Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1625 - Sharp Turn

Chapter 1625 - Sharp Turn

A while earlier, Dai Mengfan barged into the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes, but what she saw astounded her.

The neat bookshelves that were usually cleaned spotless now laid messily on the ground. Millions of books piled up to form a mountain.

At the top of the mountain, a ray of sunlight poured down, with dust dancing around in the light. An old man in black stood with his head lowered, reading a book. He read page by page as if he was reading very slowly.

“Greetings, spirit reverend!” Dai Mengfan was determined to reject her appointment to first senior sister, but before she could even mention it, the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance said, “This is an order.”

“What if I refuse?” Dai Mengfan raised her head and glared at the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance furiously. She did not want to become some annoying first senior sister and throw her life at the demonfolk.

“So you plan on betraying the sect as well?” The Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance glanced up at her.

Under the gaze of his deep, silent eyes, Dai Mengfan’s anger suddenly vanished as if it had been swallowed by icy-cold seawater. She lowered her head and clasped her hands. “I would never.”

She understood very well that if she refused his order here, she probably would not be leaving the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes again.

In the eyes of the n.o.bodies from the Qingyang temple, she was a figure of great significance, beyond their reach, but in the Myriad sect, even direct disciples were nothing but replaceable and dispensable. As for the entire cultivation community, they were of even less importance.

She did not have the courage to reject a powerful Human Immortal. She did not even have the courage to flee from the Myriad sect. Now that the crisis of the world was imminent, the Myriad sect was the only thing she could rely on.

Even when Yang Soul cultivators stood at the apex of all cultivators, they were still just cultivators.

If they could not become Human Immortals, it would be all for nothing.

The Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance lowered his gaze and said nothing more. He only waved his hand. As a result, she obediently p.i.s.sed off back to the Direct Disciple hall and became the first senior sister of the Myriad sect.

Now when she heard the words “first senior sister”, a vein popped on Dai Mengfan’s forehead, and her anger suddenly erupted, glaring straight at Yang Miaozhen as if she wanted to eat her.

In a short while, she seemed to have become a completely different person. Just earlier, she was as enthusiastic and warm as the height of spring, but now, she had become as cold and bitter as the harsh winter. The malicious aura she gave off immediately filled the entire hall, stunning everyone present. They deeply experienced the power and horrors of a Yang Soul cultivator at the very peak.

Only Yang Miaozhen was unfazed. Within her indifference, she gave off a sense of resolve and staunchness.

Dai Mengfan’s heart skipped a beat. She felt like she saw “th…

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