Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 1073: Battle of Ancient G.o.ds

Chapter 1073: Battle of Ancient G.o.ds

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn


With a rumblingsnort, Jian Wushuang channeled his Ancient G.o.d Powers that began to acc.u.mulate in his right fist.

A faint golden glow surrounded his fist. Without warning, his fist smote forth, releasing all the powers held within.

The Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d, conjured by the Battle Formation of Ancient G.o.ds threw a powerful punch of its own.

The two gigantic fists clashed fists. .h.i.t head-to-head.

With brute force reciprocated with brute force, the two fists met! Such was the contest of feral ferocity!


With a huge bang, the ma.s.sive forces wielded by them both erupted like a powerful detonation.

The air surrounding the frightening crash was distorted by the sheer force that their clas.h.i.+ng fists had caused. A long and huge s.p.a.ce rift, an anomaly in the continuum of Time and s.p.a.ce tore open immediately, spreading like the diaphanous webs of spiders and began to stretch for thousands of kilometers wide. The resultant effects of the first bout of their gargantuan showdown had shuddered and unrattled every one watching the battle as many kept their breaths held nervously.

In the thick of the action at the site of their battle, Jian Wushuang’s expression turned heavy as he was thrown backward, careening away for more than a few steps.

But the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d lurched only took three steps away.

“How is this possible?”

The host of warriors of the Ancient Demon Clan were all surprised and astonished.

The Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d conjured by the nine Ancient G.o.d Guardians was of the level of Four Stars when Jian Wushuang, in spite of bearing the bloodline of the Imperial Ancient G.o.d, was nevertheless only a Three-star Ancient G.o.d. It was expected that he would be outmatched in strength. But Jian Wushuang had shown himself only to be slightly lesser in terms of raw power.

What many did not notice, was that Jian Wushuang was wearing his Blood-killing Plate Armor. The Plate Armor had helped increase his powers by more than tenfold, elevating his strength to the levels of a Celestial Master.

“Here I come again!”

Jian Wushuang bellowed, hardly defeated by the failure of his first attempt to put down his foe. His colossal figure once again pus.h.i.+ng forward for another attack.

Likewise, the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d conjured by the Battle Formation rushed forward too.

The huge giants sped towards each other for the second bout of their fight.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Without using his skills of swordsmans.h.i.+p, Jian Wushuang engaged his adversary in a melee fist fight, showing the entire plethora of his skills in hand-to-hand close quarters combat.

Having spent some time among the Ancient G.o.d Clan, he was no stranger to scuffles and skirmishes against the ilk of Ancient G.o.ds.

Hence he was well familiar with their way and fas.h.i.+on of combat.

Even without the use of any weapons, he could easily unleash his Ancient G.o.d Powers.

But the same could not be said for the Ancient G.o.d conjured by the nine G.o.d Guardians.

Even though the nine G.o.d Guardians have awakened the bloodline of the Ancient G.o.ds, they were neither skilled nor accustomed to the methods Ancient G.o.ds fought. Most importantly, the three hastily-added Dao Masters were hardly acquainted with working cohesively with the other six in the Battle Formation.

The lack of chemistry between them all could hardly unleash the greatest potential of the powerful Battle Formation.

Despite wielding strengths that equaled to a Celestial Master of moderate proficiency, the flaws of the nine’s unity hindered the Ancient G.o.d of their conjuration to only seven-tenths of its true strength.

Furthermore, Jian Wushuang’s more superior Imperial Ancient G.o.d Bloodline had been affecting the nine Ancient Divine Guard, inflicting upon them a tormenting agony

Hampered and crippled from reaching true power, the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d fell into a great disadvantage in the battle.

“Hahaha! Begone you!”

Jian Wushuang emitted a huge roaring laughter, taking a huge stride with a spring in his step and dashed closer to the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d. He rammed into the torso of the Ancient G.o.d with his shoulder, throwing it off its feet as it fell backward.”

