she had to bear the lifelong guilt afterward.

While someone roared with laughter, someone cried quietly.

In the rain, the Amethyst Cape Knights who were strong and had great stamina took their turns to have a taste of the girl behind them. They enjoyed the smooth-as-fish-and-extremely-comfortable ride that they had never tried before in the rain.

The snow-white skin was stained with a thick substance. She flopped on the floor like a fish, and her screams have quieted down. On the floor, there was a light-red substance that continuously flowed into the rainwater.

The men laughed to their hearts" content. The outrageous laughter rang throughout the backyard, and it could also be heard inside the room.

“… Didn"t I say that we should play in front of them! They won"t even dare to fart!”

“What things are they to try to oppose us?”

“Look over… I"m having the time of my life… Come out and kowtow to us. If I"m happy, I"ll let you try the fun too!”

“Just lick it clean for me!”

The roaring laughter was mixed with the mournful shrills of the girl.

“Heaven has no eyes! You do not protect the innocent!”


An explosive sound rang in the courtyard, and it even caused the room to shake a little. Beneath the clouds, thunder and lightning appeared, and its brightness shone in all directions. The grey clouds were lit up layer by layer, as the stroke of lightning came down upon the land like a golden armor plating.

Heaven was enraged!

The huge thunder caused the men to pause. Tie Cheng, who was kneeling on the floor, lost his balance and hit against the bed frame. Zhangsun Wuji and Meng Fuyao swayed, and a small box suddenly rolled out from Zhangsun Wuji"s robes.

The lid opened, and the snow-white pill that Meng Fuyao had given him appeared.

The aromatic scent of the pill wafted into her nose, and Meng Fuyao"s eyes opened. In that instant, her eyes were like lightning as she directed her gaze at the pill.

Raise her inner energy… if that happened, she could release her hands earlier and save that girl"s life!

She automatically ignored Zong Yue"s countless warnings. The aftereffects of the pill were too strong, and after administering it, she should recuperate for a month and not use her martial arts.

Meng Fuyao looked up towards Zhong Yi, signaling at him to feed her the pill.

As Zhong Yi hesitated, Meng Fuyao stared even more ferociously at him. Looking at the continuous stream of blood down Meng Fuyao"s lips, Zhong Yi gritted his teeth. He quickly walked up and placed the pill inside her mouth.

Feeling a bit worried, he placed his arms on the bed frame and carefully inspected Meng Fuyao"s expression. When the pill entered her mouth, in an instant, Meng Fuyao"s skin turned red. Even the wrist which was not masked turned completely red. It was as though blood in her body was suddenly triggered, and that caused Zhong Yi to jump in shock. Then, the red color subsided, and Meng Fuyao"s complexion returned back to normal.

Meng Fuyao almost fainted when she swallowed the pill. A huge bomb seemed to be activated in her chest, and that sent her physical body and consciousness shattering to pieces and floating above the clouds. Blood almost surged out of her body. At that moment, it was the crucial stage of raising her martial arts, and as long as she guided it right, she could unlock one level above the Seventh Level of ‘Breaking Nine Heavens." However, Meng Fuyao immediately twisted the flow of the inner energy and sent it towards Zhangsun Wuji"s meridian system. Her body shook as she could feel the block in Zhangsun Wuji"s inner energy being pushed open by the immense force. His inner body has woken up and could finally recuperate by itself.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Meng Fuyao slowly took her hand away. She was careful and stable at the start, but once it completely left her body, she turned into a stroke of lightning!

It was a flash of black lightning that burned with a fiery, red fire!

The black lightning shot through the room so quickly that her silhouette quickly disappeared. She shouted her instructions, “Tie Cheng, stay behind to guard the room!”

In the meantime, the rain had not stopped.

Another explosive noise sounded, and it resembled the sound of a huge thunder. When the men looked up, they saw the windows in the opposite house being ripped open uniformly. Then, a black figure dashed out like a raging lightning strike!

It was more aggressive than thunder, more anxious than lightning, more forceful than the heavy downpour, and even fierier than blood!

In mid-air, that person kicked down half a wall. As the wall crumbled to the floor, she spun and gave another kick. The falling bricks immediately shattered into small stones and were sent flying violently and aggressively towards the Amethyst Cape Knights.

“Formation-” There was a loud shout. The trained Amethyst Cape Knights had fast reactions, and they jumped to their feet in unison. In an instant, they had lined up in their formation, and those flying stone bricks were aimed towards the girl on the ground instead.

But Meng Fuyao had arrived.

Sticking very close to the floor, she nimbly shot forward like a black sparrow hawk. With a swing of her arms, she had picked up the girl and used whatever cloth was remaining to cover the body. She placed the girl under a flower rack beside the well, then she spun and did a somersault in mid-air, landing in front of an Amethyst Cape Knight at the side of the formation.

That was the flaw in the formation – this person had just finished his deed, and he was busily pulling his pants up.

Meng Fuyao was not in the mood for any fancy tricks. She directly turned herself into a bomb, becoming a stroke of black light, a flashing silhouette, and a raging boulder as she shot towards the man. Beside her, the curtain of rain was sent flying in the opposite direction because of the force of her strike. There was not a single drop of water within a one-meter radius!

She crashed down like an unavoidable avalanche, and her impending victim stared back in helplessness, trauma, and fear.

It was the kind of fear that left her satisfied, the one that could allow her to release all the grievances and determination that were bursting in her chest!


When her body banged into the man, Destiny Rebellion appeared from her elbows. It was ebony-black and blood-red at the same time.

Another blood rainbow appeared in the rainfall!

Meng Fuyao laughed to the point that she sounded like a lunatic. With a raise of her hand, a black gleam shone by, and the head was sent flying away, crashing into an adjacent companion!

That companion thought that the man was still standing properly beside him, but the head suddenly flew towards him, and the traumatic expression of a man"s last moment remained. It was so wide and so clear in his vision, and the blood that spluttered out blinded his eyes.

Then, he felt a chill at his neck area.

He could see his own head flying out as well. It spun creepily in the dark and thunderous night, and he could see the scenes of all angles. He saw the houses surrounding him, a hidden shadow on the roof, a backyard full of corpses, and the brothers who were tuning the houses upside down. He could see his body still at its own spot, and then the scary black tornado kicked the body away.


It was a chain of heads being kicked off!

The corpse and head of the person who just died were kicked by Meng Fuyao once again, and they were sent flying to the next person.

Another violent kick! Those men were not fast enough to match Meng Fuyao"s pace under her intense rage, and even before they could pluck their swords out, the bulging eyes of a dead companion had already appeared in front of him. Those white eyeb.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t against him, and he felt a stroke of white light in his blood. Then, he felt something else explode as well.

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