Les Interprètes

Chapter 62

Les Interpretés Chapter 62

I totally live for cute otp moments lol. These moments though are just so blushworthy. Lol.

Btw make sure you thank miumiu, our star translator for translating the whole chapter despite not knowing any Chinese at all!

If you’re a pg13 gal, this chapter has not been censored yet.
Cheng Jia Yang thiugh is about to get in biiiig trouble.


Chapter 62

Cheng Jia Yang

Qiao Fei was sitting on the floor in front of of my door, wearing a down jacket. The many layers of her scarves revealed a tiny melon-like head.

When I came out of the elevator, she also saw me. She stood up, clapped, and laughed for a moment, but she immediately recovered because my expression wasn’t very friendly.

I opened the door. Qiao Fei stood behind me, and I heard her muttering in a low voice,almost as if she was calling my name, and it seemed like she wanted to say something, but she did not say it.

I felt very good.

I opened the door and went in. Standing inside, I asked her, “Do you want to come in?”

“Yes, yes.” She took one step into the room, and looked up at me, with a warm laugh in her eyes.

Times have changed, Qiao Fei. Since you are like this, why were you like that to me back then?

I thought this in my heart, but I said to her, “Do not give me that mischievous smile.”

“Jia Yang, you did not get married?”


She bowed her head.

I said “It isn’t because of you. I thought it through. I am planning to be an eligible bachelor for a few more years . When I meet someone who is more suitable then I’ll think about it.”

“That’s what you said. That’s good.”

What? What did i say? Didn’t she come to apologize? Why was she leaving?

I suddenly grabbed her: “Hey,Qiao Fei… …”:

She didn’t look up. I took her in my arms with one motion, my hand caressing her head.”How long are you going to play around with me? You just want to say a word and go? How can I get you to talk to me?”

She was very quiet, her head buried in my chest, as her hands slowly came up to hug my waist.

I thought my chest felt warm; was she crying?

My heart was very soft and warm, I whispered:

“Qiao Fei, I thought for a long time. The two of us cannot be separated. ”

“You scared me to death.” “She raised her head and kissed me.

I pushed her away: “You weren’t crying? ”

“I’m so happy, why would I cry? “She continued to hug me, as she pursed her mouth and brought her face closer to mine.

“Weren’t you about to leave? “I struggled to say.

“I’m not like that. When are you going to stop reprimanding me?”

My free hand was opening the mint ice cream. I scooped some ice cream with my finger and put it in her mouth: “Let me tell you, the price is great. ”

“I have a cold anyways. I can’t get worse than this. Wow, you are really delicious.”

Then her little tongue was in my mouth, and on my lips, moving up and down. It was so pa.s.sionate. As I got spoiled, I could only respond enthusiastically .

I held her face, kissed her, and took off her clothes. Her hands followed mine.

The two of us were so anxious, as we were entangled together. Naked, we fell on the bed like the countless times before .I wanted to lean over her body. Qiao Fei held me and caressed my hair and my face.She kissed my eyes gently.

“Jia Yang.” Her hand on me was stroking me, provoking me, “Let me, let me.&
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I only felt hard and hot between her fingers, and I reached out to touch her dark hair, as i called her name: “Fei……Fei.”.

She rolled over on my body as I entered. Our actions were both smooth and violent,and soon, both of us were swept away in the ensuing tide.

Qiao Fei was so great and her every veinline.

Some things are destined to be together.

Qiao Fei and I.

Our bodies.

When we finished, I lit a cigarette,and put it to my lips, but she took it away. I could only grab another cigarette.

My hand was still on her chest, stroking gently.

She felt warm, but she still looked good, her skin pink and delicate, like a baby.

I looked at her, smiled, and kissed her forehead.

“Hey, “ I said, looking into her eyes, “Were you looking for me just for this ?”

She giggled: “You remember? I am not afraid to tell you, yes. You’re absolutely right. I just want to be like this with you.What’s wrong with that? Since the first time I met you, I’ve wanted to do this.

She slowly sat up, “Wait a second! Were you that anxious to get married because I said that?”

I looked at her but did not speak.

“Is it really because I said this sentence?” She stopped smiling and looked at me seriously.

