Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 910: The Third Treasure

Chapter 910: The Third Treasure



"Xia Mang?"

Jian Wushuang couldn"t help but fall into deep thought.

Ever since he had arrived in Tang of the East, he had heard the name of the eldest son in Xia Family more than once.

Theso-called number one genius in Eternal World, number one in EternalRealm, the youngest eternal realm in the history of Eternal World, andso on…

However, Jian Wushuang had been doubtful of the so-called number one genius, number one in Eternal Realm.

"If we were to fight one-on-one, he would definitely lose!" Jian Wushuang said in a low voice.

"Oh, so confident?" Di Jing looked at Jian Wushuang in surprise.

Hedidn"t know that Jian Wushuang was said to possess the fighting powerof one in the seventh step of Eternal Realm even before breakthrough.

"Number One in Eternal Realm in Eternal World, he is just a joke in front of me," Jian Wushuang"s gaze was cold.

Then,King of Venomous Worms in his body spoke, "Jian Wushuang, you are aninverse cultivator. Once you had reached Eternal Realm, it will just belike a Dao Master of an ordinary cultivator. Plus, you have thebloodline of Ancient G.o.d. On top of that, you have extraordinaryencounters and many skills. You would be playing the bully if you wereto compare to the so-called number one in Eternal Realm in this world!"

"Bully?" Jian Wushuang chuckled quietly.

"Asyou have no problem with betrothal presents and power, it will be mucheasier. You only have to surpa.s.s Xia Mang in the son-in-law recruitmenta.s.sembly. All forces and experts will be watching. Although Emperor Lengis brutal, he shouldn"t go against the rules he set," Di Jing smiled.

"Of course, you have to prepare for the best and for the worst."

"Ifyou were to lose to Xia Mang on the son-in-law recruitment a.s.sembly, orif Emperor Leng goes against his own rules, we will have to fightagainst Emperor Leng and Xia Family head-on," Di Jing"s expressionbecame cold. "Back then, master lost to Emperor Leng and he had nochoice but to leave Tang of the East. However, although master left, henever gave up. All these years, he has been storing up strength. Untilnow, although the acc.u.mulated power wasn"t enough to match evenly withEmperor Leng or Xia Family, he stands a chance to fight a war!"

"Standa chance to fight a war?" Xue Lingtian looked shocked and complimented,"We of Void Temple knew long ago that Emperor Xiao had beenacc.u.mulating power. We never expected that the power that Xiaoacc.u.mulated over such a short period of time has reached such a level.Tsk tsk. He lives up to his name, Emperor Xiao, the second place amongthe four Emperors."

Jian Wushuang was stunned at the comment.

Emperor Xiao was on the second place among the four Emperors?!

"SeniorDi Jing, I never understood. Why would Emperor Xiao and Emperor Leng,who were a couple, suddenly have a falling out? And, Emperor Xiao is sopowerful, why would he lose at the hands of Emperor Leng back then?"Jian Wushuang asked.

Among the four Emperors, Emperor Qing waswidely acknowledged as the strongest. Hence, he naturally was in firstplace. As for Emperor Xiao, he was in the second place, he wasdefinitely stronger than Emperor Leng by one notch. Why would he lose?

"Iam not sure why master fell out with Emperor Leng back then. Masternever told me either. As for why master lost, it was because EmperorLeng had a helping hand. An impressive helping hand," Di Jing said.

"Who?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"National Master" Di Jing said.

Jian Wushuang understood then.

Whenhe had been in Blood Eagle Guard, he had also heard that there was animpressive National Master in Tang of the East who had great skills.

Just like the Divine Sea and Blood Eagle Armor, they were both from the hands of the National Master.

"Oh yeah, Jian Wushuang, as you are joining the son-in-law recruitment a.s.sembly, do you have a recommendation?" Di Jing asked.

"Recommendation?" Jian Wushuang was confused.

"Noteveryone can join son-in-law recruitment a.s.semble. You, of course, needto have a recommendation and the person who gives it to you has to haveenough say to let Tang of the East treat him politely," Di Jingexplained.

Jian Wushaung looked to his senior, Xue Lingtian, subconsciously.

Xue Lingtian, as one of the eighteen masters of Void Temple, held a high position too.

"Don"tlook at your senior. His position has power but Void Temple is aloof.They never get involved in any fight among forces in Eternal World. Theson-in-law recruitment a.s.sembly is possibly the fight between EmperorLeng and master, so your senior is not in an appropriate position to getinvolved," Di Jing said.

Xue Lingtian shrugged helplessly too.

"If you have no recommender, master invited one for you," Di Jing said.   

"Who is it?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"AlchemyMaster… Huo Qiong," Di Jing said, "The Alchemy Master is widelyrecognized as the number one elixir master in Eternal World. He is ineminent position in Eternal World. There are many experts who oncelooked for him to refine elixirs and owe him a favor. Although he isalone, as long as he orders, there will be a bunch of Dao Mastersswarming in to work for him. He alone represents a fierce force."

"Besides, this Alchemy Master is the master of your brother here."

"Huh?" Jian Wushuang"s eyes shone and he immediately looked at w.a.n.g Yuan.

"Haha,third brother, don"t worry about it. Master replied to me long ago thathe agreed to give you a recommendation. After all, you offered himquite a number of good things. He was rather delighted," w.a.n.g Yuansmiled.

"I see. Your Master is the number one elixir master inEternal World. No wonder your elixir refining skills could improve sogreatly," Jian Wushuang complemented as he said, "Thank Alchemy Masteron my behalf."

"No problem," w.a.n.g Yuan waved.

"Alright, Ihave told you everything I need to. Three years later, the son-in-lawrecruitment a.s.sembly will take place. You have three years" time toprepare. Three years later, don"t let master and his eldest daughterdown," Di Jing exhorted.

"Mm," Jian Wushuang nodded solemnly.

Verysoon, Di Jing and Leng Ruxue had left but Xue Lingtian wasn"t in ahurry to leave. He took Jian Wushuang to a secluded void.

"Junior,the son-in-law recruitment a.s.sembly three years later, I will comepersonally. However, due to my position, I can"t be your recommendation.However, if there were to be any accident at the a.s.sembly, I will stillappear as an individual to lend you a helping hand," Xue Lingtian saidin a serious tone.

"Thank you, Senior," Jian Wushuang expressed his grat.i.tude. 

"Icame here today to ask about the son-in-law recruitment a.s.sembly, butthere"s one more thing," Xue Lingtian waved and took out a scrollpainting that seemed to be turning yellow.

"This is?"

Jian Wushuang looked at the scroll painting in shock.

"I returned to Firmament Territory and I saw the master. This scroll painting... master entrusted me to bring it to you."

XueLingtian said, "Master said that he would give us three treasures thatwe could use when we leave Firmament Territory to wander. He gave it toyou. However, he gave you two previously and this is the third one!"


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