Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1603 - Chasing After the Sun

Chapter 1603 - Chasing After the Sun

The s.p.a.ce-devouring beast called Navy Li’l Fatty swam through the deep, dark outer s.p.a.ce, swallowing star after star, world after world.

It had surpa.s.sed all regular creatures in size. So-called primordial beasts were as small as ants when compared to it.

When it appeared above a world, its navy, half-transparent body would fill the entire sky. Even without looking up, all the creatures there could see it, but no one could see it in its entirety.

In terms of the energy it possessed, even True Immortals came nowhere close, because the intrinsic nature of s.p.a.ce-devouring beasts was that they were not living, but the rudimentary form of a world. They wandered through outer s.p.a.ce according to the laws of nature, feeding off the remains of other worlds while producing even more s.p.a.ce-devouring beasts.

After acc.u.mulating a certain amount of substance, s.p.a.ce-devouring beasts would stop and begin to mould earth, fire, wind, and water until it formed a world in the very end. They went through this again and again to maintain the cycle of life and death among the trichiliocosm.

When Navy Li’l Fatty was still in its mother’s womb, it was invaded by a foreign being called Li Qingshan, turning around to devour his mother instead, which led to a small problem. However, despite that, it still did not possess any sense of self. All that existed were a series of instincts.

Demon G.o.d Hundun had become a similar existence. He had a.s.similated into a part of the Demon domain. He was an “it” now.

If he was ignorant of the situation and fought against it rashly by treating it as a regular Demon G.o.d, then he was basically asking for trouble. Not only did it possess an extremely terrifying level of energy, but the laws of chaos possessed the ability to twist and collapse other laws too.

If a True Immortal was bold enough to clash with it directly, they would discover that the laws they controlled would be rendered completely useless, dragged down to the same level as it for an endurance battle of the lowest of powers before being swallowed by the terrifying energy.

During this process, all techniques would fail. Even escaping would be impossible.

Perhaps even the Demon G.o.ds did not understand this as well as Li Qingshan. Normally, they only remained in the Demon domain and never left home, so they obviously had no opportunity to wander outer s.p.a.ce, much less enter the body of a s.p.a.ce-devouring beast.

Li Qingshan did not even come close to a fraction of their age, but he possessed an exceptionally wide range of experiences. He had once served as a sangharama guardian in Sukhāvatī and he had visited all six realms of saṃsāra. He even had a piece of property in the trichiliocosm that was constantly appreciating in value too. The World of the Five Continents had already become enormous now, far larger than the World of the Nine Provinces from the past.

As a result, when he “cut his ties”, easily avoiding this battle while sending Demon G.o.d Hundun back to the depth…

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