Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 1454: Four Levels

Chapter 1454: Four Levels

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

“I see.”

Jian Wushuang understood.

Although Real G.o.ds were much stronger than Universe G.o.d in the Third Heaven, the difference was mainly in divine power.

When the divine power of an expert of Real G.o.d rank erupted, it was far beyond a Universe G.o.d in the Third Heaven.

Forget about the eruption of divine power, the advantage a Real G.o.d had over a Universe G.o.d of the Third Heaven wasn’t that big.

For instance, many Universe G.o.ds in the Third Heaven were much stronger than Real G.o.ds in unique skill and comprehension of the Power of Heaven Way.

As such, it wouldn’t be as easy for a Real G.o.d to kill a thousand Universe G.o.ds in the Third Heaven.

“Forget about the fact that the divine power of Real G.o.d is restrained, it wouldn’t be that easy to kill a Universe G.o.d in the Third Heaven. Even if the Real G.o.d really had an exceedingly great power, the most crucial part is that there aren’t that many cultivators in Sky Sword Prison,” Luo Meng smiled.

“Not many? How many are there?” Jian Wushuang asked.

Throughout the years, there were millions or even tens of millions of cultivators that were imprisoned in Sky Sword Prison. However, these cultivators live by endless ma.s.sacres. How many are left?

“From what I know, adding up all cultivators in Sky Sword Prison currency, there shouldn’t be more than a thousand and five hundred of them. Plus, the one thousand five hundred cultivators who are able to live through endless ma.s.sacres and stay alive must be extremely capable. Most importantly, they possess strong survival ability. Even if the two were different in power, it would be difficult for them to kill one another,” Luo Meng said.

Jian Wushuang understood.

He had fought against Luo Meng earlier and he was much stronger than Luo Meng but Jian Wushuang couldn’t make him stay.

It was because Luo Meng was extremely fast and had extremely strong survival skills.

With his speed, even if he were to encounter any ordinary Real G.o.d in Sky Sword Prison, he should be able to survive.

“It’d be impossible to achieve the owner of Sky Sword Prison’s criteria to leave in a short period of time. So, every one of us is enduring it,” Luo Meng said, “after all these years, there are some experts that achieved his criteria and left Sky Sword Prison alive.”

Jian Wushuang nodded in silence and finally understood Lei Meng’s feelings when he said that he was only a poor prisoner.

“Newbie, what’s your name?” Luo Meng suddenly asked.

“Jian Wushuang,” Jian Wushuang replied.

“Jian Wushuang, as you have chatted with me for so long, let me give you a helping hand. Here’s the information of many experts that I’ve collected through the eighty thousand years that I’ve spent in Sky Sword Prison. I am giving you a copy so you have a basic understanding. If you run into any experts that you can’t deal with in Sky Sword Prison, run as far as you can,” Luo Meng said. Then, he waved and threw a token at Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang caught it directly.

“Jian Wushuang, I hope that you will still be alive in Sky Sword Prison ten thousand years later.”

Then, Lei Meng moved and suddenly sped up. He disappeared before Jian Wushuang’s eyes very quickly.

Watching Lei Meng leave, Jian Wushuang muttered, “I hope that you and I can leave Sky Sword Prison alive.”

Jian Wushuang immediately got up. Soon, he found a place in the mountain and hid. Then, the token that Luo Meng had given him appeared in his hand.

In the token, Luo Meng recorded the information of various experts that he knew of during the eighty thousand years in Sky Sword Prison.

He immediately started to read carefully.

Very quickly, Jian Wushuang was surprised.

“There are so many Real G.o.ds in Sky Sword Prison!” Jian Wushuang exclaimed.

Luo Meng had stayed in Sky Sword Prison for eighty thousand years and he had recorded a total of one-thousand-four-hundred-and-sixty-six experts on the token. Among the one-thousand-four-hundred-and-sixty-six experts, there were one-thousand-three-hundred-and-eighty-one Universe G.o.ds in the Third Heaven and the rest of the eight-five were all Real G.o.ds. However, they were restrained by the limitations of Sky Sword Prison. Hence, they could only perform divine powers of a Peak Universe G.o.d in the Third Heaven.

“Why is there so many?” Jian Wushuang was surprised.

One should know that even in Ten Cultivation Sanctuaries, Real G.o.d experts belonged to the top experts too.

In Ten Cultivation Sanctuaries, some weaker force would only have two to three Real G.o.ds who were at the highest level of fighting power.

If they were to be in any Holy Kingdom, a Real G.o.d would definitely be an existence of overlord.

Just like the Snow Kingdom that Jian Wushuang was in back then, he had only seen one Real G.o.d in Snow Kingdom, which was Master of Silence Gloriette and Master of Silence Gloriette’s position in Snow Kingdom was extremely high and respectable.

There was eighty-five similar Real G.o.ds imprisoned in Sky Sword Prison.

“Jian Wushuang, you must clarify one thing.”

King of Venomous Worms suddenly spoke, “In Ten Cultivation Sanctuaries, Real G.o.ds are really top experts but there was a difference of strength in Real G.o.ds too. If I’m not mistaken, the Real G.o.ds that are imprisoned in Sky Sword Prison should be Real G.o.ds who are weaker. Real G.o.ds who are really at the top would definitely not be here.”

“Besides, although Real G.o.ds are powerful, to an Almighty, they aren’t much different from ants. With the owner of Sky Sword Mountain’s power, forget about the eighty-five Real G.o.ds that are imprisoned. Even imprisoning hundreds of Real G.o.ds would be easy for them.”

Jian Wushuang was dumbfounded, then he continued to read the information in the token.

“Mm, Lei Meng was in Sky Sword Prison for eighty thousand years and it wasn’t in vain. The collection of information about the experts is quite detailed. He has even categorized the experts into four levels according to their power,” Jian Wushuang’s expression grew strange.

Four levels. It was the simplest method to categorize the experts in Sky Sword Prison.

After all, Real G.o.ds’ divine power was constrained by the limitation of Sky Sword Prison. Hence, they couldn’t just differentiate them as Real G.o.ds and Universe G.o.ds. The four levels that Luo Meng had come up with was rather complete.

Out of the four levels, the weakest would be the fourth. The level was formed by Universe G.o.ds in the Third Heaven. Generally, they only created Peak rank three unique skill or rank three strongest unique skill. Their overall power wasn’t too strong.

If they were to be put in the outside world in Eternal Chaotic World, they would be the top Universe G.o.ds in the Third Heaven. However, in Sky Sword Prison, they were the ones at the bottom of the endless ma.s.sacre.

Just like Lei Meng himself, who was at the fourth level. But, he was considered the top in the fourth level.

The third level was made up of Universe G.o.ds in the Third Heaven who had created Real G.o.d unique skill and those ordinary or weaker Real G.o.ds, and also a few Universe G.o.ds in the Third Heaven who had comprehended a slight bit of the Power of Heaven Way. There was quite a large number of cultivators at this level in Sky Sword Prison.

While on the second level…

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