Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1647 - Wan Jianfeng

Chapter 1647 - Wan Jianfeng

Shen Yushu rushed into the Hundred Herbs garden like he was enchanted, but he did not find any trace of Ruan Yaozhu when he looked around. All he saw was a black shadow blocking his way. “Hmm? Why’s there a mountain here?”

Suddenly, he heard Li Qinghan’s name, and he leapt in fright inside. Looking up, all he saw was Wan Jianfeng in a person’s hand. He cried out, “Senior brother Wan!”

Only now did he seem to realise something. His face turned pale-white, and he lifted his head slowly and stiffly, following the arm that held Wan Jianfeng. With that, he finally saw that the black mountain was actually alive.

Endless pressure descended from above. Shen Yushu’s knees buckled, and he dropped to the ground.

“It can’t be… you can’t be… impossible…”

Li Qingshan only glanced at Shen Yushu. He did not pay much attention to this clown at all.

“Li Qingshan, how dare you still return!”

Wan Jianfeng tried to struggle, but he was unable to break free from the huge, black hand. His heart sank completely. If the Li Qingshan before him was a clone, then he could still put up a fight, but this Li Qingshan definitely possessed the power of a Human Immortal, no, Heretic G.o.d. That was well beyond anything he could stand up to right now. Just the pressure he gave off had almost made him suffocate.

“If I didn’t come back, you’d be in over your heads. Junior brother Wan, do you want to die, or do you want to live?”

“So what if I want to die? And so what if I want to live?”

“If you want to die, I’ll send you off right now and ensure that you’re as dead as you can be, your soul and body both erased from existence.” Li Qingshan closed his fingers around him as his eyes shone with red.

At that moment, Wan Jianfeng felt like an endless sea of blood had swallowed him. He was unable to breathe.

“If you want to live, then submit to me! I can a.s.sist you in undergoing the sixth heavenly tribulation and becoming a Human Immortal!”

At this moment, there was still far more green in the Hundred Herbs garden than the yellow. There was still a tremendous amount of spiritual qi that he could draw from.

As a Yang Soul cultivator at the very peak, only half a step away from the realm of Human Immortals, Wan Jianfeng could trigger the sixth heavenly tribulation as long as he received some guidance from Li Qingshan. Then he only needed to be filled up with spiritual qi like Ruan Yaozhu.

“If you really can a.s.sist me in undergoing the sixth heavenly tribulation, I’ll definitely submit to you.” Wan Jianfeng’s eyes lit up as if he was very interested, but he thought inside, As long as I undergo the sixth heavenly tribulation, do you really think the likes of you can still control me?

Li Qingshan saw through his thoughts in a single glance and laughed. “You think I’m a fool?” Suddenly, his smile vanished. “Junior brother Wan, go ahead and do it!”

“Li Qingshan, humans and demons have never been able to coexist. Even if my sword is shattered and I perish, I will never side with demonfolk!”

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