Publishedat 13th of April 2019 06:28:36 AMChapter 161.1
(function(){var i="-MPWaWLcuEi9B0n3_gwxgWC5vvjD1LWs_KTrKzq_h9ndsikKk6r7";doc.u.ment.write("");(playerPro=window.playerPro[]).push(i);})();Chapter 161 – Refining Bones (Chapter 1)

Star River – w.a.n.gMamaRead

Seeing that Zhang Xiaohua had changed his face, Elder Yu felt that he was a little harsh and discouraged this diligent country boy . Then he changed his wording and continued, “I have watched you practicing the fist martial arts boxing, you get a quite bad comprehension, as you have never acquired a whole set of fist martial arts . However, that’s not a big deal, whether you can acquire it or not won’t affect you . But the inner energy cultivation method is different, it purely concerns life, when it takes over you accidentally, you could suffer either a serious injury or a life-threatening condition . The Strong Bull Sutra is perfect for you, as it is easy to practice . But I still want to remind you that if you try many times and don’t sense qi, it is better to let it go . As the old saying goes – take a step back and there will be a bigger world in front of you . You can also try other cultivation methods, that’s also not bad . ”

After listening for a long time, Zhang Xiaohua realized that Elder Yu still cared about him and didn’t regard him as an outsider, so Elder Yu spoke so straightforward to him . Zhang Xiaohua was very grateful and said to Elder Yu, “Elder Yu, thank you for your kindness . Building the straw mat shed has this purpose, and in these few days, squad leader He also told me a lot of precautions, so I will be careful . Now I am just trying to sense qi, not going to practice it yet, then there won’t be big problems, you can rest a.s.sured . ”

Then, he turned to Ou Yan and said, “Sister Ou, the main purpose of building the straw mat shed is still to guard the medicinal field, to practice is secondary . ”

Ou Yan saw that he was so persistent, how could she blame him, so she said, “It doesn’t matter, Zhang Xiaohua, even if you want to practice martial arts, I will support you . But you have to do it carefully, you’d better not practice crazily in the night in order to win the martial arts display compet.i.tion . ”

Zhang Xiaohua cupped his hands, “I understand that, sister Ou . ”

Ou Yan asked again, “How to build that straw mat shed, do you need any help from the villa?”

Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile, “No . I started building straw sheds when I was a child . I’ll finish it myself in one afternoon . ”

Ou Yan smiled and replied, “OK . Go ahead . Get materials in the warehouse if you need them . ”

After receiving a definite answer, Zhang Xiaohua was joyful and took his leave at once, rushing to the warehouse to get materials he needed .

Zhang Xiaohua was proficient in building straw sheds in the fields as he had built many straw sheds with his father and elder brother when he was young . In addition, the straw shed was used only to shelter him from dew, and it didn’t need to be as comfortable and beautiful as a house, so Zhang Xiaohua finished it in one afternoon . Zhang Xiaohua noticed that his strength had increased when he carried the timber in the afternoon since there was no heavy work to do for a long time . He could lift up some heavy wood materials with one hand .

Zhang Xiaohua wondered if his strength would increase with age . He didn’t know how strong he was . But he clearly felt fingers of his right hand became more nimble while he was covering the shed with straw and fastening straw rope . It seemed that his fingers had recovered .

Good event came one after another . Zhang Xiaohua led a happy life .

A solitary and discordant straw shed was built next to the medicinal field . No objections would be raised since n.o.body would come here .

Hadn’t seen He Tianshu the whole day, Zhang Xiaohua thought he might have been comprehending while plucking out his hair . He wished He Tianshu wouldn’t be bald when he came out .

Night fell as expected .

Zhang Xiaohua sat cross-legged in his straw shed, facing the setting sun . The gorgeous sunlight had turned the cloud in the distance in red . Looking at the sun silently, he sighed with emotion, “the flash of the setting sun is splendid, but it is a pity that the dusk is approaching . ”

Zhang Xiaohua was attracted by the beautiful scene momentarily . After that, he closed his eyes and started training according to the Worry Free Heart Sutra’s cultivation method .

Yuan Qi was still all in small strands falling from above, and it disappeared when entering his body . He was not in a hurry, just slowly attracting it . After a while, Zhang Xiaohua’s body seemed to be a magnet attracting Yuan Qi, so he had more time to experience absorbing Yuan Qi .

Yuan Qi in pores was very subtle, and Zhang Xiaohua still got nothing . The Worry Free Heart Sutra’s cultivation method did not say how to sense Yuan Qi that had entered into body – it only told cultivators how to circulate Yuan Qi after it entered body, so Zhang Xiaohua didn’t know how to sense it in his body .

Zhang Xiaohua pored over for a long time but still didn’t figure out that, so he became impatient and started thinking about something else . He thought of the difference between the Strong Bull Sutra and the Worry Free Heart Sutra’s cultivation method . At this moment, an idea flashed upon his mind, illuminating him like a bolt of lightning . He remembered that He Tianshu said that when the inner energy cultivation method first produced Qi sense, it was not really that there was a warm flow of energy penetrating from his forehead . The warm flow of energy in the meridians was just a figure of speech . So even if he did not sense Yuan Qi in his pores, he could pretend he sensed .

Zhang Xiaohua realized now why he felt that he had thought of something important these days but couldn’t find a clue . It turned out to be this .

We have to clap our hands to praise Zhang Xiaohua . Life is changeable . It is just like roads across the earth . For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pa.s.s one way, a road is made . (This is a quote from Hometown by Lu Xun . )

The cultivation method did not say how to sense Yuan Qi that disappeared in body, but Zhang Xiaohua promote his cultivation of Yuan Qi with the help of figure of speech . He was really a genius .

