Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 2783: Horrendous Killing

Chapter 2783: Horrendous Killing

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“The Grand Ultimate G.o.ds under Yin Su’er’s lead had suffered some degree of wounds during the intense battle with Yun Shan’s battle and they had used up a lot of their divine power. This battle right now is obviously much more obvious compared to the previous one and much more of their divine power would be depleted. I don’t think they would be able to continue for much longer.”

“Apart from that, there aren’t any movements from Nanwu Palace, the Life and Death Tower, Divine Demon Sect and Dongfang Clan until now. We have to be careful of them too.”

“This cannot continue and we have to end this battle as soon as possible!!” Jian Wushuang looked across the battlefield with cold eyes. He then made a move and had already rushed towards the void in front of him.

At the same time, Blood Mountain Sword had already appeared in his hands.

Jian Wushuang had an extremely high understanding of the s.p.a.ce-time Law and his figure was like a ghost under the effects of the s.p.a.ce-time Law power. He easily appeared behind a High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d that was from the Heavenly Modest Palace.

The High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d from the Heavenly Modest Palace also had a strong ability to perceive danger and he was able to instantly detect Jian Wushuang’s arrival.

“You want to sneak up on me? In your dreams!” This High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d yelled out loudly and the horrendous divine power had risen as his surroundings were transformed into complete darkness.

However, before this High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d could take action, Jian Wushuang had already pointed his finger from afar.

The random point of a finger that looked normal consisted of the s.p.a.ce-time Law and was filled with the exquisite Cosmic Mysteries.

Without any warnings, the High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d from the Heavenly Modest Palace had been directly paused in the void and failed to make any moves.

With a simple stride forward, Jian Wushuang’s figure had rushed past the High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d.

“The first one.” Jian Wushuang smiled.


A huge head was directly sent flying up. s.p.a.ce-time had just recovered when the High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d died and he happened to see his head leaving his body. He could not help but widened his eyes and his consciousness soon disappeared.

“A Finger Pointing Heavenly Technique together with the speediest s.p.a.ce-time Sword Technique and the fact that the s.p.a.ce-time Law contained s.p.a.ce-time blades, the strong killing power is capable of directly piercing through the defensive armor. It’s so easy for me to kill High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds right now with the combination of these three.” Jian Wushuang mumbled.

30 years ago, he had used A Finger Pointing Heavenly Technique to kill at will during the face-on battle between the Sword Alliance and Divine Demon Sect. This caused the complete defeat of the Divine Demon Sect.

The current Jian Wushuang was definitely stronger and his understanding towards the s.p.a.ce-time Law was naturally higher.

Activating A Finger Pointing Heavenly Technique again meant that it was really easy to kill usual High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds when he paired it with the s.p.a.ce-time Law and s.p.a.ce-time Sword Technique.


Jian Wushuang once again skimmed forward and appeared beside the second High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d within the blink of an eye.

This High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d was an expert under Blood Thunder King’s lead.


A Finger Pointing Heavenly Technique was used and the same scene happened again.

As the sword light skimmed through, several dozens of s.p.a.ce-time blades were contained in the sword light. The horrendous killing power was not something the High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d’s could withstand with the physical protection ability on their outer body layer. Jian Wushuang still easily beheaded this High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d.

“Second one!” Jian Wushuang’s figure once again came swaying out.

“The third one!” The head of another High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d was directly chopped off and An Ying, who was fighting with this High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d, was also stunned and did not manage to react.

Within moments, three experts had continuously died under Jian Wushuang’s sword.

Apart from that, Jian Wushuang had a high-level insight and he only killed High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds while ignoring Primary-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds.

“The fourth one!” Another High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d was beheaded.

With the continuous death of four High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds, both the experts from the Heavenly Modest Palace and under Blood Thunder King’s lead obviously panicked.

“Why is this guy so strong?”

“He’s really strong and they are High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds. However, they are like animals in front of him and are simply killed?”

“Even a real Peak Grand Ultimate G.o.d would not kill High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds unscrupulously like him. What…what is really going on with him?”

“It’s a secret technique. He has a very special secret technique and he’s able to make the s.p.a.ce-time a person is in go into a stagnant state within a short period of time so that they would lose the ability to react.”

“s.p.a.cetime stagnation? A Grand Ultimate G.o.d like him has such a secret technique?”

“Scary, such a secret technique is really so scary!”

“Even High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds can be killed so easily, wouldn’t it be even easier for him to kill us?” Heavenly Modest Palace and the experts under Blood Thunder King’s lead were terrified by Jian Wushuang’s horrendous killing. They were so frightened that their heads were numb and almost burst.

Chen Kong, who was in a heated fight with Yin Su’er naturally saw this scene and his facial expression immediately changed.

“This guy’s ways…are really weird!!”

“This is really weird. If we allow him to continue killing, not many of these ten High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds I brought over can stay alive.” Chen Kong’s facial expression darkened before bursting out. “Su Dao, go, kill him!”

Among the ten High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds from the Heavenly Modest Palace, more than half of the High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.ds stood on the top. However, there was another person who was at the highest point and he was even capable of having a forced fight with the usual Peak Grand Ultimate G.o.ds. This person was Su Dao, a thin, young man in silver robes.

After he heard Chen Kong’s outburst, Su Dao immediately got rid of his opponent and turned into a stream of light before he came bursting towards Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang originally planned to continue in searching for his fifth target and kill the fifth High-level Grand Ultimate G.o.d. However, a strong wave of aura suddenly came surging towards him and directly covered him entirely.

Jian Wushuang also immediately saw the young man in silver robes that came rus.h.i.+ng towards him.

“This person seems to be quite strong.” Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows and went towards the figure.

As he got closer to this young man in silver robes, Jian Wushuang one again pointed the pointer of his right hand.

It was still A Finger Pointing Heavenly Technique as this skill was a killing weapon towards usual trainers and not many people were able to withstand the attack.

Hum~~ The invisible s.p.a.ce-time Law power started its effect.

This power was also implemented in the s.p.a.ce-time Su Dao was in.

Su Dao’s figure suddenly paused in the middle of the sky as he had obviously entered the state of s.p.a.cetime stagnation.

Jian Wushuang smiled indifferently as he was prepared to move forward and kill Su Dao. However, Su Dao’s eyelids suddenly fluttered and his figure once again went skimming forward.

“What?” Jian Wushuang’s facial expression slightly changed and the look in his eyes darkened. “I see, it looks like this person is also an expert who’s good with the s.p.a.ce-time law and has an extremely high understanding towards the s.p.a.ce-time law!!”

A Finger Pointing Heavenly Technique was a divine technique of the s.p.a.ce-time law.

This skill was undefeatable when it came to experts that practiced other laws, even when the experts were of higher levels. However, the effects were not as strong when it came to experts who also practiced the s.p.a.ce-time law.

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