“I was so uncomfortable at the time.I thought so many years had been wasted, I felt particularly wronged.” I told her the truth, “After all that, do you dare provoke me again like that?”

She lay on my chest softly, hugging me forcefully. “No, Jia Yang, you are so good, I will not say these kind of words anymore.”

So I thought to myself, people cannot be too honest. If I didn’t play this tricky move, how long would Qiao Fei feel awkward even with me?

This was good,she had learnt her lesson.

I smoked a cigarette, happy to see the way she was being so loyal to me. I touched her soft body, and rolled over on top of her,and thought proudly and meanly to myself :

Honey, you’re so smart, but you’ve still been entrapped in my scheme.

As for any questions that arose about our relationship, since we worked in the same unit, Qiao Fei was unwilling to leak our private business to other people so early on.

I agreed.

Otherwise, a twenty episode drama series could be created out of this.

However, this attempt to cover up further intensified the warmth in my heart.

In the unit, whenever she occasionally pa.s.sed, her light eyes would make my heart beat faster.

I was in the office, comfortably dozing in the warm sun of winter, as I thought of lovers separated by one wall.

It was really very nauseating, and really romantic.

Qiao Fei

There was no work on weekends, and I didn’t need to go on a business trip.

When I went with Cheng Jia Yang to the supermarket, we chattered about this and that.

I said, “let’s buy some oysters and I’ll go back and make soup for you.”

“The recent expenditure of energy has been a little high, we need to make up.” he agreed.

I picked up some big and fresh oysters and put them in the shopping cart. While the salesperson was not paying attention, in the fruit area, I took a big cherry and put it in his mouth.

Jia Yang hugged me, his hands on my waist, and asked me in my ear: “When I am not by your side, is your day still happy?”

That was a good question. When he was not around me, and i was alone, what was it like?

I studied, I worked hard, I struggled with all of my own strength.

But I was exhausted.

I put a large bottle of yogurt in the car.

“Thirsty.” I said to him, “very thirsty.” There was no water in the middle of the night and my head was like sand- so dry. Also, my digestion was not very good and I always felt tired.I looked at him. “ What about you, Jia Yang, what are you like when you are not with me?”

He was pondering my question.

We went to the cooked food counter, he asked for six braised pig pockets. In the car on the way back, he said: “Hungry.”

“If you never find delicious food, you’ll be hungry, weak and malnourished. Life will be meaningless.” Jia Yang said, his eyes narrowing with emotion.

“You say that as if you are going on a diet to lose weight.”

“You just said, ‘thirsty’, like your blood sugar was too high.”

“I will kill you.” I reached out to tickle him when he grabbed my hand and abruptly pulled me into his arms.

Before Chinese New Year, the unit sent me to Guangzhou, accompanied by a leader from Hong Kong to meet some French political officials who were visiting.

Jia Yang helped me pack. When I took out my suit , he said “ This set looks a bit old.”.

“There’s no time to get a new one made.”

He looked at me, did not say anything.

“Otherwise,” I said, “should we go to the mall now to buy one”

“I say yes.”

“I am going to buy an expensive brand, you come and pay the bill.”

“Then you have to make tea eggs tonight.” He finished and then laughed, “buy a set of racy lingerie, in black. I’ve got my eye on some for a while already, wow … …”

The day we were to depart for Guangzhou, I accompanied the staff at the airport as we waited for the other leaders for a long time.

Finally, just before the plane took off, the leadership came in a car, late but not the ones who were originally supposed to accompany us.

I stopped for a moment.

Cheng Jia Yang

And then I saw Xiaohua in an audio store, another man by her side.
We shook hands, whispering greetings to each other.

When her friend went to pay the bill, Xiaohua said, “When will you come to take your things away? Otherwise, this one,” she pointed to the man, “can not move in.”

When she said it like that, I was embarra.s.sed.

“I will come as soon as possible, is tomorrow good? Xiaohua?”

“Tomorrow is good, I will be free and at home.”

The next day, I finished the doc.u.ment translation at hand,ready to leave for Xiaohua’s place to take my things, when I received a phone call from my father.

He had called me, not his secretary.

His voice was as hard as iron.

“Jia Yang, now. Come to my office.”

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