“Despite having the powers of a Four-star Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d, it was not being able to fully display its strength… This is turning into an uninteresting fight…”

Jian Wushuang shook his head, losing his interest to continue the duel.

Without any more desire to tarry longer with the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d, Jian Wushuang’s eyes glared with a sharp flash, mustering his Ancient G.o.d Power upon his right index finger.

There were, nonetheless, great differences between the simulated strengths of an Ancient G.o.d and Jian Wushuang who has the powers of a true Ancient G.o.d. These included the skills and techniques of combat, the chemistry, and cohesiveness among the members manning the Battle Formation, as well as the Ultimate Skills and Secret Skills of the Ancient G.o.ds.

With enough powers acc.u.mulated in his forefinger, Jian Wushuang thrust his finger forward swiftly.

“The First Finger of Ancient G.o.ds: Barrier-breaking!”

Jian Wushuang’s voice thundered as he cast forth his stroke.

A gigantic golden finger with an aura so powerful and terrifying fell from the sky.

The giant golden finger seemed as if it had traveled through time from the ancient past, bearing a presence both staggering and archaic, immediately smiting heavily upon the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d.

The Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d mustered all the Ancient G.o.d Power it could swiftly call upon, trying to strike at the finger in an act of defiance.

Yet, still…

There came a huge boom that was followed by a deathly silence.

The Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d was being sent flying into the air by the force of the stroke. As it fell and collapse, the Ancient G.o.d Powers it held instantly plummeted, the conjuration was clearly faltering. The nine Ancient G.o.d Guardians crumbled, each of them spatting mouthfuls of blood themselves.

Unable to withstand Jian Wushuang’s a.s.sault, the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d’s aura immediately plunged, the last ounces of its strength and vigor on the verge of disintegrating.

“It is still intact after suffering a blow from me?”

Jian Wushuang sneered. He began to acc.u.mulate more Ancient G.o.d Powers into his right forefinger once more.

“Let us see if it can suffer another stroke from me!”

Malice and wrath flashed in Jian Wushuang’s eyes.

Seeing this, the Celestial Master Ku Xin could wait no longer. With a dismal frown, he called, “Strike fast, Dong Ming! The Battle Formation of Ancient G.o.ds is faltering!”


Standing beside Celestial Master Ku Xin, Celestial Master Winter Whistle face fell in dismay.

Leaping into the fight to help the nine Ancient G.o.d Guardians now would only show that the Ancient Monster Clan was fighting unfairly. It would turn into a clear contest of numbers.

But Celestial Master Winter Whistle knew better than to hesitate, the urgency of the situation demanded his immediate intervention.


Celestial Master Winter Whistle transformed into a scarlet flash of light, lunging forward dangerously as speedily as he could.


Jian Wushuang had raised his right forefinger, ready to inflict the final blow to destroy the Silver-armored Ancient G.o.d and claim his victory, when he noticed the red flash of light das.h.i.+ng towards him speedily.

“Celestial Master Winter Whistle?” Jian Wushuang’s lips curled into a grin.

Uneasy murmurs and agitated cries arose from the midst of the warriors watching at the battle.

“Is that Celestial Master Winter Whistle? Does he intend to join in the fight?”

“The Battle Formation of Ancient G.o.ds has possessed a Celestial Master’s battle strength. The addition of Celestial Master Winter Whistle would only become a contest of numbers.”

“Hmph… Jian Wushuang is nevertheless a warrior who is only of the Eternal Realm. This is hardly unreasonable that the Ancient Monster Clan intends to react as thus.”

“Hmph. Do you seriously think the Jian Wushuang is still of the Eternal Realm? Look at him. He is already a Three-star Ancient G.o.d. That would mean he has the powers of at least a Dao Master”

The whispers and murmurs in the crowd turned into an audible chatter of discussion from the site of the battle.

Yet, Jian Wushuang beamed cheerfully, “So be it then, you can come at me together.”

As he finished, Jian Wushuang’s aura soared immediately and his trusty blade, the Blood Mountain Sword appeared in his hand.

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