Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 531: A Cornered Beast Will Always Bite

Chapter 531: A Cornered Beast Will Always Bite

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

“Rebel?” Jian Wushuang sneered, “You certainly know how to twist things!”

“Rebel?” The black-clothed elder also looked at Jian Wushuang.

“General, I arrived at the East Camp two months ago and was appointed as the leader of the tenth squad. I was immediately sent to guard the Sky Solitude Mountains and have stayed there since then.” Jian Wushuang reported, “The East Camp’s rule is that all squads will guard the Sky Solitude Mountains in turns. Every month a new squad will take over.”

“Last month, Fang Han sent a message that other squads were understaffed because they had fought with Demonic Beasts and we had to keep guarding there. However, this month he didn’t even give us any notice. That’s why I came here to ask for an explanation.”

“Asking for an explanation? That’s how you ask?” Fang Han stared at Jian Wushuang coldly.

“Shut up,” The black-clothed elder snapped. He looked at Fang Han and said, “It’s no wonder that he came here to challenge you. They can rarely meet any Demonic Beasts in the Sky Solitude Mountains, so they have little chance of obtaining Monster Cores, but they can’t just leave.”

“That’s why East Camp set the rule of one-month s.h.i.+fts for every squad. But, you not only forced them to guard it for two months, had Jian Wushuang not come here to challenge you, you would have left them there to continue guarding the area, wouldn’t you?”

“Well…” Fang Han’s expression changed slightly, but he dared not refute him.

“Hum, don’t think that I don’t understand what’s going on in your head. As a commander who is this unfair to your subordinates. Why would he respect you? Not to mention that he’s stronger than you.” The black-clothed elder said coldly, “Well, this is the end of the matter. Arrange another squad to go to the Sky Solitude Mountains immediately. As for your injuries, take them as the punishment for violating the rules in East Camp.”

After saying that, the black-clothed elder immediately left.

“How can this be?” Fang Han stood there with eyes full of astonishment.

The general scolded him without making any mention of Jian Wushuang’s fault. Jian Wushuang had fought with his superior but was not punished at all.

The elder obviously favored Jian Wushuang.

The other sergeants in the surrounding area had also realized it.

Jian Wushuang was also quite surprised.

Though confused, Jian Wushuang did not spend much time thinking about it. He took a quick glance at Fang Han and considered his next step.

Under the gaze of the other sergeants, Jian Wushuang, while still holding his sword, stepped in front of Fang Han.

“What are you going to do?” Fang Han stared at Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang looked down at Fang Han who was lying on the ground and said, indifferently, “Commander Fang Han, it seems that you lost out this time.”

Fang Han’s expression changed slightly.

Jian Wushuang bent down and whispered in Fang Han’s ear, “Fang Han, I know that you were told to do this to spite me. He has a special ident.i.ty, so you did not dare to displease him. That’s normal.”

“However, before you made things difficult for me, you should have weighted your own strength. I respected you as a commander, so I didn’t disgrace you in front of others. But you shouldn’t go too far!”

“A corned beast will bite. Especially if that beast is stronger than you!”

Fang Han half lay on the ground with a gloomy expression on his face. He felt ashamed and resentful when he heard Jian Wushuang’s words. However, he dared not refute them.

This world was ruled by the strong. Jian Wushuang was obviously stronger than he was!

So he was unable to refute what Jian Wushuang said.

While gritting his teeth, Fang Han said in a low voice, “I’ll immediately arrange for another squad to take over guarding the Sky Solitude Mountains! ”

“Hmph, it’s good you know what you should do.”

Jian Wushuang stood up and directly returned to the Sky Solitude Mountains.

He did not know that the thin black-clothed elder was standing above them at the edge of the campsite, watching as he left.

Another man stood next to him. This handsome man with long-hair was none other than Emperor Fengxiao.

“You asked me to go down there while you stayed up here. Fengxiao, what’s your relations.h.i.+p with that boy?” the black-clothed elder asked.

He was actually asked by Emperor Fengxiao to come here and help Jian Wushuang.

