L.O.R.D - Volume 2, Section 10: Golden Glow
L.O.R.D (New Version)
Movie t.i.tle: L.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties)
Author: Guo Jingming
Published: 2016
Translation: [email protected]

Volume 2: Bewstowment of the Seal
Section 10: Golden Glow

Yin Chen sighs. He looks at Qi Ling who knows as much as a blank piece of paper. His gaze is hesitant.

Then again, it’s probably a good thing, compared completely changing a person who has already learned some unregulated form of control of soul powers, a person like Qi Ling can start from the basics.

Just as Yin Chen wants to put down his hand, he suddenly feels a weak tinge move across his finger tips. As if he felt something, his fingers releasing another wave of heavier soul powers that is not just for probing and testing.

“Don’t move”, Yin Chen commands with a low voice. His expression is tense. Qi Ling is already scared, but seeing the sudden frosty expression of Yin Chen, he feels even more unsettled.

Yin Chen withdraws his hand in shock. His complexion is even more pale than before. . He cannot bring himself to believe what had just happened within the past few seconds, to be more precise, it is as if the soul powers he released are engulfed by a monster whose strength is beyond estimation. All it took was an instant. What is scarier is that, if Yin Chen had used a large amount of powers with the intention of harming Qi Ling, in that blink of an eye, before he can even cut off his soul powers in time, the unguarded soul powers in his body would have been swallowed by at least half.

“What sort of…monster…do you have…in your body…”

“What monster……I don’t know. Don’t scare me……” Qi Ling’s face is pale, completely baffled by what Yin Chen is saying, but, from the horror on Yin Chen’s face, he knows that something terrifying must have happened.

“Stand still and don’t move.” Yin Chen presses down on Qi Ling’s shoulders.

Yin Chen reaches out his hand to untie Qi Ling’s clothes. The youth’s slender but toned chest Is exposed in the night. Qi Ling shivers as a layer of goose b.u.mps covers his skin. “What…what do you want to do……” Qi Ling looks slightly embarra.s.sed.

Yin Chen ignores him and reaches out his hand, moving to press his long and slender fingers against his chest. He closes his eyes and begins to transfer more soul powers into Qi Ling’s body.

And in the next moment, Yin Chen suddenly feels that the soul powers being transferred into the youth’s body seems to be engulfed by a strong black hole. The strong force is wrapping around his body and dragging him into a limitless abyss. As he attempts to remove his hand form Qi Ling’s chest, he feels it - five paths of soul powers as fast as lightning, like agile snake spirits, twisting and surrounding his own powers. They surge out from the depths of Qi Ling’s body to attack and engulf him.

Yin Chen puts a large force onto his palms to remove his hands from Qi Ling’s chest. He falls backwards, his whole person moving at rapid speed towards the crown of the tree high up like a soundless bird. He then flips in the air before dropping with a crash a hundred meters away from Qi Ling. Sound as loud as an explosion, dust in the air, amidst the fumes, Yin Chen kneels with one knee on the ground. The ground beneath his feet is covered with many cracks.

He raises his head and looks at Qi Ling in the distance who falls straight to the ground.

The tumbling waves of air in his chest are like water that has just reached boiling point, yet it is also of extreme coldness. It’s hard to describe such an absurd misconception, yes, it is the boiling coldness, like countless sharp blades swimming within him cutting everything in its path. All blood vessels and vital energy are torn apart by the mind-ripping pain. Qi Ling’s mouth is open but he is unable to make any sound with the heavy pain pressing down on it. It feels as if his limbs have separated into pieces before being crushed to powder, morphing into thick liquid and finally evaporating into steam.

It feels as if his body no longer exists.

Painfully, Qi Ling emits soft grunts from his throat.

Qi Ling’s consciousness is murky, countless entangled powers are swimming recklessly in his body, like a primitive piece of land, countless sources of water coming together and separating violently. In the dark vision enveloped by illusions are countless turbulent golden rivers, densely packed together, distributaries knitting into a ma.s.sive root system. All the veins, arteries and even capillaries in the body are filled by this golden glow and are swelling.

At the end where consciousness disappears, a golden eye appears.

Whose eye?

Everything dissipates into darkness once again.

When Qi Ling opens his eyes again, the silent forest is still shrouded in darkness. Only unknown scatters of golden pieces of light floats between the tree branches. They look like drifting fireflies.

