Legend Of Vixen

Chapter 1

I was now 16 and growing up having a secret this huge has really affected my life mentally and physically.

I was never allowed to go to school or even near one in fear of my tail being seen.

I was only allowed out at night or early hours of the morning.

However besides all of this i always had one good person I could talk to and I trusted her with my life. Her name was Willow and we grew up together, she was a maid of the castle but was treated so well and was really the only one I ever talked to growing up. Willow was a Xanax elf which meant she had a very powerful riff but could conceal it entirely with little effort.

Suddenly, willow wasn"t at the palace. I wandered where she was and because my father was busy I asked the other maids. They said she called in sick but I didn"t buy it. I had a sixth sense that something wasn"t right. I demanded to know why she was off and they said internal bleeding..

At that moment my heart sank into the darkest pit in my stomach as I dashed out the castle quicker than light! I realised on the way to her house that I could run a lot quicker than I used to and also noticed my tail was glowing black which was unusual in two senses. One: black was not a colour elf"s Or vixens would glow unless they were born part of the immoral realm ( evil ) and two because black could also appear if u had a very strong riff or sinned And I had none of that.
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Eventually I arrived at willows house and I immediately collapsed to the floor...

Willow was lying there lifeless, paler than the whitest snow, mid defense. I knew who did this without even looking around. It was the vixens... But not just any vixens.. The soulless once which are the ones who cold blooded kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. And feel so sympathy for anyone. I turned my eye and in the corner of the blood stained room was a gate to another realm....

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