Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1644 - Subjugating Demons

Chapter 1644 - Subjugating Demons

And there were three of them!

The nine-coloured deer had once read through many books with Ruan Yaozhu. She understood the horrors of kleśa-māra.

Kleśa-māra were not inner demons. Instead, they were external demons, true demons. They were all subordinates to the one known as the lord of the Form realm, Maheśvara.

Every kleśa-māra possessed a will of its own. They would proactively get in the way of tribulations for cultivators, and they were eerie and cruel, underhanded and sly, most skilled in taking advantage of a person’s openings.

These demons were all intangible. They could pa.s.s through s.p.a.ce freely, not only unafraid of the tribulation lightning, but virtually immune to all techniques too. It was only possible to resist them on a mental level, so they posed an extremely great threat to cultivators.

Who knew how many cultivators had survived the armaments of tribulation lightning and the skandha-māra, only to fall to the kleśa-māra and ultimately fail the tribulation, resulting in their deaths.

Even just one of these d.a.m.ned things was life-threatening, yet three of them had actually shown up at the same time.

The nine-coloured deer only gazed at the three twisted figures from afar, and she felt extremely disgusted inside as if a dirty, messy piece of cotton had been shoved down her throat. If they threw themselves at Ruan Yaozhu together, the consequences would be unthinkable.

By now, the three kleśa-māra had already emerged from s.p.a.ce completely. Their twisted figures consolidated into humanoid forms.

One locked his brows, so sorrowful that it seemed like it wanted to die. One laughed away, like it had gone insane. The last one was furious, its face twisted viciously from anger.

They were all identical to Li Qingshan.

The nine-coloured deer immediately looked towards Li Qingshan. Was he not Ruan Yaozhu’s source of kleśa, affiliations?

Originally, with the path of nature that Ruan Yaozhu walked, she should not have encountered any kleśa-māra. It was all because of him that her five skandha flared. It left her in emotional disarray, drawing over kleśa-māra as a result of both internal and external factors.

“Li Qingshan, look at what you’ve done! What is she supposed to do now?”

Li Qingshan touched his nose. That sure was concrete evidence, beyond anything that he could refute.

He smiled. “She can only rely on herself when it comes to inner demons, but I have ways around something like this. I’ll just go and say h.e.l.lo and ask them to spare her.”

The nine-coloured deer called out, “Say h.e.l.lo? You sure say that easily! Do you think these kleśa-māra are yours?”

The kleśa-māra’s eyes were glued to Ruan Yaozhu, filled with greedy eagerness. When cultivators failed their tribulation, they would be able to split up the shattered Origin Soul and feed off it, which would bring great benefit to them.

Right when they were about to throw themselves at Ruan Yaozhu, they suddenly sensed an extremely familiar aura, conta…

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