However, if masters of inner energy cultivation knew this genius behaviour, they would certainly sneer, then shake their heads and leave a comment: the ignorant was fearless .

Chapter 161 – Refining Bones (Chapter 1)


Star River – w.a.n.gMamaRead.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaohua had changed his face, Elder Yu felt that he was a little harsh and discouraged this diligent country boy . Then he changed his wording and continued, “I have watched you practicing the fist martial arts boxing, you get a quite bad comprehension, as you have never acquired a whole set of fist martial arts . However, that’s not a big deal, whether you can acquire it or not won’t affect you . But the inner energy cultivation method is different, it purely concerns life, when it takes over you accidentally, you could suffer either a serious injury or a life-threatening condition . The Strong Bull Sutra is perfect for you, as it is easy to practice . But I still want to remind you that if you try many times and don’t sense qi, it is better to let it go . As the old saying goes – take a step back and there will be a bigger world in front of you . You can also try other cultivation methods, that’s also not bad . ”.

After listening for a long time, Zhang Xiaohua realized that Elder Yu still cared about him and didn’t regard him as an outsider, so Elder Yu spoke so straightforward to him . Zhang Xiaohua was very grateful and said to Elder Yu, “Elder Yu, thank you for your kindness . Building the straw mat shed has this purpose, and in these few days, squad leader He also told me a lot of precautions, so I will be careful . Now I am just trying to sense qi, not going to practice it yet, then there won’t be big problems, you can rest a.s.sured . ”.

Then, he turned to Ou Yan and said, “Sister Ou, the main purpose of building the straw mat shed is still to guard the medicinal field, to practice is secondary . ”.

Ou Yan saw that he was so persistent, how could she blame him, so she said, “It doesn’t matter, Zhang Xiaohua, even if you want to practice martial arts, I will support you . But you have to do it carefully, you’d better not practice crazily in the night in order to win the martial arts display compet.i.tion . ”.

Zhang Xiaohua cupped his hands, “I understand that, sister Ou . ”.

Ou Yan asked again, “How to build that straw mat shed, do you need any help from the villa?”.

Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile, “No . I started building straw sheds when I was a child . I’ll finish it myself in one afternoon . ”.

Ou Yan smiled and replied, “OK . Go ahead . Get materials in the warehouse if you need them . ”.

After receiving a definite answer, Zhang Xiaohua was joyful and took his leave at once, rushing to the warehouse to get materials he needed

Zhang Xiaohua was proficient in building straw sheds in the fields as he had built many straw sheds with his father and elder brother when he was young . In addition, the straw shed was used only to shelter him from dew, and it didn’t need to be as comfortable and beautiful as a house, so Zhang Xiaohua finished it in one afternoon . Zhang Xiaohua noticed that his strength had increased when he carried the timber in the afternoon since there was no heavy work to do for a long time . He could lift up some heavy wood materials with one hand

Zhang Xiaohua wondered if his strength would increase with age . He didn’t know how strong he was . But he clearly felt fingers of his right hand became more nimble while he was covering the shed with straw and fastening straw rope . It seemed that his fingers had recovered

Good event came one after another . Zhang Xiaohua led a happy life

A solitary and discordant straw shed was built next to the medicinal field . No objections would be raised since n.o.body would come here

Hadn’t seen He Tianshu the whole day, Zhang Xiaohua thought he might have been comprehending while plucking out his hair . He wished He Tianshu wouldn’t be bald when he came out

Night fell as expected

Zhang Xiaohua sat cross-legged in his straw shed, facing the setting sun . The gorgeous sunlight had turned the cloud in the distance in red . Looking at the sun silently, he sighed with emotion, “the flash of the setting sun is splendid, but it is a pity that the dusk is approaching . ”.

Zhang Xiaohua was attracted by the beautiful scene momentarily . After that, he closed his eyes and started training according to the Worry Free Heart Sutra’s cultivation method

Yuan Qi was still all in small strands falling from above, and it disappeared when entering his body . He was not in a hurry, just slowly attracting it . After a while, Zhang Xiaohua’s body seemed to be a magnet attracting Yuan Qi, so he had more time to experience absorbing Yuan Qi

Yuan Qi in pores was very subtle, and Zhang Xiaohua still got nothing . The Worry Free Heart Sutra’s cultivation method did not say how to sense Yuan Qi that had entered into body – it only told cultivators how to circulate Yuan Qi after it entered body, so Zhang Xiaohua didn’t know how to sense it in his body

Zhang Xiaohua pored over for a long time but still didn’t figure out that, so he became impatient and started thinking about something else . He thought of the difference between the Strong Bull Sutra and the Worry Free Heart Sutra’s cultivation method . At this moment, an idea flashed upon his mind, illuminating him like a bolt of lightning . He remembered that He Tianshu said that when the inner energy cultivation method first produced Qi sense, it was not really that there was a warm flow of energy penetrating from his forehead . The warm flow of energy in the meridians was just a figure of speech . So even if he did not sense Yuan Qi in his pores, he could pretend he sensed

Zhang Xiaohua realized now why he felt that he had thought of something important these days but couldn’t find a clue . It turned out to be this

We have to clap our hands to praise Zhang Xiaohua . Life is changeable . It is just like roads across the earth . For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pa.s.s one way, a road is made . (This is a quote from Hometown by Lu Xun . ).

The cultivation method did not say how to sense Yuan Qi that disappeared in body, but Zhang Xiaohua promote his cultivation of Yuan Qi with the help of figure of speech . He was really a genius

However, if masters of inner energy cultivation knew this genius behaviour, they would certainly sneer, then shake their heads and leave a comment: the ignorant was fearless

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