He struggles to push himself up. The strong pain that feels as if it’s ripping his body apart has disappeared. Not a single trace of the pain is left and it feels as if everything that just happened is all a bad dream.

Qi Ling turns his head to see Yin Chen sitting behind him. His face is pallid and he is panting, looking as if he is about to collapse.

“Are you……okay?” Qi Ling runs over and squats before him carefully.

“I’m fine.” Yin Chen’s thin but sharp face looks like a thin piece of jade porcelain that will break upon contact under the moonlight.
Qi Ling says nothing. He is distracted by the mobile golden return circuits on Yin Chen’s exposed neck and collar bones. Those golden imprints look just like the golden rivers that appeared in his eyes when he was losing consciousness. Unsure of the reason, Qi Ling suddenly feels that the gold shining brilliantly on Yin Chen’s nape looks proceeding attractive, as if an unknown power, or miracles of beauty to the highest degree are calling out to Qi Ling, he wants to get closer, wants to make it his own……a psychedelic and confused feeling complicates Qi Ling’s vital energy and blood. He suppresses his heavy breaths and shakes his head forcefully.

Yin Chen observes Qi Ling. As if understanding him completely, he gestures at Qi Ling and says weakly: “You’ve just been through the ‘bestowment of the seal‘, you have to……distance yourself from me……”

“Why?” Qi Ling looks at Yin Chen with a flush on his face.

“Because……right now, you’d find me……how should I put it, very…… ‘attractive’?” Yin Chen tilts his head, seeming as if he awkwardly found that description after a long while.

“Ha? ……You? Attractive?” Qi Ling rolls his eyes forcefully in the dark before retreating two steps and squatting down, he puts his hands into a fist and holds it out, “This gentleman, believe me, you’re really thinking too much!”

Yin Chen closes his eyes, too lazy to debate with him.

Qi Ling looks at the weak Yin Chen before him, he no long said anything, he dared not even breathe too heavily, he squats before him quietly, looking at him, after a long time, he sees that Yin Chen’s complexion has returned to normal, only then does he tug on Yin Chen’s sleeve before asking him softly.

“What is bestowment of the seal?” Qi Ling’s eyes are wide. His thick lashes tremble slightly.

“The golden imprints you see now forms the basis of our soul power system. They are called the soul’s return circuits. In the body of every soul master, there will be a marking of the gathering of soul powers. This mark appears at different locations on the person’s body depending on the soul’s return circuit. The shape differs as well. The mark on lords and disciples are known as the ‘Seal of the Lord’. After the n.o.ble lords finds his disciple, he will bring him back to the imperial capital Gelanerte and bestow the disciple the soul’s return circuit. The disciple will inherit the lord’s soul’s return circuit and hence the position and shape of the lord’s seal will be identical to his lord. Due to this, this ceremony is known as the bestowment of the seal.”

“Oh……” Qi Ling understands little, he pushes up the hair in front of his forehead, revealing his pretty hairline. His expression is puzzled, “Then why didn’t you wait to bestow when we’re back to Gelanerte? You stamped me in the wilderness in the middle of no where, aren’t you too casual about things as a n.o.ble lord?”

“If I didn’t bestow the seal to you in time, you’d be dead.” Yin Chen huffs.

“Whaddya mean?” The corner of Qi Ling’s mouth crooks.

“Lord’s Seal isn’t just a simple mark or imprint. It is the center of our soul powers, it is also where we are the weakest. It is the starting point when we use our soul powers. And, the most important thing is that, it is where our soul beasts lie normally. Do you know that in the lord’s seal on your body, Cang Xue Zhi Ya is currently staying there obediently? If I didn’t perform the ‘seal bestowment’ just now, it wouldn’t have found a place to inhabit in your body, and will continue to storm around reckless within you, it will become a gust of wild anger. Its soul powers won’t be able to co-exist with yours, the final result is either you die or it will die.”

“……So scary!” Qi Ling falls to the ground, “Oh yeah, what is Cang Xue Zhi Ya?”

“It’s the monster that was trying to kill you last night.”

“What?! WHAT WHAT?! You mean the monster that was hunting me down is currently in my body?! THIS IS TOO SCARY!”
TAGS: guo jingming, l.o.r.d (new), translations

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