“I’ve only seen him once previously, but he has great potential. When he had just arrived here from his tribe, he was already equal to a peak Second-grade Divine General and had an extremely strong body. What’s even more important though, is his extraordinary comprehension in Sword Principle.” Emperor Fengxiao explained casually, “After being enlightened by his swordsmans.h.i.+p, I easily and quickly mastered a new sword move.”

“What?” The black-clothed elder was shocked.

Emperor Fengxiao had an extremely deep comprehension in regards to Sword Principle. In truth, very few people on the Monster Continent could compare with him in Sword Principle.

Jian Wushuang’s swordsmans.h.i.+p was capable of enlightening Emperor Fengxiao?

“From the looks of it, he has greatly improved since his partic.i.p.ation in the Divine General a.s.sessment. I’ll naturally favor a young man who has such great potential. What’s more, it’s Fang Han’s fault,” Emperor Fengxiao said.

The black-clothed elder raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything.

“Well, no need to continue talking about them. Let’s go meet Temple Master Pure Moon. The wedding of the two Monster Kings is by no means a good thing for us humans,” Emperor Fengxiao said seriously.

“All right,” the black-clothed elder nodded solemnly. They immediately left to meet Temple Master Pure Moon, who was the head of the East Camp.

In the campsite of the Seventh Army, Fang Han was busy dealing with his wounds in a hasty manner before he returned to his tent.

He immediately ordered, “Command the third squad to take over the Sky Solitude Mountains. Tell Jin Ling, the leader of the ninth squad, to come see me quickly.”

“Yes, sir.” A sergeant immediately left to deliver his order.

Before long, Jin Ling followed a sergeant and came to meet Fang Han.

“Commander Fang Han, I heard that Jian Wushuang came to see you today.”

Jin Ling had been on a mission outside before this, so he did not know what happened. He only heard that Jian Wushuang came to meet Fang Han. He thought that Fang Han must have sent Jian Wushuang away, so he was quite pleased.

“Jian Wushuang, you didn’t make me happy, so you won’t be happy in the future,”Jin Ling thought with pride.

However, He frowned the moment he saw Fang Han in the tent.

“Commander Fang Han, what happened…” He noticed that Fang Han was dreadfully pale.

Obviously, Fang Han was injured, and seriously injured at that.

“Hum, it’s all thanks to you.”

Fang Han replied coldly. His att.i.tude toward Jin Ling had completely changed.

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Chapter 532: Demonic Beasts Attack

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

“Jin Ling.”

Fang Han looked at Jin Ling and said in a cold voice, “I won’t get involved in the matters between you and Jian Wushuang from now on. If you want to mess with him, do it by yourself. I won’t help you.”

Jin Ling’s expression changed slightly. He nodded and said, “I understand.”

“You can leave,” Fang Han waved his hand.

Jin Ling walked out the tent with a gloomy look on his face.

As soon as he got outside the tent, his face immediately distorted. “How dare Fang Han give me the cold shoulder?”

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down. “What’s going on? Fang Han previously promised me that he would deal with Jian Wushuang. Why did he suddenly change his mind?”

He immediately went to ask the sergeants of the Seventh Army, but he was shocked by their answers.

“Jian Wushuang battled Fang Han? And he even defeated him?”

“Fang Han was wounded by Jian Wushuang?”

Jin Ling finally understood.

After figuring everything out, he felt even more resentment towards Jian Wushuang.

“Jian Wushuang partic.i.p.ated in the Divine General a.s.sessment with me, but he is already capable of defeating the East Camp’s commander. How did he make such a progress so quickly… The Fourth Story of the Earth Core Palace… Yes, he must have used Emperor Fengxiao’s Jade Slip and gone to the Fourth Story of the Earth Core Palace to cultivate for ten days. Otherwise, he could not have improved so quickly.”

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d, that Jade Slip should have been mine!”

“Jian Wushuang, d.a.m.n you!”

Jin Ling roared in his heart.

“I can’t depend on Fang Han anymore, so I will have to think of other ways to deal with Jian Wushuang.”

It was a sweltering summer day and the heat from the sun was actually baking the ground.

At the forefront of East Camp stood the vast plains occupied by the Demonic Beasts.

Boom… Countless Demonic Beasts were gathering at an alarming rate. In a short time, thousands of Demonic Beasts had gathered.

