Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1654 - Great Roar

Chapter 1654 - Great Roar

The blue sky was clear, without a cloud in sight. The sea surged with waves.

Myriad city shook and swayed, like a lone boat on the ocean.

The simultaneous explosion of two Yang Souls lingered without fading. In particular, the great coldness acc.u.mulated within Leng Yuan over several thousand years of cultivation had been completely released at that moment, immediately throwing Myriad city into winter. All of the buildings, pavilions, and trees became covered in a layer of frost, turning into a silvery world.

Who would have thought that Li Qingshan’s counterattack would be so intense!

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He struck out a total of three times, a roar, a grab, and a flick! In the blink of an eye, two direct disciples perished, a Daemon Sovereign lost its life, and several hundred cultivators were buried with them.

As the leader of the direct disciples, Dai Mengfan hovered in the air. Her violet dress danced in the wind, making her seem like a fairy visiting the domain of humans. Even when her lifebound arcane artifact had been destroyed, the glow she gave off did not weaken at all under the effects of the Calamity Survival pill, instead growing even brighter than before.

However, her charming face was sheet-white. Down below was the fury of Li Qingshan’s revenge and up above was the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance’s cold pressure. She did not have the courage to fight or flee, so all she felt was despair.

But now, no one mocked her cowardice anymore. All of the direct disciples felt chills inside. This was the might of a G.o.d. Even if he was only a clone, he could still butcher Yang Soul cultivators like butchering pigs.

The current situation bore great resemblance to the battle of Black Cloud city. A Demon G.o.d’s clone had also appeared back then, annihilating everyone. But this time, there was not a second Li Qingshan to stand up for them. The Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance would never risk his life to confront a Demon G.o.d either, instead choosing to watch from the top of the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes.

Under the great shock and impact, no one had any idea what to do. They were all dumbfounded.

Outside Myriad city, the sweeping winds lifted up the seawater layer by layer, revealing the head of a large, stone statue. It was Li Qingshan’s statue that had been destroyed under Leng Yuan’s personal orders just recently. Its shattered body had already been cleaned up, leaving behind the head that sank into the ocean.

Now that it was exposed from the water, a gust of cold wind immediately formed a thin layer of ice on it, but its expression seemed to become even more determined and resolute.

The soldiers had all fallen in battle, leaving behind the general to fight on, but he had already become a “monster” in everyone’s eyes, his antlers standing tall and his eyes shining scarlet. He laid beneath the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes, wrapped in black demon qi and snorting out hot white air.

After killing Leng Yuan, the “monster” seemed to smile, making it seem even more frightening, almost like a living nightm…

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