Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1516 - The Underworld (Teaser)

Chapter 1516 - The Underworld (Teaser)

Li Qingshan’s chest heated up. The alcohol seemed to be burning in his belly. After such a lengthy journey, the warrior was approaching the final battlefield!

“Old brother A’pang, how do we go to the very depths of Avīci?”

Ox-headed A’pang asked, “Kid, are you afraid of suffering?”

Li Qingshan nodded. “I’m afraid of suffering the most! I’m afraid of pain and death too. What’re you asking that for?”

Ox-headed A’pang gazed at him with some surprise. “You sure are honest.”

Li Qingshan let out a simple smile. “I don’t really have any upsides. I’m just honest.”

“Alright! Then I’ll take you and infiltrate the eighteenth layer of h.e.l.l.” Ox-headed A’pang seemed like he was ready to embrace death.

“Will it be dangerous?”

“There’ll be some risks. After all, the h.e.l.l realm has the Ten Courts of Yanluo and the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. If we accidentally give ourselves away, everything will be over.”

Li Qingshan said in thought, “No, that’s too dangerous. That comes c…

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