These Demonic Beasts had strange appearances, with two types of Demonic Beasts taking up the majority.

The first type had a human-shaped body with the head of a leopard.

The second type had black scales all over their bodies and crawled on the ground with eight arms like a spider.

These two types of Demonic Beasts came from two of the larger groups of monsters.

In the center of the Demonic Beasts, there was a short young man. He looked like a human being, but his eyes were scarlet. Naturally, he was a transformed Demonic Beast.

“Boys, today is the wedding of our Monster Kings, so we’re family now. Master Gu Qing has said that today is our carnival day. We are free to slaughter as we like,” the short man growled.

Hearing the word “slaughter”, the Demonic Beasts immediately roared excitedly.

It was in the Demonic Beasts’ very nature to enjoy slaughter.

“Haha, boys, what are you waiting for? Go, let’s go to the Huaman Territory,” the short man exclaimed.

“Roar!!” “Howl!!” “Moo!!”

The echoes of their loud roars filled the surrounding areas as the thousands of Demonic Beasts rushed forward.

Countless Demonic Beasts, which were releasing an extremely violent aura, had formed a huge torrent as they rushed toward the Human’s Territory.

In an instant, the whole area began to shake.

Before long, the huge torrent of Demonic Beasts had appeared just outside of the territory guarded by the East Camp.

An army of the East camp was guarding this area, but when the commander saw the countless Demonic Beasts, he was both stunned and horrified because he had never seen so many Demonic Beasts gathered in one place before.

“Activate the Formation, quickly!”

“Sound the alarm, sound the alarm! Demonic Beast attack, Demonic Beast attack!”

The commander immediately took corresponding measures.

“Haha, boys, let’s go do some killing!”

The short man in the center of the Demonic Beast torrent laughed loudly as the Demonic Beasts began to attack the Formation ferociously.

The Terrible Demonic Beast torrent frightened every sergeant that was guarding this territory.

“My G.o.d, so many Demonic Beasts?”

“No, no! It’s the Monster Army. The Monster Army is coming!”

“The alarm, sound the alarm! The Monster Army of over 10,000 Demonic Beasts is coming!”

“Retreat, keep retreating, the Formation can’t hold for long!”

Messages for help were transmitted to the high officials of the East Camp, immediately causing the whole East Camp to be in shock.

Sky Solitude Mountains. Jian Wushuang had just returned from the East Camp.

“Brother Wushuang, what was the result?” Qing Huo and several sergeants came to greet him.

“Rest a.s.sured. Another squad will be coming to take over soon,” Jian Wushuang replied with a smile.


“That’s so great!”

Qing Huo and the other sergeants of the tenth squad were overjoyed.

They did not want to stay in the Sky Solitude Mountains for another second.

“Qing Huo, I exchanged the achievements for killing those monster spies for some Monster Cores. Divide them with our brothers,” Jian Wushuang took out an Interspatial Ring.

“Wushuang, what do you mean?” Qing Huo looked at Jian Wushuang in surprise.

“Because of me, they had to stay here in vain for two months. They deserve to get the Monster Cores,” Jian Wushuang said and laughed.

“Well, that’s true,” Qing Huo nodded heavily. He then began to distribute the Monster Cores to the other sergeants.

Hearing that, the sergeants were surprised and pleased. With this, Jian Wushuang had completely earned their respect.

They had known that they were sent to guard this area because of Jian Wushuang. They had complained about it in their hearts, but now the complaints had disappeared.

Shortly after the distribution of the Monster Cores, the squad which was to take over arrived.

“Brother Wushuang, we come to guard the Sky Solitude Mountains.” The leader of the third squad had witnessed how Jian Wushuang defeated Fang Han easily, so he was very polite to Jian Wushuang.

“Thank you,” Jian Wushuang said with a smile.

“Haha, we’ll just stay here for a month. We’re much luckier than you. Brother Wushuang, you’re so cool. You directly forced Fang Han to change his mind,” the squad leader said and laughed. “In my opinion, since you’re obviously stronger than Fang Han, you should be the command of the Seventh Army.”

Jian Wushuang responded with a faint smile. He naturally sensed the compliment in the squad leader’s words.

Just then, buzz…

They suddenly sensed a strange wave at the same time.

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